Going To Drink Alcohol For The First Time. $40. What Would You Recommend I Drink

What are the best alcoholic drinks for a first timer?

I am also turning 21, but this Sunday. :) I think you would like Ruby relaxers it's cranberry juice, orange juice, and coconut rum mixed together..I usually mix 1 cup of each and the rum do 1/4 cup.. i add more rum to mine because i love it! It's the first drink I've ever drank and of course used way tooo much rum and got drunk and sick the next morning, but it is still sooo good to this day. which i am drinking a glass right now! I'm not sure if you've ever heard of a malibu bay breeze except it's made with pineapple juice.. I am just not fond of pineapple juice and don't care for the malibu drink..I am also not a beer drinker only mixed fruity drinks.. Even pina coladas are very good! Also mixed with coconut rum! Good luck on your 21st!! :) & have a happy birthday!
Miranda :]

What should I expect from drinking alcohol for the first time?

It of course depends on how much you drink. If you get wasted you will wake up in the morning with a tongue that feels like roadkill and, maybe having done some pretty embarrassing stuff. If its a local lock-up (Jail), you got some “splainin to do.”If you are drinking hard stuff (not a good idea) it will make you shudder as you drink it. Best stay with beer. Most booze is an acquired taste.Lets talk BAL (Blood Alcohol Level). One drink (12 oz beer, 5 oz of non-fortified wine or one drink of hard liquor at 80 proof ) will give the average male college student a BAL of .02. The liver will process this is 40 minutes to an hour- getting rid of the alcohol.If, for example, you have four drinks within an hour your BAL will be .08- legally drunk in most states.If you really pound then down and drink as much as fifteen plus drinks within a short time BAL= 3.2 +, you can die of alcohol poisoning.Some hints for a newbieBeer- no hard stuff.LIMIT the amount you drink. Pace yourself. Two drinks an hour is good for a beginner.After three drinks DO NOT DRIVE.Don’t get into a car with a drunk driver.Have a designated driver.Before you go to a party discuss with a friend your strategy for the night.Be careful of peer pressure.Some people really like getting someone else drunk and doing foolish things. Don’t.Don’t take drugs when you drink (actually you shouldn’t be doing drugs, period. You don’t know how they are going to intereact- some combinations can be lethal.Remember that the more you drink, the less your ability to make good decisions and the more impulsive you become.Newbies should never do beer pong in biker bars.

What's the best alcoholic beverage to drink for your first time?

There is some bad advice in some of these answers.If you want your first experience with alcohol to be “special” in ways that do not include you spending several hours kneeling over a toilet and wishing for the sweet, sweet embrace of a merciful death, then the key is to take it easy. Remember that alcohol is a poison, and treat it (and your body) with appropriate respect.Unless you are a truly unusual person, you are not going to like the taste of beer, most dry wines or strong spirits. You are more accustomed to sweeter drinks containing no alcohol. So your best strategy is to go from that zero on the booze scale not to 10 (straight spirits), but rather to a 1 or 2. You’ve got your entire life to overindulge. Start out slowly.As Rex Clingan suggested, boat drinks are a good start. Some fruit puree with a little rum, perhaps smoothed by some dairy. Just be careful. These drinks can quickly sneak up on you, as they mask the alcohol well.My personal suggestion is to start with sweet wines, which have the advantage of a flavor profile you will probably like, along with relatively low alcohol and they’re inexpensive. Sparkling ciders, dessert wines and a number of table wines can serve quite nicely. Find a good wine shop on Yelp and tell the people there what you’re looking for.Have fun, but please be careful.

What is it like drinking beer for the first time?

My first beer nearly made me a liquor guy.Budweiser.I was 21 and it came out of the blue. I hung out with an old high school buddy for a short time a few years after we graduated. We went to this pool hall and he asked me if I wanted a beer.“Sure,” I said.I was actually freaked out because I never had alcohol before (with exception to a incident when I was around 5–6 mistaking whiskey for apple juice).It was disgusting. I didn’t want to finish it but I also didn’t want to look like a weenie. We had about three more each, but I didn’t get tipsy. I felt more full and bloated than anything and wanted to puke it right back up. I ended up going to the bathroom nearly every 20 minutes since I also drank a ton of water too. It gave me a terrible cottonmouthy taste for the longest time too.I stayed away from beer for a long time after that. It wasn’t until I moved to Oregon for college that I decided to drink beer again. I became more of a “social” drinker (every night) and for some reason my beers of choice were Busch Light or PBR.My tastes have matured and now I’m more of a stout/porter fan.

First time drinking Vodka?

I'm 18, 6'1 and 140lbs and im going to be drinking vodka for the first time tomorrow night. i have a mickey that is 375ml of 40% smirnoff vodka. I'm wondering if i mix it with coke or orange jiuce, how much vodka would i put in in order to get a buzz and not drunk/sick. i ONLY have vodka and no beer so dont tell me that i should start off with beer. Im taking it to a party so it will all have to be in a 500ml water bottle. Thanks Mike oh and (ps im visiting my cousin in quebec canada and the drinking age is 18)

First time drinking vodka?

Tonight Im drink vodka for the first time. Ive drank before, but never something thos strong. Im kinda scared. Lol. My mother kinda freaked me out with some alcohol.poisoning thing. Any tips that would be helpful? Its 40% and Am I supposed to straight or mix it? How many shots is okay for.the first time? I wanna be able to.remeber tonight. I wanna habe fun but not end up on the bathroom floor. Helpp this clueless girl outt(:

Burning stomach when drinking alcohol?

Possibly an ulcer. You should see a doctor.

The simply answer is to stay away from the stuff that makes you stick. Really, if you had an allergy you wouldn't eat the food that you're allergic to.

What are the punishments for drinking alcohol in Islam?

As I have already said in one of my past answers, the alcohol (wine) before it became a great sin, passed through four (4) important steps before becoming illicit- haram -, and above all do not believe that Allah (جل جلاله) forbade it only in the Quran, it was subject to ban long before it, in the old scriptures.Drinking alcohol is definitely prohibited in ( 5:90 ).In Islam, it refers to "the mother of evils", because in reality someone who drinks a lot of wine and its derivatives,loses many of his intellectual faculties, for lack of timidity he goes so far as to commit many things forbidden by the Islamic religion.Causing evil to others (even for a peaceful animal,a prostitute was forgiven by Allah(جل جلاله) for giving a drink -water,not wine- to a dog dying of thirst)) is banished by Islam, and this is one of the causes of its ban.What's if a Muslim drink wine ?The prophet (ﷺ) said: Who drinks alcohol will have his prayers lacking for forty (40) days. If he repents and ask Allah for forgiveness,He will forgive him. If he keeps doing it after his fourth repentance then Allah will make him to drink the essence of a deadly poison, he surely will deserve that. Then they asked him: O’ Mohammad (ﷺ) what is the essence of the deadly poison? He (ﷺ) replied: It is the poison that is in the body of the occupiers of hell. Who would drink alcohol since very young age without considering what is halal and what haram is, then Allah will make him drink the poison which is from the body of the hell’s occupiers, and he would deserve that.Now, going to see punishment side in Islam, for the one who drinks it in public (to spy the privacy of someone is forbidden).However the punishment is set through the prophet’s (ﷺ) application and Hadith. The prophet (ﷺ) and Abu-bakr (رضي الله عنه) has punished the violators with 40 times beating with a stick. During the time of Omar (رضي الله عنه) when alcohol drinkers were getting more and more he consulted some of the Ummah and decided to incrise the punishment of the violators with 80 beatings with a stick which is the lightest form of punishment (Islam call it haad). (Hadith narrated by Ahmed,and Darami).Thank you for reading it!

How much Malibu Rum should I drink with it being my first time ever drinking?

as long as you're of legal drinking age, I recommend using one shot of rum with one cup pineapple juice, one cup orange juice, a couple frozen strawberries as ice, and one cup lemon-lime soda (or seltzer water to make it bubbly) and of course a cherry on top! Sip this slowly over an hour since you have no idea what your tolerance level is...

and of course - if you're out an about have a designated driver.

What should my first drink at 40 years old be?

You are mistaken or a liar! I doubt youcould not have survived to age 40 without drinking Unless you have been under some very unusual circumstances. If you mean your first alcoholic drink then that is different. I suggest you never take that first alcoholic drink. If you haven't missed it until now then you never will. There is always the possibility it will bring bad stuff into your life and negatively affect others around you. If you don't believe me then I challenge you to see the truth by asking to be an observant at any busy emergency room at any hospital of your choosing. Be prepared mentally for you will see a lot of tears, regret, dispare, addiction, death, and infirmaty due to alcohol. It is the great deceiver! People think they may be having fun with it while they are affected by this nasty drug often in insidious ways. What emergency room personnel know is that it is actually a poison that your liver does everything it can to rid you of and in truth an emergency department would be a pretty quiet non active place if no person took that first drink of it.