Having Hard Time Making My Decission

Having a hard time making a decision, abortion or keep it?

you need to make a very important decision, you don't have to keep the baby or abort the pregnancy you also have adoption. you can even chose to keep an open one so you can watch your baby grow and be apart of his or her life. And you would be giving a couple who can take care of a baby the most precious gift anyone could give.some adoptive parents will even pay for your medical care. if you chose to keep it it will be hard but so rewarding in the end, but considering your financial problems adoption would be the best. you seem like a very Intelligent person and im sure abortion is something that would cause horrible guilt for you please think of your baby's life your all he has right now good luck

Why do we have such a hard time making decisions?

Thanks for asking Zeeshan. You are absolutely right - decisions at the final point are a (0 | 1) only.But for some most productive decision - it happens to be a decision tree and has to be broken down into several paths to reach those final points. After doing that we need to associate a risk element to each of the path and then decide what is right.. So things become fuzzy...Things become fuzzy for the only reason that "most of the time", needed information is less. i.e. we don't know how to break a bigger decision into a set of smaller branches and we don't know what would be the probability of success if we picked one branch versus others - thats where we need Wisdom or need to borrow Wisdom of others...Owing to that fact, always our mind comes to believe that there is a GAMBLE to be made one way or the other....So....mind needs a STUPID companion called EMOTION to push us to decide...It is proven, that how ever logical a person is - when it comes to deciding...only his or her EMOTIONS will push to decide... else the person would blindly postpone the decision making or decide not to decide !But apparently the steps/trick seems simple even for the most complex decisions - A. Pick a 3, 5 or 10 point criteria set based on the significance of the decision we are trying to make. More number of criterion - the decision becomes more complex, so we need to keep the size comfortable..B. Try to reach out to the experts - or - people with experiences in each of the areas  and create our qualification factor and your quantification factor for figuring out the odds of successC. Compare how many criteria is met positively between the alternatives we are posed with finallyWhat I listed is ONLY ONE approach to several. Such a RATIONAL approach, at least reduces the fuzzy element and makes a person feel better to decide - thinking even if the person has to fail, the person can qualify that he/she tried their best to decide the approach rightly with the information available ! and move on with life... Else Decision making can be tedious..and stressful..

Do you have a hard time making decisions?

Hi,Usually because we are torn between what we want to do and we we think we should do. Plus mix that with whether we are prepared to accept the consequences of our decisions and you have a great reason to procrastinate and get tangled up!Basically, only you know the importance of the consequences of a decision and whether you can just accept them. If it doesn’t turn out like you expected, then make a new decision.There are so many types of decisions so start telling yourself that decision making is a waste of time in most cases. E.g. what to have for dinner, does it really matter - this should only take a moment to decide.Which school should my child go to, do your research, consider your child’s needs, narrow down the options and gonwith what works best for your family and your child. This can be done in chunks and at the end of the day if your child doesn’t fit well with your chosen school, change schools. There are alternatives.Should you quit your job and start a new business. A harder decision to make as it has wider consequences- in this type of scenario I would enlist a coach to walk you through to help you access within you all the possibilities.Let me know if you need help with what to have for dinner!! Kate

What decision are you having a hard time making right now?

Great question! Retired now, and lately been recognizing that it’s a time for some “re-invention”. But figuring out just what to re-invent into… that’s the rub?!Although on the plus side, at least now I get to “decide’ from a much better and more comfortable position in life… than the last time, when I was still in my 20’s and trying to figure out “what do I wanna be when I grow up”! ;-)

I have extremely hard time making decisions. What should I do?

That does sound like you should talk to someone. A part of you is having difficulties going over priorities in your head. Looking at possible consequences that make you switch from one possible decision to the next. The reason you should see someone is so that they can help you figure out why you have issues with committing to a directional course. There could be any of a number of issues that exist from how you were trained at home and in school. Aspects of yourself that I can only speculate on in a single question.

How do I decide on my major and career? I'm having a hard time making a good decision. How does one know what to do?

Many people midway through college have no idea what they want to do with their lives. Others think they do, and head in the appropriate direction only to learn, miles and years down that road, that it’s not the best road for them. Even people who decide on a future profession and find they like it and are good at it can come to find that the profession as a whole has no future, owing to technological advances or changes in society.So, given that the odds are against any major you might pick, or any future career you might aspire to, your best approach might be to hone the sorts of skills that will likely be in demand no matter where you end up working. Excellent reading comprehension, spelling, along with writing and speaking skills will always be useful and often in demand. In general, a broad education with considerable investment in the liberal arts will support more options down the road than any narrow specialization in a scientific or technical realm.Work pretty hard in school. Get good grades. Become well-rounded and clear-headed. Develop an affable and approachable personality with good people skills. Learn how to ace an interview. Become someone you would like on your side in a fight.

Why is it so hard for me to make decisions?

I have the most difficult time making decisions. They can be as small as what I'm going to eat or who I'm going to hang out with. I can spend hours trying to decide and not come up with one, and i often cry over them out of frustration. I absolutely hate how hard it is for me but i dont know what to do... i was considering going to a psychiatrist or something and maybe there's someway they can help? I'm not looking for tips on making decisions but more as what an educated doctor thinks is wrong with me and how i can find out. Thank you

Is it hard for Pisces to make a decision?

Well overall yea Pisces have a hard time making decisions, like what job to pursue, where to live, just basic things...It's really hard for them...because all options seems plausible and good, and one thing doesn't seem better than the it's really hard. As far as relationships are depends. Some Pisces have been traumatized and this would make them more reluctant to commit or to have a steady, standard relationship. Pisces like to leave things a bit open-ended...and by Pisces I don't necessarily mean Sun in Pisces, it could be Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Ascendant and so on...but yea the distinction should also be made between emotional Pisces and unemotional ones. Unemotional ones do exist, contrary to all the descriptions of Pisces as love-dovey, selfless creatures. There are quite a few Pisces out there who are not like this. But for those who are emotional...I would say yea it's hard to kind of commit, but not in terms of loyalty. Pisces can still be loyal..but they always want to keep apart of themselves to themselves, otherwise they feel like they have no identity. If they spend all their time with a person, or give themselves fully to a person, then they lose a bit of themselves, because they mold so easily to other people's personalities and to what other people expect of them. The unemotional Pisces will never commit and will never really be loyal, physically or emotionally. They enjoy playing games with people...and if you want to know if a Pisces is the emotional, kind type, look at their truth-telling abilities. If they lie often, or if they go from angry to happy for no apparent reason, without you doing anything..then watch out. I mean Pisces are moody but the good ones will not make you pay for their moods. They will try to shield you from their moods, and even when they're sad, they'll still try to be nice toward you. The ones who punish you with their silence, or take out their anger on you are not the good ones...Ok good luck...