Gs Will I Stay In The Hamptons

Can Walmart gift cards be used at Walmart gas stations?

Yes, plus you get a 3 cent per gallon discount.

How many houses do professional real estate agents sell vs beginner agents on a yearly basis?

Some say the average beginner does about 2.8 homes per year and the income is below the poverty line in the first year meaning the price was pretty low (think under $150k each) netting him well under 30k after commission splits and expenses if being really frugal.  So in the end, it's not a matter of quantity, its really a matter of price AND quantity.  Professionals like to say we do lots of homes and many do tens or even hundreds per year but in reality, the best of us do a few really expensive homes.  My volume record is well over 100 homes in a year, exhausting... needed a team of people to pull it off and because the average sale price was pretty low, this during the crash, it turned out to be not at all that good of a deal.  I learned a lot of irreplaceable lessons along the way, but knowing what I do now, I'd much rather sell 5 or 10 @ $500k+ homes a year.  Even better 1 at 10M - Best Luck!

Why is Starbucks considered bad by coffee purists? Why do people hate/sneer at Starbucks?

I have not been in the US for a very long time, but from what I know, Starbucks was one of the first companies to commercialize the concept of a “coffee bar”. The only other reference point for most Americans before this was the huge number of diners, and in cities like NY, breakfast carts.Starbucks may have started out as a novel idea with gourmet tasting coffee, carefully sourced and roasted, if tales from some of my colleagues residing around Pike Place in Seattle are to be believed. But just like any other company or a chain of restaurants, as the size increases, processes kick in - quality standards, standardization, profit, cost efficiency, and the likes. The quest for a great taste of the actual product is lost under these procedural layers.Over a period of time, Starbucks evolved from a coffee bar into a restaurant that serves “caffeine based drinks”. There is a Starbucks every two blocks in New York City, for example, and none of these make their profits selling a good old drip, or an espresso shot or a machhiato, drinks which purists usually drink. Instead, they make their profit on cream and syrup based drinks with a dash of coffee.There is a different science and specific process behind the making of each drip coffee, cappuccino, espresso or a machhiato. You will never see a difference between a flat white, cappuccino or a latte at Starbucks, for instance. A good espresso or a pour over coffee is a work of dedication, which you can find in real coffee shops like Gregory's coffee and Stumptown Roasters in NYC, and Hampton Coffee company in The Hamptons.This is how a cold brew coffee is brewed at The Hampton coffee company. That's love, right there.To summarize, the reason why Starbucks is ridiculed by purists is the same reason why McDonald's and Burger King are ridiculed by anyone seeking to eat a good burger.

How much RAM do you need for video editing, 32 or 64GB? I use Adobe CC & DaVinci Resolve.

I have 16 GB of RAM, and it works just fine for my 720/1080 HD projects in Premiere Pro, even with Lumetri Looks and a simple After Effects animation or two embedded in the project.I don't currently edit 4K material, but if I did, I would probably move to at least 32 GB.If you are a heavy After Effects user, or you use a lot of external plug-ins like Magic Bullet, then get as much RAM as you can afford. After Effects works considerably smoother on complex projects if it has a ton of RAM to work with.

Can you return items to Walmart 24/7?

Returns can bee done anytime that customer service is open. From around 10pm to 7am, when customer service it's closed you can still return items at the overnight customer service representative's (CSM's) discretion. This return would usually be completed (art any register.