Girls Is He Decent Or Unattractive

Why do I attract a lot of unattractive girls?

I think that in general. attractive girls have more relationship experience than unattractive girls (this is not necessarily good or bad).First of all. if you find that unattractive girls give you much more attention than attractive girls, then you may have good reason to believe so. While you may be thinking that those unattractive girls who are always hitting on you are below your league, you might find that they actually aren’t.One thing that a previous poster pointed out in his answer is that you assume that women and men judge level of attractiveness the same. Not so at all. Yes, the majority of men want a woman who is physically attractive first and have other good qualities second, but this is RARELY the case when women are choosing men, especially when the woman is good-looking. She’s been with dozens of guys just as hot as she is who’ve turned out to be a waste of time. There is so much more to being an attractive man that a woman actually wants to be with. I hate to state the truth so bluntly, but the more status you have as a man, the better looking the women you attract will be.So yes, these girls you tend to attract might be 4’s or 5’s on the scale of attractiveness based on physical appearances, but it’s very likely that that is your “range”. You may be a 4 or 5 on the attractiveness scale based on status. Those 9’s and 10’s that you want will come with plenty of hard work, especially if you weren’t already born into a family with status.Still, it’s probably a lot easier for you to change your level of status than it is for some of those not so hot girls to change the looks they were born with.Now that I’ve answered your question, let me say this: you might find that tactic of dating/choosing a mate highly ineffective in the later years of your life. Even harder than finding a really hot woman that wants you is finding a woman who will actually love you and stay with you through thick and thin. That’s just my opinion.

Girls, are skinny arms unattractive on a guy?

It's not unattractive to me, and it's not a big deal. I prefer men with larger frames but they can still be skinny and attractive. 99% of musicians out there are skinny, and there are plenty of women that love them! There's a lot more to attraction than muscle mass.

Are nice, shy guys unattractive to girls?

i feel for you brother. no matter what girls say about wanting a decent guy as their bf who will treat them right and won't cheat on them etc etc; this is all complete rubbish. Girls will always go for the player or jerk or whatever you want to call them. It seems that no matter how badly jerks treat their gf, the girl will hang around and stick with the jerk.

the only time that girls start forgetting about jerks is after being treated badly for a very long time. When the girl has been left with a kid or kids, maybe been left with a house to pay for amongst other things, thats when girls start looking for a decent guy but even then it might just be so she has someone to help pay her bills, look after her kids from time to time and she still might go off cheating with a bad boy.

the moment you start becoming a jerk, treating people like $hit and messing girls around, women will start finding you attractive. It seems that girls enjpy being treated badly for whatever reason.....

Do girls find it unattractive when guys wear glasses?

It's usually a complete turn on.

Pretty girls always choose unattractive guys?

I remember awhile ago I was in a cd store with my mun and we were looking at music.And she saw Fredro Strarr album and she like showed me and said something like he handsome I can't fully remember each word but I didn't agree and she said something like pretty girls always choose unatractive guys then where in the car I brought it up and she said its true pretty girls always choose guys that are Irresponsible and treat them badly have any of you guys heard this before.

Do girls find pale skinned guys unattractive?

No :) I think they can be attractive!

I mean the only time I had ever found pale skin on a guy unattractive was this one guy in my grade who has red freckles all over his skin and his veins are really noticeable lol :)

But you're fine, and I completely agree about the orange tan thing... NO ONE looks good with a fake tan *eye roll*

Is walking with a limp unattractive?

was having this discussion with a friend. He said that maybe on some like instinct level woman may not like it because men are supposed to be providers. well neither of us are woman so we want your feed back. FYI. we were talking about him. He's still a decent looking guy, with a good personality, works, and only 28 years old, but has a bum leg. I don't think It will be a deal breaker for him, but he differs on that opinion. whats your thoughts? Deal breaker?

Do girls.. find smart guys unattractive? or guy that gets good grades?

Nooo! I've dated dumb guys before, and the SECOND I find that they're dumb, they lose almost all of their attractiveness.

If I find out a guy is smart or tries really hard in school, I am instantly attracted to him because HE KNOWS WHAT HE WANTS FROM LIFE, and that is attractive.

I even dated this complete asshole for a few months because he was our high school valedictorian and I found that soooo attractive.

So show off your smarts and your good grades - not in an arrogant or bragging way of course, but BE PROUD!