Have Republicans Bothered To Donate To The Death And Help With Expenses For The Good Deeds Of This

Why do Republicans and cons think that the really wealthy work hard for their money?

You are very confused as to economic stats among republicans and democrats. That isn't your fault, it a big lie pushed in the media and entertainment industry, but the very rich democrat elite who own most of the media and entertainment industry.

Most of those super rich are democrats, some of them worked very hard, but most of the extremely rich are heirs of old money, nearly all of those are democrats.

Most of the very poor have made bad choices. Most of those who've done very well have put more effort in, often physical effort, but more often than that the kind of mental effort that goes far beyond what a 9-5 job requires. Most of those who've come up from nothing in business have worked much harder than the average joe. Many have been working 12 to 20 hours a day 6 or 7 days a week for a very long time before things work out, and sometimes even that wasn't enough and they fail, and many who are well off have failed and gotten back up and tried again and again. You don't see those who are satisfied with a 9-5 working like that, and you don't see that many who are not interested in putting much more into it making it to the top 2% either.

Some work very hard and have failed so far, and are poor right now. You won't see those guys whining about the rich and voting for those who engage in class warfare because they aspire to win at life and don't like others holding them down by applying onerous taxation against those who get ahead by putting in so much more effort than average.

Why do non-rich Republican voters support tax cuts for the rich, repealing the ACA and reducing Medicaid?

Why do non-rich Republican voters support tax cuts for the rich, repealing the ACA and reducing Medicaid?Because many have spent years worshiping Saint Reagan, so they still believe in this failed “trickle down” economic theory.Many still clutch to this idea that if they give their corporate overlords and 1% masters even bigger tax cuts that some day they will be kind enough to let some of it “trickle down.Also, years of watching Fox News has ingrained many of them with this false idea that ANY sort of socialized aspects of society will automatically mean Soviet style communism and the government throwing you into a gulag.Add to that, some of them are very tribalistic, and are so seething in their hatred of liberals and Democrats, that they’d rather vote for Republicans out of spite, rather than vote for their own economic best interests.But the biggest is that many of them naively think that if they just “work hard” enough, that someday they’ll get to be the boss man on top, being the one getting to press their boots down onto the plebs below. They want to give massive tax cuts to the super wealthy, because they naively believe that some day they’ll be super rich just like them too, completely ignoring the fact that the system is rigged to be in favor of people who already have capital, not the ones who dream of one day having it.

Does it bother Democrats that George Soros heavily funds groups like the Center for Popular democracy, MoveOn and other PACs that promote divisive partisanship in America?

The Soros caricature is one of the many boogeymen (boogeypeople?) that the RW has cultivated amongst their following to create fear and anger for the so-called “left.” These caricatures have devolved for them into little more than pejoratives, flung around with little actual knowledge of whom they speak, and even less actual interest in the truth.Meanwhile, those same Soros-slingers act with little or no knowledge of the vast sums that RW donors pour into various cesspools, and why.For example, climate change initiatives directly threaten the Koch empire, partly by shifting long-term energy sources from fossil fuels to renewables, and partly by requiring heavy polluters like the fossil fuel industry to clean up after themselves and not to make messes in the first place - such as oil spills, carbon emissions, etc., etc.The genius of the Kochs is that they have used their vast resources (about 9x more than Soros, btw) to re-educate millions of their followers that climate change is a hoax. In doing so they have established a broad base of ‘experts’ who can readily repeat junk science findings on demand; meanwhile, many of these ‘experts’ might have gotten a C in 9th grade physical science, yet they are qualified to spread evidence that climate change is a hoax. But what is the masses’ benefit? Mainly the satisfaction of thinking that they are sticking a finger in some liberal’s eye. The health of their children and grandchildren - and themselves! are of a lesser priority than the anti-liberal fever they feel.And throwing out pejoratives such as Soros! Hillary! Benghazi! emails!! Kenya! Acorn!! Muslims!! Gun control!! Snowflake!!! etc. just keeps the faithful busy whilst those who pretend to be their benefactors are actually cutting the legs out from our society and undermining the economy and our democratic institutions in the process.BTW, it’s simply an adaptation of tactics deployed and applied so effectively by the likes of Lenin - who embraced the importance of the “Useful Idiots” to further his cause - as well as Goebbels; both masters of propaganda.There are none so blind as they who will not see.

What influences a persons choice in being pro life vs pro choice?

Great question. I think the rise of the religious right during the Reagan years had a lot to do with my views on abortion. I've always been socially liberal, but watching what the Christian fundamentalists did to these poor women who tried to exercise their right to an abortion made me sick. Then angry. At that point, I threw in wih the pro-choice crowd. I've never been a fan of mixing religion with government, and this issue showed me (and many others) why the two need to remain separate. When life begins is a faith issue, really, and I place my faith in science. Plus, the law is on the side of those of us who believe in choice. The religious right conveniently forgets that fact. Whatever happened to rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's? This isn't a theocracy, after all...

Roman Catholic

Why do people vote democratic in New York City?

Why do people vote democratic over republican in New York? Why is this state / city so liberal? how come that there is a big part of red in the middle of the Us but all blue liberal states on the sides? Is there a geographical it the separation of rural / urban areas?

And another question: don't many people move to NYC from somewhere else? What about those people...if they moved here from a republican they become liberal via contact with a multicultural environment?

Why is "religion" so important to everyone?

Religion is important because it deals with the most important questions like 'What is the purpose of life?', 'Why am I here?' 'Is there a God and if so what is He like? etc. And because it is super important you often get zealous people who often drive other people crazy! People act weird about religion because their whole purpose for living is based on their beliefs, be they flawed or not. I hope that helps. I wish I could find you a good hand book on world religions for you. I would give to you and say 'read it carefully'. Why? Because if you look hard enough you will notice conflicts between religions. But I got the feeling you instinctively knew that! Can I give some advice? Go where the evidence leads rather than what feels good, because feelings can be deceptive. I kind of agree with you a little bit: Religion has done much to divide and hurt humanity. A true and pure religion would have to be true.