Has Any Usa President Ever Been Im-peached Because They Were Im-pear

Has any US president ever been impeached? If so, why was he impeached?

Ever since Donald Trump has taken charge of the office, people have been talking about impeaching him. For those of you who don’t know, impeachment is a tool to oust a sitting president from the power. As per the Constitution of the United States, a president can be impeached if he has been found guilty of bribery, treason, misdemeanors, obstruction of justice, abuse of power and other major crimes.In case you are wondering if any president has ever been impeached from the office then the answer would be yes and no. Wondering what it means? Well, keep reading.Presidents Who Have Been Impeached#1. Andrew Johnson#2. Bill Clinton

Why did President Roosevelt order the internment of Japanese Americans?

Pearl Harbor. Japan attacked America in a Navy Base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which was what spurred America to join WWII. People feared that the Japanese in America were spies, who would report back the Japanese government (which was totally ridiculous, as some of families in the Japanese internment camps actually had Japanese sons fighting WITH America against the Axis). Roosevelt decided that it would be better if all Japanese would be put in an internment camp and watched over there until the war ended. The Japanese lost their homes, jobs, and had to stay in the internment camps for years, until WWII was declared a victory.
Many people have noted on the fact that Japanese were put in camps, and yet, the Italians and Germans in America (who were also fighting) did not.