Have I Strained A Muscle

What to do for a strained muscle?

First of all what does a strained muscle feel like? my thigh muscle feels like a lightning bolt is striking it while running haha. secondly if a strained muscle is what i have, what kind of things should I do. Wrapping, hot and or cold, hot bath etc. give some educated thoughts if you know.

How do i get rid of muscle strains?

i have a muscle strain in my arms(triceps) and in my back.i also have a stiff neck so with the stiff neck and the muscle strains it hurts really bad.i think i have the muscle strains in my arms by working the same muscle group. i keep working out my triceps (by doing close grip bench presses) because i want big arms so i rarely do biceps and back and can some one tell me if this is the cause of the muscle strain in my arms? and how to get rid of them fast? and also if it is important to workout other muscle groups?

How can I heal a strained bicep muscle?

From the MAT® point of view:Muscles get strained because they get overworked. Oftentimes, it is because they are picking up slack for other muscles not doing their job. However, we don’t mean this from just a “strength” perspective. Muscle Activation Techniques® looks to make sure that all muscles are firing neurologically – when the brain tells the muscles to contract, are they doing it? If not, the job still needs to get done and other muscles will have to do more work to make this happen. Overtime, if a muscle is constantly doing more than their fair share, a strain or tear can happen. It is important to make sure that you take this extra stress off a muscle to allow it to heal. You can do this by making sure neurologically all the muscles in that area are firing appropriately. Not only will this take stress off the injured muscle, but it will help create a better environment for healing because now the injured muscle can rely on other muscles while it heals!

Could this be a broken rib or a strained muscle?

I am getting over bronchitis but have still been coughing; about 3 or 4 days ago I started feeling pain around my right rib cage, on the front upper part. I thought maybe I had pulled a muscle from coughing so hard, but now I'm really confused about what exactly it could be because every day it's in a different spot. Like the second day I noticed the pain was on the side of my rib cage, then later it seemed to have moved toward the back. Yesterday I mostly felt it on the bottom back part. I also need to mention it feels much worse at night- as soon as I lay down it's excruciating. If I moved to any side it's really severe, so I have to just lay flat on my back, but as soon as I lay on the bed it feels like a spasm. And if I move my arm a certain way I feel pain around my rib cage and if I take in a slightly deeper breath than normal I feel pain. So what could this be? Is it possible it's just a muscle, or could it be something wrong with my rib, or could it even be a hernia? How long should I wait before seeing a doctor if it doesn't go away? Today's the 4th or 5th day I've been having pain. Thanks.

Leg Calf Muscle Strain?

With a grade one Calf strain there is a sensation of cramp or tightness, and a slight feeling of pain when the muscles are stretched or contracted. A grade two Calf strain produces more immediate and severe pain; the Calf is sore to touch and there will be bruising below the injury site after a few days. With a grade three Calf strain the patient is unable to move without pain, and there may be a bulge of soft tissue through the muscle layer.
Early Calf injury treatment consists of the RICE protocol - rest, ice, compression and elevation (never apply ice directly to the skin). Depending upon the severity of the injury, the leg must be rested from sporting activity for between several weeks and several months. Many people find that a Calf Support is useful following a Calf muscle injury.
Common Calf Muscle Strain signs & symptoms:
* A sudden sharp pain in the Calf muscle.
* Pain when stretching the Calf muscle.
* Calf pain when standing on tip toes.
Most Grade I or Grade II strains begin to feel better within a few days. In most cases, symptoms are either totally gone, or very much improved, within 8 to 10 weeks.
If you have a severe Grade II strain, your doctor may refer you to a specialist. Depending on the severity and location of your muscle strain, the specialist may put the injured muscle in a cast for several weeks or repair it surgically.

Can I cycle with a strained groin muscle?

You can but I would suggest doing some type of recovery exercise other than cycling.The problem with cycling is that it is a repetitive movement where the cyclist sits in a fixed hip flexion position. Due to this position the hip muscles will be doing repetitive movement which is non ideal for recovery.A better activity might be some type of gentle movement such as Tai-Chi or Chi-Gong or similar activity which moves the hip area through a complete range of motion.Always use pain as your guide and slowly ramp the amount and intensity of your efforts.Good luck on recovery!

How do I tell if I've strained a muscle or am just sore?

Muscle StrainsYou’ll usually feel a muscle strain as it occurs. Symptoms include:sudden onset of pain soreness limited range of movement bruising or discoloration swelling a “knotted-up” feeling muscle spasms stiffness weaknessIn a mild strain, a torn muscle may feel slightly stiff, but still flexible enough for use. A severe muscle strain is when the muscle is severely torn. This results in pain and very limited movement.The symptoms of mild to moderate muscle strains usually go away within a few weeks. More severe strains may take months to heal.Muscle SorenessAfter activity, muscular soreness typically peaks 24-72 hours after activity. This is the result of small, safe damage to muscle fibers and is called Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness (DOMS). During this time, your muscles may be tender to touch and feel tight and achy. Movement may initially be uncomfortable but moving and gently stretching your muscles will help to decrease soreness. During the few day period that you experiencing muscular soreness, you might consider performing alternate exercise activities in order to give your sore muscles an opportunity to recover while strengthening other muscles.

My body muscles get easily strained, is it a disease?

Maybe not. But why risk if you think this worsen with time?But muscle strain (pulled muscle) occurs when your muscle is overstretched or torn. This usually occurs as a result of fatigue, overuse, or improper use of a muscle.Strains can happen in any muscle, but they’re most common in your lower back, neck, shoulder, and hamstring, which is the muscle behind your thigh.These strains can cause pain and may limit movement within the affected muscle group. Mild-to-moderate strains can be successfully treated at home with ice, heat, and anti-inflammatory medications. Severe strains or tears may require medical treatment.If you have following symptoms then you better visit physicianThe pain doesn’t subside after a week.The injured area is numb.There’s blood coming from your injury.You can’t walk.You can’t move your arms or legs.Thanks for A2A.

Muscle Strain vs Appendicitis?

I threw up 5-6 times on saturday night and didnt feel the pain by my right hip till sunday morning. Now my stomach hurts probably from my flu and when i get up my appendix area hurts. Im only 15 so it may not be appendix but i am a little worried. It is possible to strain a muscle by my appendix from throwing up violently? Thank you.

What should I do if I am suffering from head muscle strain in the right side of my back head close to my neck?

Drop your chin to your chest to stretch the back of your neck.Lace your fingers together at the back of your skull and gently increase the stretch.Then keep pushing down with your hands and start pushing upwards with your head.Relax and bring your head up.It's kinda hard to put in writing. If it doesn't help, that's not what I meant. :)