Give 5 Examples Of Vocabulary Words That Have Onset And Rimes And/or Blends.

Sometimes when I'm talking to people, I mix up my words and don't make sense because I'm thinking about everything I'm saying. I end up sounding dumb. How can I correct this and does this happen to other people?

You hit my cord as I am exactly like you. But I wasn’t like that. Every day I try to seek the answer to why I became like this and what is the solution? After a lot of pondering and introspection, I came to one conclusion. THIS IS A CYCLE. Ok, let me explain what does I mean by cycle.There was a time when I used to be very confident in speaking on any topic and can present myself with my views in front of anyone, putting aside the thinking how that person is taking my words. Whenever I wanted to say anything I just said it with full confidence. In conversation with friends, I used to forcibly putting my points and sometimes let that friend bogged down with louder speaking who is arguing on my points. Well, that worked and always works because all in conversation don’t like to go into an argument as they are sober enough to listen to others. However, there are smart guys too who can win the argument if they wish, but they choose to keep silent as they know that at the end I will sound dumb.Anyway, it did not take me more time to realise that everyone thinks that I am just confident blabber guy who tells anything to prove himself right. Because people started not reacting to my talk and they took all my spoken words as wrong even though I was right in many instances.This realisation changed me as a person who does not speak now at all. If I am in sitting with other people, I am the last guy to speak. I lose the confidence because now every time I think too much before speak.Now my situation is just opposite with a lot of apprehension in speaking. I want to change now but I fear that the cycle will repeat and I will again become a person of mockery. I don’t want to be insulted in this growing age thus I chose to keep silent.But I know the solution is to be balanced in speaking. Now I started observing those people who are always lovable due to their conversation skill. Hope I will learn some tips and will be rightly confident again.

Should I be concerned if I am mixing up my words in sentences, having trouble saying/thinking of the word I want to use in a sentence, sometimes naming things incorrectly, and misspelling simple words?

Question : Should I be concerned if I am mixing up my words in sentences, having trouble saying/thinking of the word I want to use in a sentence, sometimes naming things incorrectly, and misspelling simple words?Answer : Hello. If the above mentioned symptoms are a result of stress or a long-term medication, then these could be avoided by not taking stress or quitting/substituting the medication. If these symptoms last for a few days, after some changes in your lifestyle, then there is nothing to worry about. But it could also be a result of insomnia(sleeplessness) or a lack of sleep.If none of the above specifications apply to you, then, you should be a little worried. You should consult a psychiatrist or a psychologist soon. Persuade the psychiatrist to give you more mental exercise-based therapy rather than a medicational one. Psychiatric medicines carry a lot of side effects in the long run, obesity, infertility and calculi(stones) included.Forgetting the names of things could be an early sign of “Alzheimer’s disease” or “Dementia”. Mixing up words(word salads) or being unable to talk and/or name properly or being unable to spell correctly, could be early symptoms of “schizophrenia” or “schizophasia” or “aphasia”. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]I wish you all the best.Footnotes[1] Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia[2] Dementia - Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Tests, Treatment, Care[3] NIMH " Schizophrenia[4] Is there a schizophasia? A study applying the single case approach to formal thought disorder in schizophrenia.[5] Aphasia Definitions - National Aphasia Association

Why are most European languages so similar? Was it like that from onset or were they modified that they have such resemblance in their vocabularies? A little knowledge of English takes one far in French, Spanish and Portuguese languages.

Before I answer, I have to point out that your question would be more accurate as ‘Why are most Romance languages so similar?’ ‘European’ is not a language family, and there are a great number of European languages which differ wildly from one another- you’ll struggle to find much common ground (outside of loan words) between Finnish, English, Welsh, Polish and Basque, for instance.The answer:French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian and more are known as ‘Romance languages’. Simply put, these languages are descendants of the Vulgar Latin spoken by the common people of Ancient Rome. That’s why they have so much in common with one another- they all have an ancestor in common.English and French (and by extension the other Romance languages) have a lot of vocabulary in common because England was conquered by the Normans- this caused French to be the language of our nobility for centuries. Norman French had a considerable impact on English.Now that the answer’s out of the way, I have to disagree with ‘a little knowledge of English’ taking one far in the languages mentioned in the question. English shares a lot of vocabulary with the Romance languages, but their grammars are wildly different. Monolingual English speakers are notoriously bad at coming to grips with things like noun gender and the vast amount of verb forms which are a feature of Romance languages, and something like Romanian’s case system is even more alien to English speakers.

Which country's English accent is best?

It is difficult to define what you might mean by “best.”But Received Pronunciation from London is probably the most original. However, the problem is, most English speakers do not speak RP and some may not even be able to understand it which then makes it frustrating for some.Southern USA accents sound nice to me.Some accents may sound annoying to others. Nevertheless, each accent is unique.There are also some accents that have totally wrong pronunciation for words when compared to standard British or American English. However, they are still used and functional in everyday conversation. Practicality depends on where you live. Accents are relative to your socio-cultural context.Accents also reveal to others your socio-cultural background for those who care to judge or make distinctions. We don’t welcome negative judgments, but it is interesting and respectful to acknowledge a person’s rightful cultural background.Many other accents can be difficult to understand. But once you immerse yourself in a particular environment over a period of a year or so, you will get the swing of it.