Having Stomach Pain While Sleeping

Chest hurts after sleeping on stomach?

Might as well ask this while I wait for an answer to my other question...

Whenever I sleep on my chest/stomach, I wake up because it's a little more difficult to breath (though not enough to sleep on my back). It hurts more when I breath in deeply, as if sleeping on my stomach had made my rib cage stiff and hard to expand with my lungs. Mom says it may have something to do with the asthma I used to have (though hasn't been a problem) or my allergies.

It hurts in the chest area (obviously), mostly along the rib cage, but I can't remember if it's just restricted to those areas. I'm not too worried about it, but then again it could get worse...

I either have high cholesterol or blood pressure, can't remember which, and I am the smallest amount over weight (last time I checked, which was a LONG time ago) though nobody says I am, so I doubt that it has to do with weight.

Any idea what causes this pain? I'll most likely mention it next time I go to the doctors, but that won't be for a while, and this had been going on for a while (a few years?)


-Drakes Sis ~who's name you will never find out! >:D

What are some ways to sleep with a stomach ache?

Have you tried to find out what is causing the stomach pains?? Did you go to a healthcare practitioner? How often do you have them, are they lower or upper, are they caused by gas or a virus, do you have an intestinal disease? None of these things can be answered on Quora but you need to answer them.For gas pains or a simple stomach upset, put a heating pad on your stomach and press on the acupuncture points between your ribs on the midline of your body in front at the waistline, a little above and a little below. Press and hold for 3–5 minutes.Also press on the bottom edges of your rib cage, right and left, for a few minutes.. Wrap your hands all around them. You should elicit gurgling and that usually relieves gas pains, if that is what your problem is.

Does sleeping with fan on give stomach aches?

Woke up with a stomach ache this morning and I slept with the fan on whole night. Read somewhere that this can cause stomach aches. Is this true or was it just coincidental?

How to fall asleep with a stomach ache?

A hot water bottle,not too hot though,placed on the stomach,can help and the feotal positn helps too.

Why do I get stomach pains only at night?

Again, by “stomach” pain, I assume you mean abdominal pain.Real pathology in the abdomen doesn’t distinguish day and night. Some conditions are aggravated by recumbency. The most likely reason is the following—while you sleep tonight, your body gets rid of all the gas that accumulated during the day. When you have your morning bowel movement, you get rid of the last amount of solid waste in your colon. The above occurs in a “normal” colon. As soon as you get up in the morning, you start swallowing saliva, eat breakfast, etc. and as the day progresses the gas and meals move through your bowel and accumulate in the colon. This is the reason your abdomen is relatively flat first thing in the morning and that you feel bloated as the day progresses. 90+% of Americans get colon dysfunction and have trouble passing gas at night and solid waste on a regular basis in the morning at some point in their lifetime. When that doesn’t happen normally, both gas and solids accumulate during the day and cause discomfort at night. That is probably what is going on. You can test the hypothesis by taking 2Tbsp Milk of Magnesia at bedtime 3 night in a row and see if your symptoms improve. If they do, begin a fiber supplement, 4 metamucil capsules a day and your colon function will gradually improve to the point that your recurring discomfort is relieved.If you really did mean stomach, you could have a posterior penetrating ulcer in your stomach or duodenum which becomes symptomatic when you lie on your back. If the pain worsens or doesn’t improve after a week or so, see your primary care physician.

I like to sleep on my stomach but boobs hurt when i do so, what can i do?

Two things immediately jump to mind.

One is that you keep turning on your stomach in your sleep because that's something your body apparently finds comfortable; it may even be that, while you're having the nightmare, that particular position is one that your subconscious considers as one of protection, a way that it can lay and still be safe . . . as if there's a part of you that's reacting to something that happened to you in the past while you were lying on your back, and your sleeping mind is turning you over like it's defending against the possibility of that whatever-it-was from happening to you again.

The second is that, if your boobs hurt from lying on your stomach, then they're not getting the attention they deserve; simply put, they're not being sucked & teased & fondled enough. That's something you need to remedy. Sure, YOU can do the touching, but for the sucking, you'll have to walk down the hall to your brother or sister's room and give him/her permission to suck & lick as much as he/she wants. They'd enjoy it just as much as YOU would.

Brief but intense stomach pain after...

If you gulped the water down on an empty stomach then you could have had a stomach spasm from trapped air in the stomach which could have happened while your were "gulping" the water. If you had been asleep for 10 hours then your stomach was probably empty and you said that you had not eaten much lately anyway. Hopefully that was what happened.