Harmful Insects On Vegetation

What are the causes of destruction of natural vegetation?

Agriculture - this replaces the natural vegetation
Poisoning - either intentional or unintentional
Invasive alien vegetation which out-competes the native vegetation
Building and infrastructure
Introduction of animals or insects that destroy the vegetation
Climate change - many plants cannot adapt as rapidly as needed
Drought (possibly due to climate change)
Overgrazing by domestic livestock
Burning in biomes that are not fire adapted, or burning too frequently in fire adapted vegetation.

Are Jerusalem Crickets(Potato Bugs) harmful?

Jerusalem crickets (potato bugs) are quite harmless. if mishandled thy can give a rather painful pinch.
If skin is broken, just a matter of washing the injury with soap and water. They are not poisonous or venomous.
They are somewhat a beneficial insect, they feed mainly on roots and weed vegetation in lawnscape and gardens.
I bred a small family of them in a big planter box, sort of my pets if you will, and some few do keep them for pets.
They re nocturnal and a subterranean sort so not a very visible animal.

Suggest why some insects tht are parasitic on plants obtain their food from the phloem, rather than from xylem

phloem are the vascular tissues that transport sucrose. xylem transports water. naturally, a parasite would go for the food source rather than just the water.

Does anyone know if stink bugs ( particularly the marmorated brown stink bug) can harm spider plants?

I looked all over the internet and know they can be harmful pests to crops and certain plants, but couldn't find mention of their influence on spider plants. I know spider plants ( variegated ) are native to South Africa, as are some species of stink bugs, so not sure if it's some sort of symbiotic or parasitic relationship.

Additionally, I am not 100% sure it is a brown marmorated stinker but sure looks like one! Thanks.

Are animals killed in the process of farming vegan foods? Is it possible for a vegan to ensure that no animals were harmed in the production of their food without growing it themselves?

“Vegan foods” are eaten by everyone, not just vegans. “Their food” is anything that is not from animals.Being vegan is a lifestyle where people try to exclude animals from their diet, clothes, cosmetics, etc. Being vegan does not mean they 100 percent exclude any harm done to any living thing. By being vegan, is to ensure LESS animals are killed.“Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.”Obviously, vegans choosing not to eat meat impacts less animals being killed for food. They are not PAYING for animals to be slaughtered, just for their meat. I never understood the argument about vegans killing animals for “their food” as if they don’t make a difference in their lifestyle. They are contributing to less animals being killed by not eating meat. They are also contributing to less of a carbon footpint.A lot of the grains and soy that are harvested actually go to animals, so they can fatten up quickly.People are also making claims that grass fed is the solution and that’s clearly not the case. When you make room for more grassland for cattle, it means destroying a lot of natural habitat that is needed for the ecosystem.The demand for grass fed farm animals is growing so either they overpopulate these animals in these farm lands which results in bad living conditions or they continue to destroy forests and other lands for cattle. I know cattles are not suited for forests but deforesting creates a lot more issues. The forests are cut down because they want to make more room for cattle, not for other things. This directly affects deforestation.Western lands are large, but not large enough. “There is no way that grassfed beef can begin to feed the current meat appetites of people in the United States.” Environmental experts agree that it’s not sustainable, this argument is valid. People can change their ways but it’s not going to happen if people continue with their ever growing large appetites.The best solution is for people to change how much they eat and what they eat.Sources: forests are a net carbon source based on aboveground measurements of gain and lossGrass-fed beef is bad for the planet and causes climate change


they fertilize the land with their droppings. They eat a lot of harmful insects that may destroy crops. they are part of the food chain. They help disperse the seeds of many plants. The hawks keep rodent populations in check. The vultures help clean the land of animal carcasses, preventing the spread of infectious diseases.