Girls What Does This Mean

If ugly girls hit on me, does this mean I'm ugly?

It might mean that the ugly girl does think that you are ugly and moreover believes either (1) that ugly men are all that she deserves or (2) that she will have a better chance with an ugly man. Or perhaps, being ugly, she has become so used to rejection that it just doesn't bother her anymore should it occur. One hopes it is the latter, as it would be a mentally healthier attitude, with possible useful application in other areas of possible rejection.Or perhaps it means that you already think that you are ugly, and therefore you see other persons’ actions towards you through that lens.With regard to ugly people—and I don't reject the idea that some people are indeed physically ugly—I once knew an old woman whom I thought quite attractive. And yet, when I happened to see a photograph of her when she was young (I suppose in her late twenties or early thirties), equine was the adjective that came first to my mind. Perhaps her physical development into an attractive older woman was simply in the genetic cards, but I suspect that it had more to do with the fact that she was a gracious, kind, intelligent, generous, amiable, loving human being and those qualities were indeed literally manifested physically in her visage. Rest in peace, EHK.On the other hand, I have seen photographs of young women in which they are indeed beautiful, but who in photographs of them when they are old seem simply bland. Diana, Lady Mosley, seems to be a notable exception here.

GIRLS! what does it mean when a girl?...?

It's actually a pretty handy flirtation device.

What does it mean when a girl cums?

its an orgasm, if its a really good one theres a lot of shaking involved on the girls part along with moaning/screaming and usually some clawing of the back right up to the part where she goes limp and gets extreemly sensative.

What does it mean when a girl calls you sweet?

It means…You spend way too much time with her when she isn’t your girlfriendYou are attracted to her but looking for hints, signals, meaningsYou fear rejection and waiting for some right time, where angels appear to say, “YES! TODAY IS THE DAY! ASK HER OUT AND SHE WILL SAY YES!”You are worried and trying to make everything so right, right time, right words, making your world predictable and safe, and hiding your vulnerability. Never really making the move, probably never will.You’re not busy approaching lots of girls and so focused on “the one,” when there isn’t the “one.” Living on hope, that Thor or some God from heaven above, gets her to say “I so want you baby right now, let’s go out and date as lovers!”You’re probably at school, doing all these “crushing” stuff.You’re fantasizing about her a lot.You’re always available for her whenever she wants your time or when you see herYou’re always being this nice guy with her and worried what she might think of you and desperately hoping she sees you as….attractive to date.You are attracted to her but you don’t make a move. Fears rejection.You are seen as…a…nice guy but that’s really it.Sweet just as a friend….Ready and ripe to be categorised as a….friend;)

What does it mean if I dream about a girl I don't know?

Dream Interpretation:A woman is one of the most common dream symbols, especially in the dreams of men. If you dream about a woman, it may be because of your day time thoughts that revolve around females. A woman can be a number of things in a dream. She could be your friend, lover, or even your mother. The significance of a woman in dreams lies in her being a healing agent. If you know the woman in your dreams, it reflects your own feelings towards her.Psychological/emotional perspectivesA woman in your dreams reflects the feminine qualities in you. These include nurturance, love, care, and passivity. It also reflects your own sexual desires and temptations. An old woman in your dreams means you are concerned about aging and graying. She could be a mother figure symbolizing female power. If you see a woman in your dreams, it reflects the other half of your personality. This is the sensitive, caring, and nurturing side of yours. According to Sigmund Freud, seeing a woman in dreams for a man is indicative of his repressed sexual desires. He attributed this phenomenon to the sexual wishes of the individual that seek fulfillment in these dreams. Another famous psychologist called the woman in the dreams of a man Anima, the other side of the personality of the dreamer.Since ancient times, a woman in dreams has been interpreted as a messenger of good luck and the kisses of this woman have been deciphered as monetary benefits for the dreamer. If the girl in the dreams is well dressed and well behaved with modesty, then she reflects your goodness and chastity. If the girl is young and beautiful and behaves like a servant, it indicates good luck, prosperity, and joy for you. A well dressed young woman with manners indicates good news for you.Original MeaningWoman in dreams is often a result of sexual desires and wish fulfillment according to famous psychologists Freud and Jung. She is also the other side of the personality fo the dreamer also. Such a woman is often yourself that you do not recognize. She appears to remind you of the feminine qualities like nurturance, passivity, love and care that reside inside you but are not known to you. If she is an old lady, she represents a mother figure that you hold in respect and high esteem. She is an angel if you know her name and title. She comes as a guide and healing agent for you.

What does it mean when a guy cries over a girl?

a guy can do a lot of thing.,., but can't do everything., but there are something us men all of us refrain from doing.,., we always hold it back and almost never let it flow.,., but once we've shed, specially for as girl., it only means one thing.,., that nobody could love that girl more than the man who shed tears for her.,., He loves you chicky.,., forgive and forget., whatever it is he said he's sorry.,., nobody's perfect.,everyone commit mistakes from yime to time.,., give him another chance.,., don't you love him back.,.,?

If a girl call a guy "cutie", what does that mean?

in the literal sense it means that the girl clearly finds the guy attractive. A more deeper meaning of a girl saying that simple word is that she has some form of interest in the guy whether it be getting closer as freinds or something past that like a boyfriend/girlfreind type thing. i mean usually you'll get a hint on whether or not a relationship could happen between you two w/o the word cutie being part of the equation, but still it helps. if you witness the girl saying the word cutie to multiple guys then i wouldnt get your hopes up!