Give Me A Sentence Containing At Least 4 Words Make Sure The Letter A Is Not Find In Any Of The

Is there a word that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet?

Assuming that you mean a word in English, then the answer is no. There are sentences in English in which all 26 letters occur at least once. That kind of sentence is called a pangram or holoalphabetic sentence.There are many examples, but the best ones are the shortest sentences using all 26 letters — that is, duplicating as few letters as possible. A so-called perfect pangram uses each of the 26 letters once and only once. I’m not aware of any perfect pangrams in English that make much sense as sentences, but here’s a short one I like: Glib jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf. That’s 28 letters, duplicating only two (the i and the o). Here’s a more familiar pangram, often used as a typing exercise: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Although there are no single words that use all 26 letters of the alphabet in English, one can certainly look for words that use the most. Your best bet is to look at long words. For example, subdermatoglyphic contains 17 out of the 26 letters (65% of the alphabet). A more common word, uncopyrightable, is close behind with 15 (more than half of the alphabet). Can anyone find a word that uses more?

How many three letter code words can be formed if at least one of the letters is to be chosen from the vowels?

you can use permuations for this.


thats to say if your probability (assuming you can use the same letter more than once and order doesnt matter) is 26X26X26= 17576 (cause there are 26 letters in the alphabet)
you subtract the probability that you use NO vowels at all, which would be 21X21X21= 9261....

which leaves you with a probability of 8315

Which word contains all the 26 letters of alphabet?

there is no such word that contains the 26 letters of the alphabet,maybe a phrase or a sentence though

Is there a sentence where every letter of the alphabet is at the beginning of at least one word? “Cats and dogs are bad" would work if the alphabet ended at D. Is there one that goes all the way to Z?

I suppose it would be cheating to simply have a list of such words... e.g.:The words Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Yankee, and Zulu are used to represent their initial letters in the NATO phonetic alphabet.

My 35 month old (almost 3 years) isn't forming sentences. any advice on how to teach her?

Speech is learned by imitation - if you want her to speak more clearly, or in better sentences, then talk to her more.

Talk about the weather, about what you will be doing today, talk to her as you make her breakfast, sing to her, tell her stories, talk to her about what you are going to make for dinner, tell her what you bought at the store, talk, talk, talk......

There is a difference between Language Acquisition and Speech.

There may be lots of language acquisition going on, even though she is not yet speaking a lot.

EDIT: I actually would not try to make her talk, concentrate on talking to her, and unless there is a problem with her hearing or understanding, she will speak when she is ready, the important thing at this age is that you talk to her and speak in full sentences, don't use baby talk, in fact, use enriched language when you talk to her - for example instead of saying "You want juice?" say, "I have two different kinds of delicious juice here that you can try - Apple Juice and Orange juice, I wonder which you would like this morning?" When you make a sandwich for her, say "I'm making this sandwich for us today, and I'm using lovely whole wheat bread because it's so good for us, and we are going to have cheese on it too"
Talk, talk, talk......