Gta 5 How To Buzz Into My Friends Apartment

Where is my door buzzer? seriously? GTA V?

You do not need to walk to a specific buzzer.

If someone is buzzing the door, you simply walk towards the big door as if you're leaving.

If, by doing this, you end up exiting, that means the person buzzing your door walked away from the spot to buzz in.

I keep hearing a phone ring, even though it is not. What is happening?

PHANTOM VIBRATION SYNDROMEThis is quite a classic thing and do not worry much, it is mostly that you have been a bit more busy, or have been expecting  some more contact than what you have received, basically saying that you might be a bit lonely, but only a bit.For reference read this:Phantom vibration syndromeThis should answer your question perfectly and give you more information.

What are the best cities for living and working in Canada?

Since I've lived in Ottawa for 4 years now I feel compelled to tell you a little bit about it, then I'll get on with other notable cities in Canada.  Ottawa is well-known for being a Government town. As the capital of Canada there are obviously very many Government buildings around. If you're looking to work in Government this is probably the best place. It's very close to Gatineau (QC) as well which offers housing at lower prices.  Ottawa actually also has a pretty big StartUp community. Once you get involved - you'll quickly get to know everyone and find out how exciting (in my personal opinion) it is. Check out my answer on the best cities for Startups in Canada for a little bit more info: @Hailley Griffis's answer to What are the best startup/tech cities in Canada? ) Ottawa is beautiful with lots of history to see (endless museums and Parliament buildings!) On top of that there are always lots of festivals happening. Cities that there is a lot of 'buzz' around:  Montreal  I've visited Montreal a couple of times and I absolutely love it. It is noticably larger than Ottawa (which is why people will drive from Ottawa to Montreal for weekend trips - it only takes about 2 hours) which makes it a neat destination for interesting restaurants, a great nightlife, concerts as well as great shopping.  Montreal is one of the only Canadian cities that has ever reminded me of Europe, they have the copplestone streets and older buildings that give it a little bit more of the European feel.  What I've heard from people living in Montreal is that if you live downtown, it's amazing! If you live anywhere else, it's better to have a car to get around because the transit is a little slow. Vancouver I've had quite a few friends that attended the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Everyone that has been there praises Vancouver for it's green spaces and healthy lifestyle. Everyone is supposed to be very active and the community revolved around maintaining that high level of exercise and health.  On top of that, Vancouver is stunning and is home to some pretty cool Canadian companies. HootSuite is one of the tops ones. Other cities that I've heard good things aobut in no particular order:  Calgary (Lots of fun things to do in a growing city) Edmonton (It gets cold here but the residents love it!) Toronto (A very busy city - the largest in Canada) Quebec City (Another beautiful city) Waterloo (Famous for their StartUps)

Can I shoot a police officer in self-defense? What if a police officer mistakenly believes that I am a threat, but I actually am not, and is now prepared to kill me?

Per the question title, Such a thing has actually happened a few times in the US.  It's such an incredibly rare set of circumstances that it is quite literally a case where the exception proves the rule.   Per the edit and question details,  not so much.  First off, you need to survive the encounter.  That's difficult enough from the get go, and if you don't the question is moot.  Second, you will almost certainly be charged, regardless of the circumstances of the case.  Even if a cop is murdering school children sandy hook style, and I kill him in the middle of it, I would expect to be charged with capital murder, and to face the full resources of the state to try and convict me and sentence me to death.That's the practical reality of the matter.Legally, a few states define in statute very limited situations where deadly force can be used to stop law enforcement.  Again, such situations are VERY slim, and generally only arise after the officer is question has clearly and obviously broken many laws.  You question details don't fit the mold there.  If an officer views you as a threat, for objectively legitimate reasons, you attempting to defend yourself with deadly force would do little more than convince him (and a jury) that his view was correct.  As such, Tim's answer is correct.  If you are for some reason being viewed as a threat by law enforcement, quit doing things that can be viewed that way. Now, in spite of this, bad things happen.  The man killed by the London metropolitan police is a perfect example of a police overreaction that resulted in what can only be called state sponsored manslaughter.  Had this taken place in the US, AND had, for example, the cops just opened fire with no surrender demand and missed a bunch, AND he had a firearm and used it to defend himself, AND had not been killed in the process, AND he had merely been standing around and doing absolutely nothing that could be considered threatening, then he MIGHT have been able to to mount a defense on the basis of self-defense.  He would want a very good lawyer. That's a lot of qualifiers, obviously, to the question and the situation. The most recent case that I'm aware of where this sort of thing happened for real was a wrong-house no-knock raid where the homeowner shot one of the police officers.  iirc, the police weren't in the house that was on the warrant, meaning that their entry was objectively illegal.  That homeowner was (somewhat to my amazement) actually not charged.

What are some slang terms used among police officers?

The most derogatory terms for the bad guys and citizens who are just pains in the rectum:A.H. = Adam Henry (A-dam H-enry) If you don’t get it…..sometimes you will hear it as “Jack Hole”… what starts with an “A” that ends with HOLE ?RICHARD CRANIUM= What starts with a “D” and is a nickname for Richard ? What is the non-medical layman’s term for the Cranium ? Do these clues HEAD you in the right direction ?