Guys What Do You Mean When You Say .

When Guys Say "I love you" Do they Mean it?

if he loves you, he means it
if he doesnt love you, he doesnt mean it

Guys, I need your help! What do you mean when they say this?

What do guys mean when they compliment a specific piece of clothing of a girl's? As in...
"I like your dress/shirt/skirt."
"I like your dress/shirt/skirt. It's pretty."

Do guys really have an opinion on that type of stuff or do they just mean that they like it because it enhances the body in a sexual way? And is there a difference between saying "I like your xyz" and adding the "'s pretty."?

What does it mean when a guy says you matter to him a lot?

It means you matter to him a lot. That's it. He has fun with you and doesn't want to ever hurt you. But he does not love you. He does not want to marry you. He might find someone else and is open to that possibility at this point.If you really want this man. I recommend you get really busy in your life with your career, your fitness, your friends, and your interests. Enjoy your time with him and be fun and light and maintain excitement in your energy. But have plenty of other things that you enjoy just as much. Pull back a little. Don't call him or text him except to answer his calls and texts. Be unavailable to see him occasionally. Make sure he knows you can take it or leave it because you value yourself so much. Make sure you are loving yourself more than him. Don't SAY that! SHOW him that!He may move through to a lifetime commitment to you if he feels he doesn't have you pinned down. And take my word for it, having lunch or dinner dates with eligible men is a good idea. If he doesn't decide to commit to you, then you're that much closer to finding Mr. Right if you're already in the dating pool. There are two statuses for women- Dating or married. So continue to date until your married.

Guys, what do you mean when you say a girl is "chill" or "tight"?

My boyfriend and his friends have been calling this girl sooo chill and tight.. it's getting me kind of not jealous, but CURIOUS, what makes a girl so favored and respected by guys?

What do guys mean when they say 'how tight are you' ?????

well they basically want to know how many sexual partners you have had. when you have sex with a guy, your tightness feels really good for them. so when you've been with less partners, the better it feels for both you and your guy.

Guys: What do you mean when you say a girl is only your best friend?

It means exactly what it means. At least it does when I say it.Think about it: what really determines our choice of friends? Is it purely based on gender? Or is it a subject of compatible personality? So what happens if the person who gets you isn't the same gender as you are? Does this automatically mean you should start dating each other? And what if the person doesn't fit with what you want out of a relationship?Will you abandon the friendship or let it remain and flourish into something wonderful?We've been conditioned to think that all male-female relationships should be tinged with underlying romance or sexual intent. But that's an oversimplified assumption of how relationships (and our minds) work. Romance can be separated from friendship (if it couldn't, all male friends would become boyfriends since they won't be able to make the distinction).So it is possible (very possible) for two heterosexual people of different genders to connect on a deep yet platonic level. Most times, it's seen where they've been familiar for so long that their mutual understanding leads them to renounce the other as a romantic interest (because it's easier to consider romance when you don't really know the person and are excited by the prospect of the unknown). Obviously, this requires a lot of honesty, and they should both be clear on their position. If one person wants a friend and the other wants a romantic relationship, then obviously the unrequited feelings will build tension and resentment. If they're both on the same page, there shouldn't be a problem.A platonic relationship between a girl and a guy is not always a testament to their overall attractiveness. They can both be good looking, but feel nothing for each other. After all, people have different tastes. However, life is not always so clear cut, and this apparent dynamic may not always be static. Maybe over time they become an "acquired taste" and their deeply rooted understanding gives way to romance. Or maybe they both acquire new romantic interests and drift apart. Things change.But for a time, they can honestly say "he/she is my best friend" without implying or being in denial about anything. How long this time lasts depends on them and what life throws at them."She is my best friend" means exactly the same thing as "he is my best friend". The fact that she's female changes nothing about the relationship.

Guys, what do you mean when you say to a girl "damn you're cute"?

Many guys may claim it's simply meant as stated….they only mean a specific girl is “cute” or good looking. But in fact, it is a term expressing dominance. I know guys will take issue with my claim, but it's still true. If you say (almost always) in a strong & assertive voice, “Damn you're cute”, it has a dominant intent. If the person simply wants to inform the girl/woman that he thinks she's really good looking, it can be stated in a calm & less dramatic manner. NO kindly intended statement or complement needs to start with the word “DAMN”. You have already put that woman/girl on high alert when you begin your supposed complement with words like DAMN, FUCK, SHIT, and so on.I get that some guys don't see the problem with speaking this way, and when you know someone well, it probably doesn't matter so much.But, if you're speaking to a person you want to know better, being less aggressive usually works more in your favor. Just sayn'.

What do guys mean when they call girls hot?

when a guy says a girls hot, what does he mean? so a situation ive beens in. I changed alot over the summer. im a 13 btw. and i died my hair darker with a new cut and changed my style. a bit of a punkish look. but not overboard. and this guy that a i like alot told one of my other guy friends something like this "Dude did you see Amanda this summer? She changed her hair and shes got an *** now! Shes hot!" haha it made me laugh a lil bit when he told me. i just kinda wanna know what he meant or what his intenions are by saying that stuff. ive been called hot by other guys too. but this just i used as an example.

Guys: What do you mean when you call a girl cute?

It usually means that we find you attractive in a cuddly sort of way. If I call a girl cute it usually means I fancy her and think about kissing her and holding her and that stuff. I'd consider it a higher compliment than hot because it means they are attracted to you, they respect you, and they find you lovable. Also, they think you are sweet and nice and not the common trashy unappealing girl.