Have You Worked In A Supermarket How Is It

Working at a Supermarket?

1) Yes you can work and go to college. In my last year of university, I had a 5 courses (one was an independent research course) and I worked 60 hours a week (nights). It's difficult. You need to know priorities. I had a job where I could do all my school work, so it was a perfect balance. I was essentially paid to study. Of course at a grocery store, you won't have the opportunity to crack open your textbook while you're ringing up products. However, you can bring a small sheet of stuff you need to memorize and keep that at your register. You also need to know your limits - if you have a midterm, you might need to say no to work. I love money and student loans don't cover much - I worked so I could maintain my cushy lifestyle. Btw, I had no life, if I wasn't at work or school, I was sleeping.

2) They have people to do stock and putting stuff on shelves. It's generally night hours (that would be why you don't see people stocking shelves while you're shopping). You can specify that you want to be a cashier and they'll hire you just for that.

3) Working at checkout is decent. Sometimes customers are jerks, you need to be able to get over it and not let it bother you. The trick to balancing school and work is you need to keep your work low stress.

7) They will let you chose your days and time. If you say you're in school they'll accommodate (unless they're jerks, then don't even bother with the job. If they think that working at a grocery store is priority over post-secondary then don't bother with that job).

To be honest, you may want to consider other options for work. I say this because a grocery store tends to have lots of work to keep you busy. You may want to work at a quiet clothing store or shop that will allow for lots of downtime. Maybe see if there are any jobs at school. I worked at a clothing store and they allowed me to keep my binder out and study. Look for non-chain stores so you can actually know the owner personally and then they'll work with your schedule better.

How would you react if you were working in a supermarket and someone asked you which aisle the bread is on, but instead of saying the question, they sang it?

I do work in a supermarket, and if a customer sang a question to me, I would sing the answer!“Excuuuuuuuse me miiiiiiiiissss, where is the breeeeaaaadddd sectioooonnn?”“Oh sir, it’s riiiiiight this waaaay, please follow me across the stooooooree!”Honestly, it wouldn’t even be the strangest thing that’s ever happened to me at my job, and it would most likely make my day. It’s leagues better than someone walking up to me and barking, “BREAD? BREAD?” Like, I know what you’re trying to ask, but seriously.I know grocery store jobs have a bad reputation for being boring or demeaning, but I actually really like this job; it’s never boring and I don’t feel demeaned by working here. We have fun here and we always try to get customers in on the fun!

Is working in a supermarket a bad job?

You're gonna start out as a courtesy clerk most of the time, that's the backbone of the store.You'll push carts, organize the shelves, mop, bag, do whatever bitchwork is needed and generally get treated like shit by the bad guys and as furniture by the good guys.Also at my store we were understaffed so clerks had to step in for the janitors too, which meant we had to clean bathrooms and sweep.You get union which is OK, but it ends up taking a large amount of your paycheck, and when you leave there's still over payment if it's your first time in the union. Pay all your fees at the beginning, don't do that monthly installment thing, it isn't worth it.Employee turnover rate is generally high at supermarkets, and I've seen around 7 people walk out during 7 months. Luckily I had a good manager, so it was mostly their work ethic being bad+a super anal assistant manager.There are 2 types of managers: the ones that worked in said department (grocery, meat, deli, bakery, GMC/restock) and understand, and the ones that got promoted through cashier work and can't do other departments so they expect magical fairy bullshit.

What skills do you need to work as a supermarket cashier?

Patience. Patience is the big one.Being able to count change helps, you’ll get the hang of it quickly though.It’s good if you can fake a smile, eventually you’ll good into a routine and you’ll end up being positive about work. Do your best to stay positive and eventually you’ll find yourself in a routine of starting work on a positive note.

How old do you have to be to work at Pet Supermarket?

I believe 16...some supermarkets will allow you to work at 14...depending on what state you live in as well. I live in Texas and started working at Minyards Food Stores at 14.

How do supermarket cash registers work?

For many you people, working in front of a cash register will be their first job. These machines have a simple function, keeping safe the money and count it. However, machine cash register training is important and very useful. Using a cash register does not involve physically working but, cash security and attention to detail is probably the most important part of employee orientation. Learn how to work a cash register

I work in a supermarket and like this girl that works at the front end.?

My problem is that I only see her once or twice a week and can't really talk to her because customers come up to her and interrupt. She recently started saying hi to me a lot and know I shouldn't take this very seriously and jump to conclusions. We really had about one full conversation which went well and she seemed engaged. She recently said "look who decided to show up" to me and asked how I was doing. We really haven't talked much before this simple talk. I just don't know what to do or figure out if she's into me or being nice. She also said "nicks too cool to talk to me" in a sarcastic way before we started engaging in small talk so idk if that means anything. Advice?

If your worked as a cashier at a supermarket, was it psychologically hard for you to have so many people go through you every day?

Emotional draining with all the drama.Physically draining.Being a cashier is harder and more physical than it looks; having to check out people as quickly as possible is tiring. And standing in one spot for hours makes feet, legs and back hurt.Psychologically draining.Customer complaints, trying to bargain the prices down, doing returns, being under pressure to check customers out as soon as possible and co-workers complaining; are all psychologically draining. They are all emotionally draining, as well