Has Anyone Else Noticed That Everything The Left Rants About Today Concerning Iraq And Bush Could

As a conservative, what do you wish liberals understood?

I wish that everyone, both liberal and conservative, was able to understand what “unintended consequences” are.10 Fascinating Examples of Unintended Consequences - Toptenz.netLiberals often think that if the INTENT of a policy is NICE, then the OUTCOME of the policy will be NICE.Liberals are NICE. Their NICE eyeballs look out onto the world a see a place where we should all be NICE.But being NICE often has negative consequences.Like letting a child molester or a rapist out of prison is NICE because we want to believe that everyone has some good in them. We want to feel that the person can be rehabilitated.But in reality, 92% of violent criminals will commit the same violent crimes when released from prison.So letting criminals out of jail after a few years is NICE and is also EVIL.Another big delusion is that a politician must have STRONG support to be elected.Sometimes politicians get elected because the opposition got bored and stayed home.America is a nation of centrists, that's why we have close elections. They shrug their shoulders and vote for whoever they sort of like better.Trump can get re-elected even if not one single person in the USA likes him. We have a binary party system, so if the voters dislike Trump less than they dislike Hillary (or whoever), then he'll be re-elected.In a binary political system, a politician is turned either on or off by the voters, like a light switch. Whether the individual voter adores him or hates him but hates Hillary more, the pro-Trump vote counts the same.In the last election, the greatest number of voters voted to stay home and watch Dancing with the Stars on TV. 42% of the eligible voters voted for Dancing With The Stars, 26% voted for Trump and Hillary each. In a pure democracy, the cast of Dancing With The Stars would be president.That's what makes Trump Derangement Syndrome so hilarious. After the election, everyone twirled about in confusion and "realized" that their neighbor Timmy who voted for Trump is a secret FASCIST.It's not that Hillary was an unlikable candidate and ran a horrible, disjointed campaign and got beaten by a blowhard. The fun and exciting version is that "Trump activated his white supremacist base." The same people that elected Obama twice are apparently white supremacists. LOL.I’m not a fan of Michael Moore, but he nailed it:

Do conservatives or liberals block more users on Quora based on political disagreement alone?

Note: Without any sort of hard data from Quora itself, which would be pretty difficult to parse into any sort of meaningful information based on political leanings, I'll attempt to answer this--though it will be entirely subjective and anecdotal.It's difficult to know that you've been blocked unless it's by some of the more prolific writers on Quora. Anyone with few answers isn't going to be easily seen as having blocked you. That limits the ability we have to know that we've been blocked. However, I know of three people who have blocked me. These three resulted from the following:I asked a user to provide sources for his claims that Bush Jr was charged with war crimes, and was blocked.I was blocked after posting Ryan Borek's answer to What is it like to be a Republican on Quora? by someone who apparently disagreed with my rant. I don't know for certain that it was because of this answer, but I was not blocked before I wrote it, and was blocked after I wrote it.I was blocked for engaging in a debate on someone's post about how liberal policies were the only morally legitimate policies for any government to hold.Coincidentally, I have blocked two people:I blocked someone who would post on every answer of mine something akin to "You're a liar, and here's why:" followed by points essentially equating to 'George Bush is evil. Republicans are evil. You are evil.'I blocked someone who was a spammer, and it was not politically based.Unfortunately, this really doesn't say much about whether liberal progressives or conservatives are more likely to block someone, but I can say that I've been blocked by more liberal progressives for debating their points than I have blocked others for the same.

Why do liberals insult the intelligence of anyone who doesn't agree with them?

maybe diversity has a new meaning, maybe diversity is calling someone a racist for simply disagreeing with you. Ill check the dictionary.

Communists: How did they gain power and what is their leadership style?

Communists gain power by appealing to the poor and lower class (a.ka the proletariat). They promise the poor people a system that will give them everything they need and deliver them out of poverty. That's why the United States participated in massive foreign aid programs during the Cold War, like the Bretton Woods agreement and the Marshall Plan. Because they knew that the recipients of this aid were the poorest and the most vulnerable to communistic influence. Communists societies think communism is the best way because the rich people don't exploit or oppress the poor people and everyone's needs are satisfied. I'm not saying I agree with communism. I'm just explaining how it works.

Why do most people on “the left” make a bigger deal about trans issues which only affect a tiny part of the population than being anti-war when Obama was president?

Because trans issues gives more opportunity for moral grand standing while at the same time changing NOTHING about the status quo… other than for the 0.whatever or 1% of the population that is trans.If you considered that with the backlash you would face if you tried for minimum wage reform, single payer system, etc. those things are all way less sexy (there is no sexy minimum wage icon), much more complicated and also might dethrone some of the silver-spoon feed university activist who are so active on the trans-issue.In short, with no charity for most people campaigning for trans-issues and aware that I do injustice to those transpeople campaign for their rights, trans-issues are a meditation on how progressive and tolerant you are, while adding some cool accessories for yourself (“I am genderqueer, you know!”) all the while staying in your bubble of like-minded activists buddies without having to rub elbows with the unwashed masses.In contrast pushing for any bigger social reform would give you no cool new accessory, not even a gay hairdresser friend, would force you out of your bubble (on a related note, quite a few of the ‘activists’ on university campi behave quite badly or just as bad as their ‘unenlightened’ co-students towards the service personel) and you would have to rub elbows with loads and loads of people who share very few of your sensibilities (for the importance of that just look at the fall from Grace of Caitlyn Jenner) and belong definitly to the unwashed masses.

My navy recruiter sucks! need some help please!?

Here's the deal, I went to see a Navy recruiter when i was 17 and didn't get many answers to my questions. All he felt like talking about was port calls and random other things. Any real question i asked was always quickly put aside, and I never really got a strait answer. Basicly I felt like just a number in his book. I instead looked to the Coast Guard and I have been happily enlisted for just over 6 years.
To deal with your problem though, there are a couple of things you can do. First try to call his "boss" at the recruiting office and try to get the answers you can. Second, you haven't left for boot camp yet so you can always threaten to back out of the enlistment if they are unwilling to work for your needs. As far as going in as an E2/E3, at least in the Coast Guard you are an E-1 in Boot Camp, however get paid as an E-2 or E-3. To become E-3 right out of boot camp, you usually need some college, honor scouts ect. After completing "A" School, which is similar to other services specialty schools, you become an E-4. But like I said earlier, try to talk to the Senior Recruiter at the office and that should get the gears moving.

Why does everybody hate Britain?

Guy, you just went to the wrong city/state. Let me guess, you went to New York? New Yorkers aren't the friendliest bunch. Come to think of it, neither are Chicagoans (not to be mistaken for the rest of us Illini, who are quite friendly).
We don't hate the Brits in the US, I don't know where you would get that notion.
If you ever calm down, come back to the US and aim towards the Midwest, or the southern states. We believe in "do unto others" and were taught good manners and are very hospitable.