Had A Dream That Mixed Me Up

Weird dreams????????

last night I had this dream that I was back in school only I was in 4th grade. , I was with some of my old friends and we were at recess, and all of a sudden I threw up. it never happened to me before when I was little except in preschool. and then I had another dream. I was with my friend, Brandon, and before he showed up I was in this cave with a starwars person. they were hurt and bleeding and I asked them what was wrong and they just walked away. I followed them and I found they're skeleton leaning against a wall. THEN these weird spiderthingies came and tried to attack me. and thn Brandon showed up. we ran away from them and came into my neighbor's yard and were hitting eachother with sticks. (stupid...) he scrachhed me on the leg with one and I felt the tip of it on my skin. and the giant white spiders howed up again and chased us over to my house, this white-clay stuff started pouring down on my house. I got inside and my friend got eaten by the giant spiders. O.O' I got inside and seen myself. only it wasn't me. the girl that was supposed to be me was a little bit like this drawing I ddid a few years before. she had brown hair and deep green eyes. then my third grade teachor was in the background. and the house was dark. please give me some logical answers if you can!



A very mixed up dream last night what does it mean?

Well rockets were shooting off flying like airplanes. I was going in one excited to go to space through scared, that the rocket was going to blow up. I got on it in manhattan and passed over the statue of liberty with a clear blue sky. It stopped in the middle of the air, I turn behind me in the rocketship toward the manhattan skyline, We were floating and I woke up before I knew if I made it to space with a group of other people or not. Thr rocketship tips over and flies in the air like an airplane along with a bunch of rockets. It was my birthday and behind me behind the manhattan skyscrapers there was a thunderstorm with black clouds at sunset. In real life I always wished for a thunderstorm on my birthday, but in December, it doesn't usually happen. It did when i was 5 years old with a snowstorm (in real life) but I can't remember too much. So what could this dream mean.................. Strangest dream I ever had last night. The verrizano bridge as also in the dream.

Mixing up dreams with reality?

I sometimes have dream where I am doing normal tasks in life like doing my homework and talking about things with certain people After I wake up, during the day I cannot remember whether or not I talked to that person already.

I got this a lot last year, it was a very stressful year from all the work I got in school and the little sleep I would get at random times throughout the day. But in the summer, I never got this, but now in my senior year, it has come back. What can I do to stop this? I find it so stupid and embarassing because I can't even remember if my teacher assigned me something or if it was just in my dream! Is there a name to this "syndrome"?

What does it mean by having a mixed dream?

Many people think that dreams mean something. But that isn't necessarily true. Dreams actually mean nothing. Although it probably is not what you want to hear, but it is the truth! Although it may be disappointing but, modern medicine has proved that dreams are nothing more than a succession of images recalling past memory. I'm sorry if this is not what you want to believe.
I will start off telling you that ALL dreams mean nothing! Dreams just express you or your emotions, they express what you feel and what you do in real life. thats why they feel so real. Dreams cannot create people, places and things thats another reason why they feel so real! dreams recall past memory, -for example if you see a person you don't recognize in dreams, you probably saw him before on TV or walking in the street (you probably didn't pay attention to them). Dreams express your emotions and thoughts in a negative way

Nothing. The dream was about nothing. dreams mean nothing they just express your emotions and feelings in a symbolic way.

Dreams are simple synapses in your brain firing off all sorts of things. Your brain gathers all this random information, sights, sounds and so forth. And as you are sleeping, these sights and essentially memories are jumbled up into one big mess, just random nonsense, and your brain works and works for an hour or so trying to create a nice little story with all of these sights and sounds because it wants to make sense of it. It wants to make sense out of nonsense! So, then you end up with this dream. This happens several times in one night but when you wake up, you forget all of them, and when you do remember one of them, when you do remember at least one dream, we try to make sense of it. We tell ourselves, what is this? What could it mean. When in reality, it means nothing, it is just complete nonsense. So stop trying to make sense of it, it is nothing!

Dreams are a succession of images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.

For more Information read the "about me" section when you click on my account. Hopefully this resolves your problems.

took courses in dream interpretation and psychology

Mixing up numbers and letter in dream?

I have had several dreams where I have lost the ability to communicate. One I thought I wrote someone a note but then when it got handed back to me I saw I had just written a series of numbers. In the second, someone asked me for my phone number and I couldn't remember it- I kept thinking I was writing it down and I would look at the sheet of paper it would make no sense. I am a college aged female studying engineering, so I don't know if that has to do with anything. It is also the summer and I am enjoying my job and getting way more sleep than normal so I don't think this is on account of stress. If anyone knows what it means I would appreciate it.


Help me, i dreamed of having sex with my mother?

Don't worry about it. In Psychology, dreams are mostly creations of our last thoughts before we fall asleep. Most of the time, we dream of our fears, hopes and desires. Since we often think of these things, they appear in our dreams usualy twisted or mixed up creating sometimes a weird story. Dreams could also be the thoughts as the result of what we have been experinecing or witnessing during the time that we are awake.

In your case, the scenery of having sex with your mom could have been a repeated bizarre thought that has gone over your mind during the day. It could also be your fear as well and it was mixed up to your dreams unconsciously. Most likely, your creative mind has produced this dream because of the porn you have been watching. The ideas in the porn film might have mixed up during the time you were sleeping and it has created a different idea.

I hope it helped you and you would not think about any supersticion or astrological mysteries. Dreams are just weird sometimes caused by the multi-dimensional structure of the human brain.

What does it mean if you dream of fighting?

Fighting can mean several things. One of the basic functions of dreams is to develop our survival skills. So in dreams you will often face things that are threatening. In those dreams having a fighting response is a good thing.If you are in a conflict in a dream then try to grab hold tight. The opponent with struggle hard and first and then ease up. If you look again at what you are fighting you may find that you are struggling with yourself. Y are dreaming that you are in a fight with your inner turmoil. Some aspect of yourself is in conflict with another aspect of yourself. Perhaps an unresolved or unacknowledged part is fighting for its right to be heard. It may also parallel a fight or struggle that you are going through in your waking life. If you are fighting to the death, then it refers to your refusal to acknowledge some waking conflict or inner turmoil. You are unwilling to change your old attitudes and habits.To see others fighting in your dream suggests that you are unwilling to acknowledge your own problems and turmoil. You are not taking any responsibility or initiative in trying to resolve issues in your waking life.To dream that you are trying to fight, but cannot throw your arms as hard as you want signifies lack of self-esteem and self-confidence in some area of your waking life. You are unsure of your next move. This dream may also reflect your actual state of REM paralysis during the dream state.