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How do I change the language in a game from Russian to English especially if the language as a value does not exist in the game subkey in Regedit?

Well every game has a different model for this so coming up with a universal solution is tough. Though all games read the language data from the registry. This trick here should change a program's default language right inside the registry so it should work with the most of the games. Follow the steps: Start > Run > regedit Find Folder named HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > WOW64Node (something) Now you have to look for your game here {It will be easy if your lucky} Find entry name "Language" (duh!) and change it to "English" and "Local" to "EN" (it will be RU if the game is currently in Russian). This works with all the games I've played but I don't play that much I can be wrong. Cheers :)

Do PUBG PC and Android versions run on the same server?

Considering the fact that Fortnite is available for cross platform play across all of its versions from console to PC to mobile, it would certainly sound plausible for the answer to is PUBG cross platform be a yes. Both games have been neck and neck with each other in almost every way, even releasing their mobile versions here in the west around the same time.Because of Battle Royale’s cross play capabilities, many players are wondering is PUBG cross platform? This is a great question to ask with the game now being available on mobile, console, and PC. Let’s dive into the answer to this question and more in this quick guide.Is PUBG cross platform? Well, the answer to that is somewhat complicated and will take a moment to explain. While Fortnite does allow for almost all platforms to play together (albeit some is optional), PUBGonly allows certain platforms to play together and others to not be able to.The recently released mobile versions on iOS and Android devices are able to play together in matches online. This is great for the mobile versions, as it allows their populations online to always be sufficient and able to handle the massive, 100-player matches. So, the answer to is PUBG cross platform on mobile is a resounding yes.However, the answer to the same question of is PUBG cross platform but for console and PC is not as clear-cut. Unfortunately, Xbox One and PC players play completely separately from one another. This does reduce the number of available players on each version, but that could still change in the future. However, we don’t expect it to because of the disparity between controller and mouse & keyboard controls.

What is the best game?

The best game ever will always be up to debate unless you can get every single person both in the present and the future to agree with it being, the best game ever. There have been many games created and distributed throughout the years. Therefore the best is a matter of opinion for the that specific person.You might question what is the best game for you? Now that is something that may have a more definite answer. According to Forbes[1] , some of the top selling games are Tetris, Minecraft, and Grand Theft Auto V. But this would being saying the best is determined only on sales, which I do not completely agree with this philosophy personally. I would prefer judging the best based on the person’s opinion although this means that it cannot be measured accurately at all because opinions may change.Furthermore, what video games may be considered the best is a highly subjective to answering two questions when and where. When was the game published such as its time period, in gaming’s short history compared to the history of the Earth for example. And where was the game released and how far did it reach.Overall, this question is an excellent one but time changes all things. So its best to move with the times in your own best way to finding the best game. You can even start looking at our store for your best game, or go to another store to find the best game for specifically and unequivocally the best for you.Footnotes[1] Here Are The Five Best-Selling Video Games Of All Time