Have You Ever Smoke So Much Marijuana That You Cried

I kept crying after smoking marijuana?

I tried smoking weed for the first time today. I was a bit hesitant at first but eventually I relaxed. After I became high, my friends and I were laughing hysterically, and suddenly my friend asked me to move out of the way so that she could go and get something across the room and I started to cry hysterically. I was sad because I thought she didn't like me or something just because she told me to move out of the way. Then later, my friends were trying to cheer me up and kept complimenting me and saying nice things, and I started to cry again because they were being so nice. I cried again later because I thought my friends didn't care about me and when I stopped, I started to cry again because I thought they cared too much about me.
Is weed always going to have this effect on me? Is it weird that it does have this affect on me? Does it depend on the type of weed?

How do I sober up quickly after smoking weed/marijuana or any other drugs?

I’ve found, strangely enough, eating brings me down! A big bowl of cereal, and I’m down as soon as I’m finished. A good nap (1–2 hours) works for me, too.I’ve found that the absolute, most effective way for me to sober up immediately is the sight of flashing blue lights in my rear view mirror. Works every time.

I was crying when I tried marijuana. is this normal?

Hi Emy, I'm sorry you had such an unusual experience with marijuana. I bet you regret smoking the stuff! In any case, I think that the marijuana you smoked was either laced or it was high in THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the active ingredient in marijuana. That's the only reason that I can think of that explains the wacked-out, crazy incessant crying that you demonstrated that day - lol - I know it's not funny to you. You were probably thinking, "Wtf?"

So, to reiterate, your experience wasn't normal. Do you think you'll try it again?

*Edit: What could it have been laced with? - Hmm, good question. The only reason I say that is I did a fair amount of smoking in my youth, high school & mid-twenties, and I never experienced anything remotely similar to your experience. Maybe others can fathom a guess as to what it could have been laced with, if at all.

Have you ever smoked weed?

Writting anonymously for several reasons.Yes I have. The first time I did it was with a free of my friends and my boyfriend over the summer a few years ago. I laughed easily and was very relaxed.However a few days ago I had my first edible. It took a few hours before it hit..but damn I was gone when it did. I remembered it started when I was laughing for five minutes straight over a cat pun my boyfriend made. Then I blacked out and when I came out of it I was crying. I just kept blanking out. I was either crying or laughing my ass off. Im not sure if I just fell asleep for a few minutes and then woke up? I have no clue. I was still like this when I had to go home. In the car ride I was calmer but I kept blanking out at random points. My boyfriend and his dad were talking and I'd come back and it was completely different and my boyfriend is asking me a question Everytime I do. I was so confused because I wouldn't know I blacked out at first because it literally sounded like they changed topics mid sentence. I went straight to bed when I got home. When I woke up I was still high. I had to go to classes that day so my friends thought I was a bit special that day. I accidentally started crying for no reason too at random points. Whoops. However professor did not notice .That was fun but man I'm done for awhile with edibles.

I smoked marijuana once, took 3-4 hits and I'm breastfeeding. what is the most harm it can do to my baby?

I had the biggest mirgrane ever. I tried multiple over the counter meds, but they barley worked. So I tried taking a few hits of cannabis and it worked. I cried after, cause I realized it wasn't worth it. I would really like to know what is the most harm it can do to my baby? I really want to breast feed still. and never will I ever touch weed again. Please help.

Why am I mean when I don't smoke weed?

I used to be the same exact way, and I believe it has nothing to do with your opinions of yourself as others have mentioned. Doing anything on a daily basis can create a dependence or even addiction. While everyone will be quick to point out that Cannabis is not physically addictive it can be psychologically addictive; meaning you won't have sick withdrawal feelings but you can get really bored and depressed. My girlfriend has multiple cups of coffee everyday (as do I) and if she doesn't she will get headaches. I drink more coffee than her and I never get coffee-less headaches. If you do something every single day your body will become accustomed to it and incorporate it into your routine. If you eat lunch at 12:05 everyday for 4 years, you will most likely begin getting hungry around 11:30 in anticipation of the meal to come. This is the same thing with smoking bud; your body is so used to it that it gets “upset” when you change the routine. I couldn't eat, sleep or enjoy many daily activities without smoking first. I thought it helped my stomach aches but after taking a much needed T-break I saw that my stomachaches were caused by my weed smoking habit. Same with sleep, I’d get high then stay up late and veg out. After a few nights of not smoking I hardly missed it and could begin doing these things again without chemical assistance. If you find yourself depressed or mean when you run out I’d highly recommend taking a T-break, you might just find that you don't need it as much as you thought. And if not you will at least get a lot higher when you start again!

I randomly started to cry while smoking weed.?

The other day, i smoked weed for the first time in my life. My sister came over with two friends, and they wanted to "smoke me up" so I had known that they were coming for a few days in advance, and I was excited, but while I was waiting for them to get here, I felt wrong, and like I didn't want to do it anymore. So, they showed me the ways, and I went along, and them once I thought that I getting high, I started to laugh at what they were laughing at. Then all I can remember is that while I was laughing, I felt like eric from that 70's show when they are in the circle, so I thought "soooo....this what it's like". then they asked me whats wrong, then I realize that I was wiping tears off my eyes. After I realized that, I headed out of the Kitchen and into the bathroom, and I realized that I had cryed. On my way to the kitchen, I said "why am I doing this......what am I doing"

I think that I cryed because subconsiously i didn't want to smoke, but I forced myself to. The week before, at school we had a speaker tell us how her son died from smoking weed which led him to heroin. this had an effect on my reluctance to smoke, otherwise i would have been fine with it.