Good Opening Paragraphs For The Topic

Whats a good topic sentence and opening paragraph for my english paper?

please help me, this is for my english class. i'm really bad at writing topic sentences and starting paragraphs. I'm supposed to be comparing two short stories, "The Lie," and "So Much Unfairness of Things." If you could give me some suggestions on how to start my paper that would be great. Thanks!

Is the opening paragraph to my Hamlet essay good?

The subject of Madness in the play Hamlet is a critical issue that has been debated for years. Is Hamlet really mad? Or is his madness just a clever persona that he takes on to avenge his father's death? Madness means being in a complete state of insanity, without knowing what's going on around you. Hamlet knows exactly what's happening, so he must be covering his grief and sadness of his loss father with madness and depression, so that he can commit his havoc. While Hamlet is considered mad, he can say anything and do anything that he would not normally be able to do while being considered sane, thus causing the other characters of the play to react negatively to his emotions. Ophelia's state of mind changes dramatically throughout the major events of the play caused by Hamlet. The main event that triggers Ophelia's change is when her father dies, and she becomes truly mad. Hamlet's madness is merely an antic disposition, unlike Ophelia's genuine madness, that he puts on so that he can avenge his father's death.

im arguing that hamlets madness is fake, and ophelias is genuine, i really need help with my thesis (the last sentence) and with the beginning pragraph, thanks a lot.

Good topic for a scary story put the opening sentence/paragraph?

lI slouched moodily in front of his computer waiting for a brainstorm to hit him as hard as the one outside

was hitting the windows. I had an essay due the next day he had waited until the last minute to do the essay. I

looked up and saw a man glaring at me through my window. The light flickered and went out. The hum of my computer

ceased. In the dark silence, the man hovered over me. I woke up in a room tied to a chair with several other

people in it, I started screaming, "Where are we!!!?" but their was no answers, then a sudden chill ran down my

spine. Someone walked in the door behind me "Hello there little boy, how are you today?" the man said, he spun in

a circle and screamed, "Owe!". The man was wearing a black suit with a red tie, he had on some white gloves and

black hair. "Who are you?", I asked, he replied,"My name shall not stream through your brain". "Okay then, you

sound like a smart person", I said, the man spoke of no words, he then pulle

What novels have the best opening lines or opening paragraphs?

My opinion:100 Years of Solitude:Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.SubmarineIt is Sunday morning. I hear out modem playing bad jazz as my mother connects to the internet. I am in the bathroom. I recently discovered that my mother has been typing the names of as-yet-uninvented mental conditions into Yahoo’s search engine: ‘delusion syndrome teenage’, ‘over-active imagination problem’, ‘holistic behavioural stabilisers’.The StrangerMother died today. Or maybe yesterday; I can’t be sure. (For you, Alexander Baumgärtner).A Tale of Two Cities (of course!!)It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.Miss Smilla’s Feeling for SnowIt is freezing - an extraordinary -18C, and it’s snowing, and in the language which is no longer mine, the snow is qanik - big, almost weightless crystals falling in stacks and covering the ground with a layer of pulverised white frost.I’ll stop now. There are many, many more.(Honourable mentions to; The Grapes of Wrath, 1984, Catcher in the Rye. Pretty much anything on the answer wiki.)

Is this a good opening paragraph for an Julius Caesar essay?

Uh...the first sentence doesn't really make sense. I know what you're trying to say, but the word "plot" isn't used correctly in that context. You may also want to include who wrote the play. It sounds stupid, but I know I've gotten points taken off for not including the title AND the author in the thesis.

Is the only topic of your essay the tragic hero role? If so, I'd explain what the tragic hero is in the first paragraph and then try to relate it to the play. You just kind of jump into it and there really isn't an introduction, it's a little choppy.

If you're writing more than one paragraph, save the Brutus stuff for a body paragraph. Your best best is to write an opening paragraph, and three body paragraphs with a closing. In the body paragraphs you can write one about Cassius, one about Brutus and one about Caesar. And then a closing paragraph. BAM, you have five paragraphs.

In the opening paragraph, include an overview of what you'll write in your body paragraphs but don't go as in depth as you did when you talked about Brutus. If you explain what a tragic hero is and what you're writing the essay on it should be long enough where you don't have to include all that extra stuff.

All in all, you have the right idea. It's just the writing mechanics that need a little work. Good luck!

Good opening sentence? Topic sentence?

Having super powers seems like such a cliche these days. With all of the hero films that are being released, the genre is not as facinating, but...if I had to choose I would be.........

Whats a good topic sentence for my first body paragraph of leadership?

is this a good topic sentence for my first leadership introduction paragraph essay???

Topic sentence :

leaders required effective leaderships that anyone can develop.

remaining sentences for my topic sentence :

leaders have the significant roles in creating society. they have leaderships skills as the ability to convince an individual or group of individuals to willingly perform activities to achieve an objective. True leadership is forming a team and showing how teamwork can be more successful than working alone.

What is the best way to write an opening sentence in a paragraph?

(May apply for fiction and non-fiction alike)I’ve given the technique, followed by an example.Dialogue   “He smiled at you?” she beamed.In the middle of an action/scene  The secret was only two shelves above him. He stopped and stood on his tiptoes.Description of a person/place/thing/etc. (to establish the tone of the scene, for example)   Aria was pretty, cheerful and exceptionally self-conscious.A pretentious adage   God helps those who help themselves.A not-pretentious adage  Life is hard. Period.A fact  Today, Janet’s mother finally attended the meeting.Monologue   Not a day passes by without me reflecting on the weighty issues humanity faces.A seemingly factual statement   Most of us live our lives by accident. [Together is better - Simon Sinek]A question   Do you know me?Establishing time/date/place  Early in the morning, late in the century, Cricklewood Broadway. [White Teeth - Zadie Smith]The classic ‘Once upon a time…’, but with a dark twist.   Once upon a time, nobody existed.Advice/expectation   Don’t ever be late to Shauna’s party. She’ll kill you.A word   Love. That is what this is about.(There are nuances to each method of starting a story, so you can get as creative as you want.)