Has Another Earth-like Planet Been Discovered Yet

What if there is another Earth which is not yet discovered?

Well then, we just have to discover it, don’t we?If there were to be another Earth, I’m sure they might be developed as much as we’re, or perhaps we must be lagging behind. They might as well be in search of life or maybe are already successful. These all remains in a boundaries of imagination (Whether or not/If’s and But’s) and you’re free to imagine whatever comes in your mind because the vastness of space allow you to remove those boundaries of your imagination.I believe that there are other Earth-like planets which are just waiting to get discovered, but the thing is, we lack in the field of technology when it comes to sending unmanned bots far beyond the galaxies and if sent, then keeping them connected to the Earth satellites becomes the real challenge.In any case, we won’t give up just yet. There’s a long way to go.I hope you find this information enough to satisfy your curiosity.

How many Earth-like planets have been discovered?

I know "Gliese 581c" orbiting the star "Gliese 581" was one of the first to be discovered about a year ago, but how many others have been discovered since then. I think they were talking about one around Alpha Centauri, but that could just be speculation. Anyone know of any others?

How many planets like earth are there?

Despite our planet's name, about 70 percent of its surface is covered with water. Earth orbits a middle-age star called the Sun, which is about 4.5 billion years old and is expected to put out a consistent amount of energy for several billion years more. To qualify as potentially life-friendly, a planet must be relatively small (and therefore rocky) and orbit in the "habitable zone" of its star, which is loosely defined as a location where water can exist in liquid form on a world's surface.NASA's space telescope Kepler which was launched in 2009 on a mission to determine how common Earth-like planets are throughout the Milky Way galaxy discovered the first true "alien Earth.” Kepler-186f was the first validated Earth-sized planet to be found orbiting a distant star in the habitable zone. Kepler-69c is a super-Earth-size planet similar to Venus. The planet is found in the habitable zone of a star like our Sun, approximately 2,700 light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus.Another planet Kepler-22b lies 600 light-years away. It was the first Kepler planet found in the habitable zone of its parent star, but the world is considerably larger than Earth about 2.4 times our planet's size. It's unclear if this "super-Earth" planet is rocky, liquid or gaseous. Its orbit is about 290 days long. This is a speculation.Yet another planet Gliese 667Cc exoplanet, which lies just 22 light-years from Earth, is at least 4.5 times as massive as Earth, and researchers aren't sure whether or not it's rocky, it is too a speculation. Gliese 667Cc completes one orbit around its host star in a mere 28 days, but that star is a red dwarf considerably cooler than the sun, so the exoplanet is thought to lie in the habitable zone. However, Gliese 667Cc which was discovered with the European Southern Observatory's 3.6-meter telescope in Chile may orbit close enough in to be baked by flares from the red dwarf.Like this Kepler telescope found identifies more planets which can be alien Earths which may have life sustaining atmosphere and water holding rocky crust with a Sun to energice it reasonably.

What would happen if we found another earth-like planet in our own solar system?

*At the moment of discovery* This would be something that is very very mindblowing since we should've been detecting that planet a long time ago even during the age of Galileo Galilei*1 day after discovery* This event will be the world's trending topic*2 days after discovery* Scientist and Astrophysicist will try to observe the planet with out space telescope like Hubble or maybe even James Webb Space Telescope*1 month from discovery* NASA and other space agency will probably team up and plan an emergency investigation to send a probe to that planet*6 months from discovery* Assuming that the probe has been fully assemblied. NASA and its team will launch it using SpaceX's Falcon 9 to parking orbit*9 months from discovery* The probe has arrived and confirmed that the planet does exist and is hospitable and has liquid water in its surface*A moment after the confirmation* Trending topic around the world again*15 months from discovery* NASA is planning to putt a lander probe in that planet*18 months from discovery* Probe has landed and confirm the presence of life-supporting oxygen level in the atmosphere and also a hospitable air pressure for humans*27 months from discovery* NASA and the International Astronomical Union agrees to send a manned mission to that planet where they've named it “Earth 2”*31 months from discovery* Manned mission launched*36 months from discovery Manned mission has landed*Moments after the landing* Mars is forgotten as a candidate colony planet*40 months from discovery* Earth 2 becomes another planet for humanityWell I think that's it. There's definitely a lots of another possible scenario for this happening. But however, such planet in reality does not exist. If it does exist, we would've known about it a long time ago since we've launched probes that confirms that there's nothing but empty space on Earth's Langrangian Point (and also around it except for the known planets). Thanks for your question!

How did NASA found the earth-like planet?

peeps. why do u believe NASA they found earth-like planet?? how did they find that? it takes 600 light years to get there right? so doesn't it take 600 years for the w/e spaceship/telescope to get there? and how can they see 1,000,000,000,000,000 + miles far that theres another earth-like planet? soo much ****** bullshit.. its safe to say we dont have technology to travel speed of light, or a telescope to see 1 hundred trillion+ miles away.. how is it possible to see sSOOOOO FARRR.. no not a damn telescope can see that far we're not that advanced.. how can y'all believe this bullshit?.. i have little knowledge of space btw..CAN ANYONE CARE TO EXPLAIN ?

Is there another planet like Earth?

There has not been a discovery yet of a planet like Earth, but there's many planets out there we are just beginning to learn about. The Gleise exoplanet is about 600 light years away... we think it might be about the right distance from its star to have about the right temperatures, but that's all we know -- we don't know of water, atmosphere or anything like that yet. Remember 10 years ago we were just dreaming of finding exoplanets, and so far over 600 have been confirmed.

What is the closest we’ve been to discovering life on other planets?

Lichen on Mars - Astrobiology MagazineWe have not been on a planet yet to discover any life. Our probes have not found any life. We placed some lichen in a freezer on earth. Life may be found when we send a starship to a nearby star that is not a red dwarf. How close will that be? Let’s make a guess that the star will be about 20 light years away and this will happen in about three hundred thousand years. (300,000 years from now)We have fish on earth …and no earthlike planets have been found in the whole universe yet. We have not ever visited a planet yet other than Earth. No oxygen has been found on any other planet. We have no way to find oxygen on another planet yet. The James Webb Space Telescope has not been lunched yet.

What other planet support life aside from earth?

Many scientists believe Mars may have supported life at one time in its past. One of the moons of Jupiter, Europa, is another leading candidate.

We are just now beginning to discover planets outside of our own solar system, & most of them are large gas giants like Jupiter (because they are the easiest to find using the methods available to us) that wouldn't support life as we know it. Only a couple of Earth-like planets have been discovered orbiting a sun-like star in the so-called “habitable zone”, a distance from the parent star where moderate temperatures on the planet would make liquid water, and life, possible.

One of them, Kepler-22b, is one of nearly 50 newly-discovered super-Earth planets orbiting neither too close nor too far from their parent stars and where conditions might exist that could potentially support life.