Hard Breathing Problem

Breathing Problems; Hard to Breathe!?

Whenever a person breathes more rapidly or deeply than the body requires, they are said to be hyperventilating. If a person experiences frequent bouts of hyperventilation, anxiety and panic attacks may be the cause. Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing is a common symptom of anxiety, especially when a person is having a panic attack.

Is It Dangerous?

Though hyperventilation is often frightening, it is usually not dangerous. Managing stress and anxiety is key to preventing hyperventilation in the first place since people who suffer from anxiety disorders may be predisposed to hyperventilation and other breathing difficulties.

What to do?

When hyperventilation does occur, it can be managed with basic breathing techniques. In many cases, hyperventilation can be self-managed in order to regain control of breathing. One way to do this is to sit or lie down and concentrate attention on the breath. Pinch one nostril and breathe through the nose using only one nostril or breathe through pursed lips to slow breathing down to about one breath every five seconds.

Diaphragmatic breathing, or slow, deep breathing from the abdomen, is another very useful technique that can be used to manage hyperventilation.

Can back pain cause breathing problem?

Yes it can, depending on how the pain is being experienced. One obvious example is if you are crouching forward a lot to try to stretch out your back and relieve pain. Well you will experience a range of health consequences including difficulty breathing if you remain hunched over for too long.Perhaps less obviously, the diaphragm, which extends downward and outward with each inhalation, needs room to move, and this requires a well-functioning nervous system and musculature. If severe back pain is caused by any number of nervous or muscular system imbalances, then it could make breathing difficult.For instance, the back muscle called the latissimus dorsi (the "lats") needs to be released and moving smoothly in order for the diaphragm to reach its maximum expansion. If your lats or even your rhomboid muscles (those between your shoulder blades) are in significant pain or are restricted, you could experience some difficulty with the physical action of taking in and expelling air.By the way, there are many different complementary modalities you can use to help heal back pain and improving breathing either directly or as a function of releasing muscles and nerve pain. One of the best in my experience (though it is not available in every country quite yet), is the Emmett Technique. The right kind of massage or physiotherapy (physical therapy) can also work wonders.Hope this helps.

Can large breasts cause breathing problems?

They can cause some breathing problems, certainly if you find it is better when your breasts are supported then you yourself know that in your case there is an issue. Most typically it comes down to larger breasts causing back problems, thus improper posture can put pressure on the lungs and heart in turn. If concerned then talk to your doctor, I also recommend seeing a chiropractor and making sure you have good posture.

Swallowed hard candy. Breathing problems. ?

I was eating a piece of the red circle candy and I broke a piece off and it was a pretty big piece and i swallowed it and I'm not having major problems breathing but i am finding that I am getting out of breath sometimes and I feel like it's sill there and I'm having chest pain to the right side. It's really scaring me to go to sleep. Someone please answe.

How come vaping made it hard for me to breath?

I think I can answer this question, I'm a vapor myself and have heard of this situation before. However since it never happened to me personally it's best to get more information from a professional such as a doctor. Vaping and smoking is harmful not just because of the known chemicals  but also the breathing practises associated with noth habits. Often when the smoke or vapor is inhaled we taking short constricting breaths are the same time. This constant short breathing can leads to some pains such as the questioner is experiancing. Also the lack of oxygen being inhaled will also contribute to damage to the lungs. What to do? Actually there is a very simple solution! Deep breathing exorcises! Also to cut down on doing mouth to lung inhales and doing full lung inhales to increase your oxygen intake. Use more airy type atomizers such as the Aspire Triton and opening your airflow holes all the way open, basically anything to promote good breathing is good. Anyways I hope my infomation helps you and Vape On! Cause the alternative is even worse! (Except abstinance of course)Let us know how everything turns out! (Edit last line)

Swallowed piece of hard candy. Breathing problems pain in chest?

I was eating a piece of red circle candy. The cinamen kind. I don't know if I spelled that right but anyways. ... I'm have a little difficulty with breathing. And I have chest pain to the right side and I feel like the piece is still there and I feel like I am going to throw up. I'm really scared to go to bed so I am probably going to stay up so please answer. .... Someone please.

Why do breathing problems seem worse at night?

The exact reason why breathing problems are worse during sleep are not known, but there are explanations that include increased exposure to allergens; cooling of the airways; being in a reclining position; and hormone secretions that follow a circadian pattern. Sleep itself may even cause changes in bronchial function. Have you tried using a room air purifier while sleeping ?If not I suggest you use a room air purifier  switched on close to your bed while you are sleeping . It helps to a great extent in alleviating respiratory issues.  I personally recommend Premium Air Purifiers with e2f technology. I have been using this at home . Its virtually silent which means you can keep it very close to your bed while sleeping .

Are breathing problems associated with long nose hairs?

i really doubt it. i think they wouldve figure this out by now :-P

i have bad sinuses as well, but i dont have long nose hairs. my nose hairs are actually quite normal :)
i dont think this would be playing a factor with your congestion.

you can trim them if you want to, but it wont do anything. sinuses are entirely separate from the nose hairs.

it could be the area you live in, sounds like you have it bad.
it sounds like the medicine isnt fixing the problem, i assume youve been to a doctor? maybe you should try something else instead of what you try. its just masking the problems youre having.

heres what i can find:
The trimming of long nose hair is a common routine for all of us as it does look odd to have hair hanging out of your nose. But we should make sure that the nose hair is not to be removed completely as it reduces our immunity to allergy, cold, respiratory infections due to foreign dust particles, or sinusitis and also adversely affects the nasal membrane. It makes our defenses vulnerable to pollens and other germs or particles which were earlier easily filtered by the nose hair. We can take the example of common cold; when we catch cold it slows down the vibrating motion of the cilia, causing an accumulation of excessive mucus which leads to a blocked nose and consequent difficulty in breathing. And if somebody has completely trimmed the nose hair, you can easily figure out what would happen to that person if he catches cold.

Nose hair defends the body against germs fungus and spores, according to Doctor Michael Pollick research report "What is The Purpose of Nose Hair" in . When air is inhaled through the nose all the solid particles in the air is inhaled as well. The thicket of hair within the nostrils traps the particles in the mucus on the hair.

Nose hair also provides humidity to inhale air. Humidity is needed for the respiratory system to prevent dryness in the lungs and nasal passage. People who frequently cut away their nose hairs or pluck them out are susceptible to allergies, sinusitis, or respiratory infections, according to Micheal Pollick in "what is The Purpose of Nose hair?"

hope ive helped, somewhat.
i dont have any intelligent confirmation but i do a LOT of research on things.