Handling Gecko With A Cold/flu

Why is my green anole drooling?

It could be something like mouth rot. Is there any sort of discoloration or pus type looking stuff in his mouth?
I recommend seeing a vet who has a background in reptiles and the like.

Sickness to leopard geckos?

No the gecko can't catch the human version of a cold/flu. The only thing off the top of my head that's transferable between humans and reptiles is salmonella.

Could an alligator get drunk from ingesting alcohol? Or is it's little lizard brain too underdeveloped to even be effected?

Although human and alligators are two completely different species, some similarities can be found in both species’ brain. The effect of ethanol (I hope you are referring to ethanol because that is what is inside our human alcoholic beverages that can be ingested by our body with out causing a fatal damage to our organs.) on alligators and crocodile. From the current data that we have, I believe we can make an assumption that ethanol does affect “alligators”. Alcohol binds with the GABA receptor on our postsynaptic neuron to allow the ion channel to stay open longer to allow Cl- ion pass there for making the brain cell less excited. Alligator’s brain chemistry is somewhat different from human, but it does have a similar mechanism. Other than this, alcohol can also bind with serotonin receptor in our brain. Alligators do have serotonin in their brain and the same receptor mechanism. It is reasonable to believe that ethanol will have effects to some degree on alligators though might be in a different fashion.

Do I tell him I have a cold sore or do I just avoid seeing him until it's gone?

Keep lying and eventually he won't have anything to do with you. After all it sounds like he can't take a hint. Get it? If I heard a week of excuses I would think you don't give a damn about me. Wake up. Everyone gets cold sores. I would worry more if I had troll or gecko toes. What about all the rest of the symmetries that aren't perfect in you. We can't have him noticing those. Better not see him at all so he won't realize how ugly all these flaws are. Who wants a human anyway? Robots don't get cold sores or the flu or anything like that. Let him buy an inflatable doll they don't get pimples. Did you notice one nostril is bigger then the other and those eyes. Remember it is important to look in the mirror everyday for every little human flaw you can find. After all he will be looking for them, right? And mostly tell yourself how much you hate your nose lips or whatever else about your anatomy you can find fault with. After all, we all want someone that is shallow and only interested in our physical beauty.

What kind of cough medicine is safe to take if you have fatty liver disease?

I'm not a doctor, but based on my own personal experience, many people have a fatty liver and nothing more comes of it. You could really take what you want on a temporary basis because no cold medicine is going to destroy your liver or even damage it if you take it for just a short time like the duration of a cold. Your liver is still able to handle it at the fatty liver stage, but I strongly suggest you call your doctor and explain that you need some medication for your cough, cold, etc. If he/she wants to give you something special due to your liver problem, then let him/her prescribe you something, but I see no reason why you cannot take what you need from over the counter on a temporary basis. I might add that the doctor probably does have meds he can give you that work better than OTC meds. No, don't go to the ER. Those are for real emergencies and the cold or flu is not a real emergency. Do you know how much it costs your insurance company to go to an ER plus your doctor would not like it either since you should call them first. It's one of the reasons our insurances are so high because people go to the ER with just a sniffle. ER staff have much more important medical crisis to handle. What you have is a doctor visit.

Can a cold cause green poop?

Totinos pizza rolls and blue power aid will give you a very bright green poop, perfect for saint Patrick's day.

Can your bearded dragon catch a cold from you?

The virus that causes colds and flu in humans is not transmittable to geckos. However the previous advise is good: it is better not to handle your pets when you are sick and if you must, wash your hands before and after you do.

I feel really warm but I'm in a cold room and my body is cold?

Probably flu or stomach virus. You should try to go see a doctor.

As a little joke though, I hope it's not a zombie virus!

Funny enough though, I've had some of the same trouble today. Almost didn't get much sleep, woke up this morning because of diarrhea, and after my shower, I spent a few minutes dry-heaving over my mom's kitchen sink before she let me eat something to settle my stomach.

Scary how similar this is to a zombie virus, though. The body cools down, doesn't seem to "require" much rest, and desperately attempts to rid itself of any previously eaten foods or fluids.

I better stop before I bring on an anxiety attack on myself. I love zombies, but a real zombie apocalypse scare the bejesus out of me.

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