Guys Do You Like Short Short Hair On Women

Do women like guys with short hair or long hair?

Most of the guys that I've met prefer short hair instead of long but I'm sure there's guys out there who prefer short.

Do u guys admire long or short hair on women?

it depends on the girl but. . .

i would like a little longer than shoulder length and brown and kind of wavy.

too many girls dye their hair blonde or black

Do women like long hair on guys?

It definitely depends on the woman.

Do guys prefer women with long hair or short hair?

I have personal experience in this area.Now, this is no scientific theory, but I noticed something really strange when I cut my hair off.One moment, I had long, silky tresses.Alpha males loved me. I got aggressive stares, aggressive conversations, and even a stalker. I thought they were over-confident assholes.Next moment, I have a pixie cut.The Alpha males stopped with the aggression. It was like I was invisible. Suddenly Beta males came out of the woodworks. At last, guys I fawn over, the tatted ones with long hair that play Magic, flirted with me and asked me cute questions. Ohh, so hottt.So it all depends on what type of guy you like. Short hair attracts Beta males. Long hair attracts Alpha males.Tried and true.

Do guys like girls with short hair?

You're right on, if a guy avoids a girl just because she has short hair then he's a loser. Short hair, like all hairstyles, looks good on some people and not on others. There's a girl in one of my classes who has really short hair but it looks awesome, really attractive. I wouldn't get too hung up on what other people think, if you want to try this style out, then go for it! The good thing about hair is that it always grows back (unless you're an older guy who's stuck with unlucky genes).

Do girls like long hair or short hair on guys?

Just a fair warning to guys, keep in mind more women likely to answer this question probably already think they prefer long hair on men. In most examples women like this give, they post a bunch of photos of male models and celebrities who are already good looking and have had professional stylists handle their hair and photographers to make sure the photos they take look the best they can. I know from personal experience it likely hurt more than helped and is way too much effort to justify. An exception maybe is if you have thick, darker, naturally wavy hair that looks masculine. If you have finer, flatter hair, you’re likely going to look weaker and geekier, or like a metal head stoner, unless you’re Brad Pitt, and at that point may only appeal to younger women into edgy looking guys (if you are also in your early to mid 20s). That said, if you don’t feel right with short hair and prefer long hair on yourself, make yourself happy and you’ll likely be able to find some women okay with it as long as you look good and healthy in other ways.

Do girls/women like long hair on guys?

I may be way too old to be in the category of people you want answers from but . . I was a teenager in the seventies and I loved long hair on men then, but as the years went on I began to prefer men with short hair, for some reason. Perhaps I associated the long hair with too much partying and drugs. In fact, I really find bald and balding men the most attractive now. I don’t like the look of it when men with bald spots grow their hair long, I prefer if they shave it very short. I think balding men look strong and handsome now. I really don’t like beards much either and I hate it when men braid their beards.So, how younger women feel may be different. I do know one thing. Women need kind, self-confident men, who care about other people, whatever their hair or lack of hair situation is!

Why do men hate women with short hair?

Not all men hate short hair. Just like how not all women prefer to have long hair.If you look good with a pixie cut and if you want a pixie cut, you get one.A man who judges a woman by her physical appearance simply isn't worth any woman's time.Not all men like long hair, I've known guys who find girls with shorter hair attractive.The articles you listed in the links sound very prejudiced, and the writers do not appear to like the fact that women want to be seen as individuals and be different. It's sexist and blatantly offensive.Think of how boring the world would be if every women had long, flowing locks and if every man had short hair.If you're really hesitant about chopping your hair off, I suggest doing it gradually (long to medium to short to pixie) instead of going straight to the pixie cut.It's more exciting (and terrifying) to chop everything off at once though.Edit to add my comment from below:Any man who does not respect a woman’s bodily autonomy is not worth her time.A relationship goes both ways, and your statement ignores the fact that a woman also does things for someone she loves.Women are not fragile dolls, we are also human beings who get to choose who we are, what we look like and who we become.A relationship is also based on more than just appearance, so if dating a woman with short hair bothers you so much and if a man is too shallow to see her as more than just a pretty doll, then he should do her and get out of her life :)

Why do guys not like short hair on girls?

It is feminine, attractive, signals fertility or health, usually demonstrates your not likely a pain in the ass to be around, and did mention it makes you look less like a dude cause that is important.Seriously you get burned enough you do not go back for seconds. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Older and homo women tend to have shorter hair. Then you got emo chicks which have all kinds of problems masked in some greater movement or expression. You know the same kind that hides their attractiveness or lack of attractiveness with tattoos and stuff. Some have a heart of gold while others a heart of ash, but lets not pretend that the gold ones are just laying around every corner shall we.I will second the notion that shiny hair kind of matters more. However some feminist or unfeminine lady that is vain is kind of the brand of short hair. Its a counter culture that went into some dark corners. So your not really talking about short hair here by itself.Guys also do not like having to take care of another mans kids so if he has any reason to think your “free” he will use and discard you if that's even his thing. Ladies seem to miss this one a lot. Some loser will come along and help them feel better. The thing is he either is not into you or has really low standards.Some girls can pull it off, but your likely playing the game the hard way. I also understand that if you done with looking attractive that it can be easier to manage. Guys tend to like ladies that put a little effort into there appearance. Note guys and girls have really different opinions on this.The choice is yours, but do not get mad at the guys choice in response to yours. That's a very short haired girl thing to do. Did I mention the brand or getting burned….

Do guys like long hair or short hair on girls?

I like short hair on women more so than long hair. It's my personal opinion and think it gives more visibility in their facial features and jawline. Plus they look bold, cute and makes them stand out from the crowd :)