Got Hit In Head With The Soccer Ball

I got hit in the head with a soccer ball?

About 2 days ago, i got slammed in the back of the head with a soccer ball. my head still hurts really bad where i got hit, my teacher said theres a knot but i feel like my head sunk in. I'm not a doctor so i dont know. i have a hard time remembering what happened before and like 5 minutes after. all i know is that i got hit in the head with a ball. when i got hit, it felt like my brain shook around in my head. ive taken headache medicine but it hasnt helped. my vision keeps getting blurry and i see spots sometimes. i feel nauseous at time. my whole memory of what happened before is like in a fog. at times theres a ringing in my ears. people tell me that my personality changed, like im not being myself. im having trouble staying awake, even if i get like 12 hours of sleep. my eyes are sensitive to light. and this ones really weird but i dont know if it has anything to do with that but my stomach tells me in hungry but when i take one bite of food, im full. my stomach tells me im hungry after a big meal, too. after the injury i was having trouble walking and my arms and legs feel really weak. what could this be?


i had a usual run in the park today. it's saturday night,so the park was pretty lively. The park is a field combined with a track field, soccer field, and a basketball court. After running many laps, i started to slow down my pace because i was running out of breath. While i was pacing, a soccer ball was kicked from the other side of the field and then it collided onto my head. I started to feel great pressure on top of my head. i told the kicker that i was alright and shocked the pain away, but i still feel some pressure on my head, ITS been 10 minutes. WHAT DO I DOO?!?! my VISION ISENT BLURRY,THERES NO SIGNS OF BUMPS, and i can still concentrate and recall events from awhile back. I JUST FEEL Dizzy and tired. im not sure if the fatigue was from the run or the hit. LOL. helpp. IM 14 years oldd, 5'11. I DONT EVEN IF THAT HELPS OR NOT. my head is pretty big andd im kinda of light headed WHAT CAN I DO TO RELIEVE THIS PAIN. SHOULD I PUT AN ICE PACK ON MY HEAD? ALSO, will this result in memory loss, and lack of intelligence to comprehend anything. I MEAN I HAVE A 98 average for the last quarter of 8th grade and next year im entering a whole new challenging environment, will this effect my abilities to pick up certain things :(

My dog got hit on the head with a soccer ball?

Yesterday. He shook his head a bit and seemed fine. He also exercised a lot yesterday. He seems fine except for that he's not as energetic as usual, which could be exhaustion from yesterday's workout. So, what I pretty much want to know, the worst thing he could have with these symptoms is a mild concussion, right? Which just gets better with rest anyways, so should I take him to the vet just because he's sleeping a little bit more or should I wait for more symptoms?

Got hit in the head with a soccer ball?


Go look in a mirror as well, take a look at your pupils...Take a look to see if they have dilated (enlarged) or if they have constricted (shrunken.) If they have dilated, you might have a concussion, but if they look normal size or constricted, you should be absolutely fine.

For you being tired now, that sounds like it could just possibly be that you are worn out and did a hard days work...If you had a concussion that severe, you would have gotten tired right away and have set yourself down and completely fell asleep.

If your very concerned, I'd say go get a CAT scan just to be safe...As I say, never leave a head-injury unchecked :).

Hope this helps.

I got hit in the head with a soccer ball earlier today and have a headache, is it concussion?

I doubt that you got a concussion from just being hit by a ball. You more than likely just have tight muscles in your neck that need to be released. If anything you have a slight whiplash there. The ball hit your head pushing it one way. Your body reacted by trying to hold your neck straight and that made some muscles lock up, others just took on pain. Both need to be released for the pain to be gotten rid of. Here is how to release the muscles in your neck to get rid of this pain:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your head. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. After 45 seconds, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
With your neck in the lowered position, replace your thumbs in under the ears and your fingers behind your head but right next to your skull this time. Press your fingers and thumbs together again and hold. Relax your body while waiting. When the muscles have all released, slowly lift your head until it’s level again, release the pressure but hold your head like that for another 30 seconds.
First take a deep breath and exhale, then try to keep your body this relaxed for best results.

What should you do after you get hit by a soccer ball on your face? I just had a very sore head and forehead and almost got knocked out big time 99.99% and I think I might have a black eye tomorrow. It was on accident as he kicked the ball very hard.

As an RN and as a mother of three very active and athletic kids, no doubts at all..if I saw anyone getting hit “VERY HARD” in the head/face….we’d be off to ER. It’s always best to make sure there isn’t any internal brain bleed or bruising, neck injury/spine….things can seem ok at first…but later, the injured player shows signs of a serious injury which can be fatal because of hesitating to go have things checked out thoroughly.

I got hit in the head by a soccer ball, am I alright?

yesterday at P.E. I was standing in front of the goal and some kid kicked a soccer ball at my head and now I feel nauseous, kinda spaced out, and am getting headaches occasionally. I didn't black out or anything but i have been hit in the head a couple other times a little while back. Also i have a normal level of consciousness, got 100% on a test today at school and haven't really forgotten anything. I just want to know what to do, how to recover the quickest and how bad this is. Just what plans of action to take.

Hit in head with soccer ball, now headache?

i used to play soccer and got hit in the face and got a black eye and got a headache
its not a concession

What is it called when you hit the soccer ball on your head?


I have been hit with a soccer ball in the ear and can't hear. (4 hours ago) should i be concerned?

its depend on your injury, my brother also injured like you one time, and he cant hear properly, after he take treatment from one health care site,, by consulting in there regularly he getting better, so if you like then visit that site any consult with any doctor, i hope you get well soon.