Has Anyone Ever Tried Lithium Orotate

Lithium Orotate vquestion?

Dr. Han s Nieper - Lithium Orotate 120 mg 200 Tablets
Call: 1 866 883 8226 or click on link below.

You do NOT need a prescribtion.
It's $11 for 200 tablets

Additional information:

Lithium is the most common element used for stabilizing mood swings, mania and depression. Lithium orotate (the lithium salt of orotic acid) is 20 times more bio-active than other lithium salts, allowing a reduction in dosage greatly reducing the likelihood and severity of potential side effects. Each 120 mg capsule provides 4.8 elemental lithium. Lithium Orotate may be effective in treating manic-depressive and bi-polar illness but best avoided by those on a sodium free diet or who are diabetic.

Lithium orotate: Lithium has long been used for manic-depression. High doses depress dopamine release, flattening elevated moods; lower doses stimulate serotonin synthesis, producing an antidepressant effect. Lithium reputedly is also neuroprotective, suggesting its use in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It is thought to lower blood glucose levels and to have immune-enhancing and antiviral effects (especially against herpes simplex). Nieper used lithium orotate to treat depression, headaches, migraine, epilepsy, and alcoholism.

Suggested Use: As an addition to the daily diet, take one tablet twice a day with meals or as directed by your health care professional.

Lithium Orotate for depression?

Lithium can be purchased over the counter at any nutrition store. It's a mood stabilizer.

And of course, it's money more then anything. Some of the best meds are the old ones and they're cheap. But you don't see them prescribed first- only last. I'm on one pill for my bipolar and it's an atypical medication primarily prescribed for blood pressure. It's cheap, too. It works better then anything else. Now my blood pressure pills, that's another story- the only thing that works for that is expensive and new- but I did try everything else first so I know.

I take policosanol and Omega 3's for my cholesterol and R-Lipoic acid for my type II diabetes. I know there are perfectly good alternatives out there. Oh, and my most disabling condition for years was my sleep problems and for that I now take homeopathic medications which work wonders, have no side effects, are cheap and can cure instead of just covering up symptoms.

Best herb for anxiety? Also, lithium orotate?

If your doctors aren't supportive of herbs, you could find a doctor that does believe in herbs and use them in addition to help with natural items you'd like to take.

As far as the herbs go, the most popular things for general relaxation are Valerian, Chamomile, and Hops.... but some people actually wake up when they take these and are just very relaxed.
For general stress and mood, there is St. John's Wort, some B-Vitamins, GABA, Ashwagandha, and L-Theanine.
You'll want to stay away from SAMe for sure since you have Bipolar... that can have a bad reaction with it.

The biggest thing with any of these (especially if you're taking other drugs and have Bipolar) is to check with a doctor or pharmacist, as both have access to a database of interactions between supplements and drugs. Better safe than sorry

Has anyone tried (the OTC supplement) lithium orotate for PTSD and/or bipolar disorder?

I didn’t even know this existed, I had to look it up on Google. One of the first things I do when looking into a new medication to help deal with my psychological problems is check out the side-effects, and given the, shall we say, interesting ones that come with this OTC medication, I don’t believe I shall try it any time soon. I should have realised when I saw “lithium” in the name that it would have interesting side-effecs, and be on the list of “never touch it” that I have of different medications (currently about 2 A4 pages long).So, I’m sorry I can’t help with this one, but I do recommend checking into any potential side effects and drug interactions before trying OTC medications for anything.

Have you ever taken small dose OTC lithium orotate for mood or cognitive benefits?

Thank you for the A2A. No I haven't taken lithium ororate for a number of reasons. For one, I don't take any psychiatric medications and haven't for some time now. I grew weary of the side effects of sertraline, ativan and prazosyn. So, I underwent EMDR therapy in order to gain a non-pharmacological tool to control my depression and PTSD symptoms. I also use meditation, diet and vitamin D3 supplementation as adjuncts. I've also resumed a weight lifting program after a bit of an injury related layoff. This regimen works better for me than the medications did. I want to stress that this has worked for me but I'm not going to tout it as a solution for everyone.The other reason I haven't thought of trying lithium ororate is due to my general wariness toward any of the lithium salts. If I suffered from bi-polar disorder I might feel differently. Lithium carbonate therapy is still one of the most effective treatments for bi-polar disorder for patients who can tolerate it. Therein lies the rub. The gap between the therapeutic index and the toxic index of lithium carbonate is very narrow. Some folks can exhibit symptoms of toxicity well within the therapeutic dosage range. Sometimes this can occur at dosages they previously tolerated well.The big problem with low dose lithium ororate is that there is very little solid or recent research backing it's purported benefits. In fact, nearly all of the research that was done took place in the 1970's and early 1980's. Some of the findings have been refuted with the hint of data manipulation suggested. More modern research both in labs and then clinically based will be necessary to determine it's efficacy and safety. I'm just too wary of the potentially toxic nature of lithium salts to endorse use any of their conjugates without more data.The fact that lithium ororate is considered a supplement that can be used without medical supervision, means there's too much potential risk involved for my comfort. This is just my opinion but I'd recommend approaching lithium ororate with caution.

What are your experiences with lithium orotate to treat bipolar 2? Do you have any dosage experiences for a female weighing 140 pounds? Are there any negative side effects? Is lithium orotate addictive? Can it be taken without a doctor’s oversight?

No. Never, ever take any med without the oversight of medical professional.

How many mg of lithium orotate is reasonable for someone with bipolar 2?

Hi! Like the other posts, this is ultimately a decision that should be made by you and your psychiatrist. But I don’t mind giving my personal account - I am a 26 year old female. I was diagnosed with Bipolar 2 when I was 20 but didn’t begin medication until 23. The reason I did not start medication earlier was because an old psychiatrist (who didn’t listen and I didn’t like) wanted to start me on lithium. Lithium is one of the oldest gold standards for mood stabilization in bipolar patients, that being said, it’s often not the first choice of medication for people with bipolar 2 these days. There are other options that are safe and do not require the blood testing that lithium requires. The first medication I was put on was Lamictal (Lamotrigine) which is in the class of anti-convulsants, but has show to be effective in treating mood disorders in bipolar 2 patients. I had tremendous success with this and am still currently taking it today. If you are unsure about Lithium, there’s probably a good reason, it may not be right for you. If your doctor is telling you this is the only or best option, get a second opinion. I went through 3 psychiatrist before I found one that i was able to work with.

Is lithium orotate effective for managing anxiety?

This drug is not considered an anxiolytic agent. It is useful in bipolar depression, major depressive illness and some schizophrenias. But keep in mind that heightened anxiety levels and agitation are often seen in bipolar and major depressive disorders, so to the extent that lithium is effective in managing these disorders, it may also be effective in managing the overlay of anxiety associated with them.

If anyone has experienced sexual related side effects from lithium carbonate can you please describe them here?

I took lithium carbonate for a brief period (after trying lithium orotate). The lithium did not work for me. I had a lot of side effects like frequent urination, excessive sweating, restlessness amongst many other side effects from lithium. I forgot to mention that lithium made me feel suicidal. After stopping lithium I had continuing sexual effects. I felt more insecure and uncomfortable around the opposite sex. I just felt strange. The opposite sex felt alien too me and I stopped having sex etc. I felt like I could connect to the same sex more after taking the lithium. I felt more comfortable with the same sex (as far as interaction and connection) after taking lithium. I feel frustrated and confused around the opposite sex since the lithium. I have trouble being sexual with the opposite sex because I don't feel open and comfortable anymore. Has anyone else experienced sexual side effects from lithium? If so what have you done to cope with that's? Have your sexual side effects ever lasted a long period of time even after you stopped taking lithium?

Where can I buy Lithium Orotate supplement?

Try a Health Food store. Pharmacies don't usually carry it.
I know my local Health food stores carry Lithium Aspartate 5 mg by Solaray - so that might be easier to find than the Orotate.
If you can't find the orotate and not willing to try the asparate might have to order it on-line. (I personally know 2 people who take the Lithium aspartate with good results).