Has Colonialism Had A Positive Effect On The World

What were the positive effects of the colonialism in Africa? What caused them?

Colonialism was bad. It was designed to benefit the colonizers and disadvantage the locals. However in the process Africa also got some benefits, although the intention was to benefit the Europeans. Whatever the benefits African got, Europeans got even more.Economic Positive EffectsAfrican economies expanded greatly due to the increase in the demand of African goods on the international markets.Production increased greatly due to new technology and new methods.The standard of living and quality of life for Africans improved drastically. Although the Europeans got the ‘lions’ share of it. Africans obtained new and better goodsCreated more African jobsLearned new business practicesPolitical Positive EffectsAfrican learned about new and organised government.There was improved judicial systems and awareness for democracyMade tribes get along. Peace means more production for the EuropeansWrote treaties for cooperation among tribesEuropeans defended Africans against their enemy. Local and tribal conflicts decreased. Colonization reduced the high rate of local warfare.Technological Positive EffectsThis helped technological advancement and better agricultural practices,Colonialism created the need for cures of diseases that were otherwise unknown in Europe. The exposure of Europeans to those diseases prompted efforts to cure them which benefited the world.Sanitation in Africa improved greatly, and the life expectancy rate increased tremendously.Due to European colonization Africa became more industrialized.Social Positive EffectsMore religious mission opportunities for ChristianityEurope spread education to Africa. Eventually Africa had a class of educated leaders who later fought colonialism.Africans learned more about their land and cultureMany Africans learned European languagesEducation, arts and literature to flourish as it never had before.Brought Africa closer to the world. Mysteries about Africa were dispelled.Now all these benefits did not come on a platter. African paid a great price for it. Actually the benefits were overpriced. Many lives were lost, Africa lost it self-esteem and traditional African cultures were affected.All these benefits were just scraps than fall from the colonialists table.

What are some positive influences/effects of colonialism?

Colonialism had major impacts on the world. Good and bad. On the nations who created the colonies it had a huge impact on the standard of living and quality of life. Improving both for all areas of society. For the average European it also meant relief from the constant wars as the wars were mostly being fought in and over colonies instead in their backyards. This helped technology, arts and literature to flourish as it never had before. That was a very positive impact on the world in general.

Colonialism created the need for cures of diseases that were otherwise unknown in Europe at the time. The exposure of Europeans to those diseases prompted efforts to cure them which benefited the whole world.

Democracy, free markets, improved judicial systems, technology, better agricultural practices are just a few of the huge benefits reaped by nations that were colonized. The re-introduction of the horse to North and South America had a huge positive impact.

People in colonial areas came to be part of a larger nation. Areas that were colonized were typically fighting constant wars with each other and incapable of uniting without an external force. While sometimes these "artificial" nations later disintegrated such as happened in Uganda or the Kurds in Iraq, most of them forgot tribal differences to become one people. A people who later did much better as a nation than as individual tribes.

What were the positive and negative effects of The British colonial rule?

Development of the infrastructure - The British built roads,railways,bridges,schools,hospitals... whole cities.

Job opportunities for the local populace - Indians could join the military,work as servants,labourers,and drivers for the British, and later in the Indian Civil Service.

Education in the West made available to rich Indians - Gandhi,who went to university in Britain,is a good example.

End of arbitrary rule - previous to the British, India had been ruled by despots with absolute power,who could do much as they pleased.The British introduced the rule of law,which was the same for everyone and,on the whole,enforced.

Protection from external enemies - as part of the British Empire,India was protected from outside invasion by traditional enemies such as Persia and Afghanistan,and from other Western powers that might have wanted to colonize the country themselves.

Ending of what the British regarded as "barbaric" practices - Suttee and Thugee were both stamped out by the British,and literally millions of lives were thus saved.

Economic stability - the annual Land Tax,payable by all Indian families, had been arbitrarily increased by Indian rulers whenever they needed extra revenue,and this sometimes caused great economic hardship for the majority Hindu population.The British stabilized the Land Tax and kept it at the same level all the time, which stabilized internal economics for the majority of the population.

Complete lack of political power and influence in the political decision making process in India for all Indians.Indians also had no input into any new laws - these were all decided on and imposed by the British.

The British ran India for the benefit of Britain,not for the benefit of India or the Indians themselves.Thus raw materials and riches extracted from India went to enrich Britain and the British,not India and the Indians.

Target for enemies of Britain - as part of the British empire,India became an enemy of Britain's enemies, and a target in any wars Britain was involved in.

Ruthless suppression of violent resistance - The British ruthlessly suppressed uprisings against their rule,the best example being the brutal crushing on the Indian Mutiny in 1857-1858.

What were the negative effects of the colonialism in Africa? What caused them?

Negative impacts of colonialism in Africa tends to circulate on one major factor ‘culture’ be it economic, agricultural, social or religious. here are a few factsThose leaders who could have made Africa strong because of their influence, were killed by colonisers or arrested this left societies divided and unorganised.Colonists used the ‘divide and rule theory’ this theory brought about divisions in the African traditional society and setup. Divided as we were, acted to the advantage of our oppressors and opportunists who penetrated in the veins of our trade and agriculture and stole pieces of land.Increased slaveryAfricans were forced to drop their dressing codes, cut their hair and traumatised in their own land.Our religious ideologies were rendered useless and backward thus forced to drop them.In African Traditional setup, we did not have words like rape or theft but we had cattle rustling European culture destroyed or that and brought in new challengesAfricans were forced to drop cultivating their own traditional food stuffsEuropeans came with diseases like measles, chickenpox, smallpox, polio that were unheard of before.Europeans came with mass murder weapons like bombs and guns and used them upon AfricansMost Africans were forced to fight in the first and second world wars by colonialist (their wars not our wars) and none, absolutely none of those ware rewarded or their families except for badges that they participated in the helping wherever.Africans were subjected to the colonial experience including forced labour, land alienation, taxation, poor wages, discrimination corporal punishment rape and more here:The Slave Trade in East AfricaESTABLISHMENT OF COLONIAL RULE IN KENYA.The Positive and Negative Impact of Colonization in AfricaI hope you will enjoy reading

What were some of the positive effects that imperialism had in Africa?

Imperialism had some positive effects.Knowledge transfer from Europe to Africa; although less than desiredEnded barbaric practices in Africa such as human sacrifice (slaughtering of humans to appease the gods of the African religions)Protected some ethnic groups from the ruthless marauding ethnic groups.Provided some basic organization that led to statehood.Imperialism also had some undesirable effectsThe imperialists were not altruistic. Every activity they undertook, every policy pursued was to exploit the colonies for the enrichment of the home countries in Europe. That wasn’t what Africa needed. This is why many African nationalists demanded immediate independence.The imperialists in their efforts to subjugate the various ethnic groups waged wars which led to losses of lives.The imperialists created artificial boundaries in Africa. In the Berlin conference at which the scramble for Africa took place the participating countries created states that in some cases partitioned some ethnic groups into countries that spoke different european languages. The artificial boundaries created is the biggest obstacle in the continent’s bid for deeper integration.

How did colonialism affect Africa?

its true africa was not a forward continent or in no way a world superpower, but what it did have was tribes and skills. they had a way of life that enabled them to feed themselves and survive in a way that their forefathers did.

after colonists went in they changed all that, they broke that way of life and now you see millions of people begging for food, why because they cant hunt anymore, they have lost those life skills.

plus after they left africa, the world banks moved in and started lending money to these countries, and now you will find african governments paying more interest on each person, then they do on their education and medical care!