Have The Liberals Gotten So Um Low Intelligence That

What is a typical day of a liberal like?

My alarm goes off early in the morning, the glorious Soviet anthem jolting me out of my wonderful dream about taking all the money from big corporations and giving it to that homeless guy who hangs out across the street. I get out of bed, pausing to throw a reverent look towards the portrait of Lenin on the wallFor breakfast, I have some all-inclusive, gluten-free, vegan, equal-opportunity, etc. Cheerio- um, I mean generic, non-branded, donut-shaped cereal that has nothing to do with trademarked symbols of bourgeoisie corporate oppression. I put on a Che Guevara t-shirt and some sweatpants, and hunt around for my black hoodie and bandana for the antifa rally after school.I don’t actually attend any classes, because the teachers just repeat sexist, bigoted propaganda, then get mad at me when I tell them. I can’t believe how rude they are!!!!1!1!!!11!!!!1111!!!!! I just find an empty hallway and smoke pot all day. I’m technically failing all my classes, but grades are just a letter. I identify as trans-grade. It’s so transphobic of you to assume that I’m a F just because that’s what’s on my report card. Inside, I’m an A+!After school, I get on the train. I don’t pay for my ticket, because I don’t support the misogynist government organizations. At this point, you might point out that refusing to pay money to government-run utilities like public transportation contradicts my aforementioned socialist positions, thus making me somewhat hypocritical. To which I would reply, OMG THAT’S SO FASCIST!!!!! CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE, YOU WHITE CISHET SCUM!!!!!!!!! Is that logical? No. Do I care? Fuck no.I get off (not in that way! Stop objectifying women, you sexist asshole!) downtown and throw on the hoodie and bandana. I put on sunglasses too, just for good measure, even though it’s really cloudy today. I walk a block to the rally, where my friends and I spend the rest of the afternoon throwing around bricks and Molotov cocktails and beating up old men.It’s hard work overthrowing the privileged bigoted racist sexist homophobic transphobic heteronormative corporate bourgeois system, but we continue to fight. One day, my comrades, we shall prevail…*Disclaimer: the above answer is satirical. This is neither my daily routine nor an accurate representation of my political beliefs or those of many others who identify as liberals. Yeah. the end.

Why do the illegal aliens from Mexico into California, running from the PRI, aggravatate to liberalism USA?

The PRI, for those who don't understand, and for the uneducated ( is a communist organization for years, now they call it "socialistic", by nonetheless, its against the idea of capitalism, against people owning their own business, against the working man, against private ownership of personal property, against personal worship in God, against the Church in any form, against free elections, against low taxes, against everything any human would want and against any American or Mexican would stand why do the Mexicans, the illegals aliens in the USA running from liberalism in the USA...............why do they aggravatate back to what they were initially running from ?????? This is incomprehensable to the thinking / intelligent mind? Of course the brain dead liberal / statist mind doesn't think this deeply, but working, intelligent minds why so?

Why are women so politically correct?

When they date on the preference of race, but also stand for global liberal issues. When it comes to dating, they're always general to try to include all men of all races. Why not just say from now on that you like black men and prefer to do so and so with them for example. Don't act like you have to be politically correct to include all men. We all know the probability is lower for those other men.

I mean you have to stop hiding your feelings really. If you say racial preference is not bad, and it is like apples and oranges(yes I've heard liberals state this), or ketchup or mustard, people only say they like those things and talk about them. However, making intentional hate topics is a different story if you're trying to get a reaction and start race wars.