Has Anyone Ever Questioned If 9/11 Was A Dispute Between Two Violent Groups

Russia: Why is terror groups attack every country even japan but never russia?

Your professor deserves a terrorist attack... or at the very least a mental hospital. Fol life.
Terrorist groups of almost all kinds are brainchildren of the CIA and/or Mossad, the U.S. indirectly supports them when organizing a "controlled chaos" in areas it wants to destabilize.
Go to Chechnya and ask the locals about English and Arab speaking "tourists" (Saudis, as you probably know, are the best friends of the White House), they'll tell you something very surprising they saw/heard in the 90s and beginning of 00s.
Using the origin of rifles as an argument is just ridiculous.
Want to destabilize a country? - pick a group of mentally unstable thugs with no moral or respect to their own culture/religion, arm them with whatever you want, put some label on them, "decorate" it all with some distorted cultural or religious elements and voilà! Note, whatever nonsense you ascribe to them try to make it look as less similar to your "culture"/belief system as possible, because it's much more "advantageous" to use contrasts so to speak for polarizing and brainwashing the sheeple.
It works, it still does... but get ready then to deal with consequences. The "collective" West is so brainwashed into blaming whatever they've been told to blame (religion fanaticism for one) that when those poor souls learn the truth then disgust with their own govt and media is overwhelming. Also, get ready to deal with tens of millions of peaceful innocent people whose religion/culture you slandered to the max portraying terrorist as embodiment of a given faith/cult etc.
So, if you still didn't get it, ... if Russia suffers a terrorist attack it means, that some CIA & Mossad spies are doing their job very well.

To conclude, original terrorists are residing in the U.S. and Israel, but the dirty job is performed by their puppets wearing some religious/cultural etc "attires" for distraction.

Who is the True Terroist? What makes a Terroist a Terroist?

Terrorist is a loose title that is provided by a nation whom sugests someone or some entity has or is attempting to disrupt their social order or control through socially illegitimate means.

To understand the conflict of Hezbollah, Zionism and the Israel conflict with Palestinians needs to be re-examined. To American and Israel Hezbollah are a known terrorist organisation, but if you study up on the subject you'll find that Hezbollah actually has democratically won 14 seats in Lebanon's Civilian Parliament.

"The United States, Canada and Israel consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization, claiming that the organization initiates attacks against civilians and ideologically supports such attacks by other similar organizations.

The United Kingdom, Australia and the Netherlands officially list only the External Security Organization of Hezbollah (ESO) as a proscribed organisation.[24][25][26]

The European Union does not list Hezbollah as a 'terrorist organization',[27] but does list Imad Mugniyah,[28] who is widely believed to be heading the international branch of the Hezbollah.[citation needed]

Russia does not list Hezbollah as a terrorist organization[29], but it does list other radical Islamic Shi'a groups, such as Islamic Jihad,[30] as well as al-Qaeda which is believed to be linked with Hezbollah.[31]"

Has any group or country ever used Buddhism to justify going to war?

While Jihadists and Crusaders can declare their martial actions in the glory of God, there is technically no "god" in Buddhism and classifying Buddhism (in its purest form) as a religion is incorrect. Buddhists aspire to live the way and become a buddha themselves. Veneration of previous people who became buddhas could be quasi-religious, but there is no Buddhist concept of "war in the name of god" because there is no god in Buddhism.However, Buddhist sects and temples themselves have been players in politics and subsequent violence over the centuries. Most notable are:CHINA — destruction of sects or temples because they got politically involved in rebellions, perceived or otherwise. The famous Shaolin Temple has been destroyed many times because of these types of circumstances. Tibetan Buddhist sects have fought wars over each other and against the native Tibetan religion, Bon. Tibetan Buddhists were CIA-sponsored insurgents in the 1950s and 1960s, and today are the most politically-driven demographic in Tibet, and will be the most likely group to wage war against the "PRC occupation" if widespread violence does break out in the future.JAPAN — same as China, and with the noteworthy distinction of forcing the Emperor to move his capital  (Nara to Kyoto) to reduce the influence of Buddhists in politics. Japan even saw the rise of a class of "monk soldiers" (僧兵), which provided lots of manpower and influence over several major wars and had considerable influence in political and military decisions. More recently, Japan coined the concept of holy war during their attempt at imperialism in 1931-1945, but borrowed from both Buddhism and Shinto to justify holy war.THAILAND — since 1970s, nationalism and Buddhism were mixed into an explosive stir-fry to combat muslim rebels in the south (border with Malaysia). Innocent muslims also suffer.MYANMAR (BURMA) — like Thailand, nationalism and Buddhism were mixed into explosive stir-fry, but add economic and social tensions too. Muslims are also on the receiving end of this violence.SRI LANKA — Sinhalese Buddhists have been at war with mostly Muslim Tamils for decades now. When the Tamil Tigers were still on the prowl, the Sinhalese side propagated the "defence of dharma" and idea of a "just war" against the LTTE.Ultimately, religions are not the cause of war: politics are. If everyone followed what their religion taught, there would be world peace.

Anyone know the name of this Jedi Mind Trick's song (Tried guessing on the lyrics)?

The song goes something like "I'm the American tailiban, I love my weapondry that's from Japan"
If anyway has any clue about htis song please let me know
-Thx for the help =)

How can anyone say that Islam is the religion of peace?

How can Jesus be the prince of peace when Christians have:

Committed the holocaust

Performed the Inquisition

Invaded countless nations


Actually, most wars between muslims and non muslims were started by the latter. Six day war, Afghanistan one and two, Iraq, Lebanon one and two, Gaza, etc.

Oh, and Bosnia wasn't started by Muslims, what on earth are you talking about there?

You think Christians don't start wars? What about:





100 years war

Any war fought in Medieval Europe

The Civil War

The Revolutionary War


and most of the wars that have been fought in history.

Ana: Show me where in the Qur'an it says to kill people in a non-defensive context. Surah 9:5 doesn't count because it refers to a specific group of people who lived in the 7th century who had attacked the Muslims. It really has no relevance today.

Do most Americans agree that 9/11 justified the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan?

I am a Brit - but since we joined in both conflicts I will elbow in on the question.In the case of Afghanistan the answer is without doubt, yes. That country had been taken over by an extremist religious group (Taliban) which provide safe harbour to an even more extremist religious death cult which carried out 9/11 and promised further such actions. The removal of the Taliban and massive investment to try and bring peace and a semblance of democracy to that country was very much defensible.Although it is possible to make a reasonable sounding argument as to why the invasion of iraq was defensible, it is simply dishonest to use 9/11 as justification.The UK government did not pretend Iraq was involved in 9/11, though GW. Bush did so, at least for a time: there is no serious argument that 9/11 had anything to do with Iraq. Saddam Hussein was a brutal menace and a threat to the region but he had almost nothing in common with the Jihadists behind 9/11 and did not share their goals.Given the chance, al-Qaeda would have cut Husseins throat - one of the reasons the group existed was to bring down the secular arab nationalist strongmen who dominated the middle east.One of the costs of the Iraq war is that it diverted attention from finishing the job in Afghanistan. Although we spent a great deal of blood and gold in Afghanistan, we should have spent more to try and make it a viable state rather than getting waylaid by the disaster of Iraq.The two conflicts have become conflated in the public imagination even though they were very different. This is a great shame because it will make it harder for the voting public to stomach and support the next just and necessary war that comes around.