Have You Or Anyone You Know Have Been Emancipated In Illinois

How can I become emancipated and move out at 17 in Illinois?

I am 16 and will be 17 in April. I can not stand being at home anymore, I do not really have a big major problem such as neglect, abuse or rape, I do not have a perfect record 2 years ago I got arrested with marijuana and filed a police report saying my dad abused me which the police found out was false. But since then no trouble. My parents don't really want me at home but I don't know if they would give parental consent. I know that it is hard to get emancipated at 17 without parental consent and that you need a job and place to live and all, but what are the requirements if I do have parental consent? Also if I can not get full emancipation isn't there like partial, what does that mean? And how do I get it as well.

I want to get emancipated.?

I'm 15 and i want to get emancipated. about a year ago i got diabetes and many would say i took it as a death sentence. i tried to kill myself a few times with my insulin because i figured hey! i'm going to die from diabetes anyway. my life completely changed after that. they saved me and put me on mood stabilizers and depression pills. they also made me stay in a behavioral health center which is like for mental people. after that i had a bad relationship where i slept with a kid and we got suspended because i go to a christian school. all-awhile this was happening i was getting severely bullied. kids would follow me home and tell me they were going to kill me. now she my family calls me names like tramp and hoe and they always think im doing bad things even when my intentions are good. they emotionally abuse its been 5 months, things should be getting better. id like help.

so now i'm trying to get emancipated. does anyone know how i can go about that. i know i need to be able support myself financially. my mother got emancipated at 15 in Illinois. i know its possible.

How do i go about getting emancipated from DCFS?

I am currently a DCFS ward I am living in a foster home in Illinois. I am 18 years old and want to get out of DCFS's care please tell me the steps and prerequisites to get emancipated from DCFS.
Thanks in advance for your help.

How can I get emancipated in Colorado?

Assuming you are a minor...By getting married, or by becoming independent (your own residence, money, transportation, food, etc.) and presenting the courts with documents showing why you would fare better living without your parents. If there is abuse in the home, it has to be proven in court.

Can you be considered emancipated if your 16 and have a baby in the state of illinois?

im 16 and im pregnant and i don't wanna raise a baby at this house because i don't find it suitable enough and im not getting an abortion or giving up my baby so i was wondering what options i have wile i live in this state when it comes to emancipation or living with the dad

What is the easiest way to get emancipated in Nebraska?

In order to be emancipated the child must be a resident of Nebraska and at least 16 years old. The child must be living separately from the parents and supporting themselves – legally. Also, the child cannot be a ward of the state. The parents of the child have to agree that the child should be emancipated for his/her own benefit. The determination will be based on a subjective determination by the court of what is in the child's best interests.Taken from

I'm a 17 year old emancipated minor. Can that court order be reversed?

From parents also have the right to petition for a writ of mandate if the emancipation was approved. If they oppose approval of your petition, their application for a writ of mandate will also result in your petition’s review by a new judge with, possibly, a new decision. However, they can only petition for this review if they did appear at the court hearing and did state they were against your emancipation.Of course, people say stuff all the time that may or may not be true. As with all legal matters, your best course of action would be to discuss this with your family law lawyer who helped get you emancipated in the first place—you did hire one, right?I would bet, however, that even if a writ was filed at this late date, it wouldn’t get before a judge before your birthday.A perfectly good response would be: “Mom. I’m emancipated because I and the court felt that not spending time with you was in my best interest. You have no power over me now. You can, if you want, file to get the order reversed, but why would that make me want to spend time with you? And you know, from the time it took to get emancipated in the first place, that the court isn’t going to get to your filing until after my birthday so it won’t matter anyway.“I’m sorry, Mom, but one of us has to be the adult here, and for some time now, that’s been me. I’ll call you next week.”

Can a 17 Year old be legally emaciated? Hello from Illinois?

Assuming you meant emancipated, yes. Given these conditions:

- You are financially responsible for yourself. That is, you have a job and pay all your bills yourself.
- You currently do or financially can live on your own apart from your custodial parent(s).
- You and your custodial parent(s) have no objection.

Substitute parents with guardians as appropriate.

You will also have to tell a judge why. If, like most kids who ask this question EVERY DAY here, your answer is "my parents suck", a judge will not consider you mature enough to be emancipated.