Great Idea For A Shooter Game How Can I Make It Happen

My mom won't let me play shooter games and I'm 13 years old. Help?

Im 11 and i have black ops and mw2. I had the same prob. I just typed up on the computer a list (in your case, a xmas list). So type you christmas list up and print it. Then ask the question on here: can a 13 year old play black ops? Im absolutly sure mostly all yout answers will say yes. Then print that out. Show her both of the papers. Then if most of your family members have it then go to their house and play some gameplay so ur mom can see its not bad. The hard part is getting past the drug references in mw2. I just told her they hardy drink or curse. With black ops the hard part is the gore. Tell her its back in the cold war times and that you could acually learn history by it, but there were bad people back then so alot of people got killed and stuff. The most gory part is the zombies. Acually thats the only gory part. Just tell her there fake and it could never happen. Or, if you hav ps3, just go to the playstation store on the homepage and get the mw2 demo and ask her to watch you play it. The only cuss word he says is hell.

Hope i helped!!! 

What Happens If My CPU is not good enough for a game?

Assuming the game will allow you to play it at all - most modern games will recognise that your system is not capable of playing it and not allow you to install/play.

A slow processor would cause the entire system to lag, potentially crashing the system. Straining the CPU will cause it to heat up more than normal and could cause serious damage to the processor, particularly if the fan is unable to keep it cool.

The game would start stuttering and jerking pretty quickly, most likely before you leave the menu screen and get worse the longer you attempt to play. It really depends on how much the CPU has to work, to how bad the result maybe. Lag, overheating CPU, Windows forced shut down or potential CPU & Motherboard damage in extreme cases.

Not worth the risk in my opinion.

What are some video game ideas you have thought of that you want to happen?

A video game idea that I had that should definitely come to life someday would be an MMORPG. Not your stereotypical static environment, as it would allow players to:Affect the world. Your town got raided in an event and not enough players fought the monsters? Town gets overrun. Player X takes over the capital with his guild? He becomes king of that domain. Players should have choices that affect everything in their sphere of influence.Build their empires and forge alliances. Guilds will go from being trading hubs to factions with real influence and wars will be waged between the top guilds and their comrades.Do virtually anything they want. So you don’t want to fight monsters and go on dungeon raids? Be a bounty hunter and hunt down PK-ers. Not good at that, too? Open up a store and earn some coin. No wares? Hire someone to do it for you, then split the profit. Take a husband / wife and live your life the way you want to. It’s a fantasy world, not a feudal one.That pretty much sums it up. A game with all this would be nice.

I want to make a 2D game with Java (I already know how) but I have no ideas. How do I get good ideas?

Good ideas for games are everywhere, I usually read through my old high-school Science text book (yes, I never returned it), and I look at the parts in the book about ‘physics’ and ‘chemistry’ and I usually find a great idea for a puzzle game, or a physics based game of some sort. There’s physics and math websites that show interesting formulas and algorithms that may inspire a game. Also, check out websites and videos that show games already made, try not to just copy something, but think “outside the box” and try to come up with a new innovation.When I think of 2D game, I think ‘puzzle game’ or ‘platformer’, but I guess even some 2D games look 3D. Online multiplayer games can make a game fun and give it depth. Even an online 2D checkers game would be nice. One thing I’ve been trying to do is to make a game educational AND fun, so you are learning or practicing something, not just “wasting time” playing.

Is it bad to shoot deer with lead bullets?

Yeah, VERY bad…for the deer.It’s not so great for the guy who gets shot, either. Been there, done that. Not fun.But, if you’re worried about contamination, don’t. The bullets usually don’t break apart like that. If they do, they stay close to the wound channel. Since you don’t eat the wounded part, you cut around it, there isn’t a lot of risk here.As for birds, it’s more the environmentalists than the lead. We’ve been shooting game with lead since, oh, ever? Seriously, lead has been used since the US was founded. Heck, you dig lead out of the ground! Pure lead generally doesn’t come apart like alloyed lead does. The problem here is with the bird shot (pellets) being all through the meat. Never fun to bite down on a pellet. Usually stronger than your teeth. So, a cracked tooth or broken tooth is possible.As for poisoning, probably not. One little pellet won’t kill you. Before this whole health craze started, we loaded pure lead by hand, even eating while we did, and we lived fine. Oh, we didn’t always live to be 100, but then you never know. If you swallowed a pellet, it would probably pass through you before doing any serious harm. It’s long term damage you have to worry about. Year after year of internal exposure, accumulating, that can cause cancer or reproductive harm. And, honestly, what DOESN’T cause cancer today?Note, we used to have lead in gasoline, lead in house paint, and a lot more. We lived really dangerous lives compared to what we do today, and people whine over mass shooters and disasters. You can’t be protected from everything without living in a padded cell. And, even then, when your time is up…You see, there are a lot of us walking around with lead IN us. I’ve got a chunk, as do many veterans. Unlike TV and film, it’s not always a good idea to remove it. You can do more damage. So, you leave it. The body encases it and basically forgets about it. I’m not even sure whey doctors get so nervous with an MRI since lead isn’t magnetic.

How to stop motion sickness from video games?

I'm a 19 y/o female, and whenever I play videogames like Minecraft or Protal, (games that you have to look around a lot) I get really nauseous. This doesn't happen when I play FPS games though.

I don't even play for like, 15 minutes and I get sick. It makes me angry because I really want to play and finish what I'm doing, but I can't because of sickness.

How can I prevent it or get rid of it quickly?


Is it a good idea to buy a 144Hz monitor when the average FPS while gaming is around 60?

The whole concept behind 144Hz display or in fact any display scaling beyond 60Hz is to stop screen tearing which happens when you try and run the game above the vsync limit of your screen.Screen tearing occurs when fps of application(here, game) are beyond screen refresh rate, the same looks like horizontal lines appearing.To explain this, I have a laptop with 60Hz screen, when I play GTA V I get more than 60 fps but screen tearing happens which sometimes spoils the extra fps and eventually I get back to limiting my fps to 60 by turning on vsync.I got a 120Hz Monitor and played the same game with same settings, but here vsync limited my fps to 120 so no screen tearing and super smooth display.Hope this answers your question.Image source: