He Broke Up With Me And Doesn

Why does my ex still want to be friends with me after he broke up with me?

there are a few reasons for this:If it’s their first relationship then they are probably just confused about the dynamics of relationships and what happens after. They will learn how dating works eventually.Another reason is if they can easily be friends with you then….that mean that the relationship was never very serious or they didn’t care about you that much. Think about it. If you were really into someone and they dump you but still want you around shows that its not painful for them because there wasn’t many feeling to begin with.Alternatively, they may be mature enough not to cut you out of their life dramatically ( or suddenly block you on everything) enough to still see you around. so by asking to be friends they are basically asking to be an acquaintance. I think in this case they mean the kinda ‘ friend’ where your still friends on facebook and if you happen to run into each other its not awkward to say hi. I think that is the kinda friend they are referring to. Not best friends. it just sounds better to say friends then acquaintance.Or to keep you as an option. This can be confirmed if he gets into a relationship straight after you guys have broken up.Just a couple of opinions :)

Why is my ex acting as if he doesn’t care, we broke up and he hasn’t contacted me now he’s always out with his friends?

Everyone shows their emotions in different ways. You never know what someone is feeling on the inside. He may be really hurt, but is choosing not to show it. He may be happy to be single. Or he might go home and cry himself to sleep every night and never tell anyone about it.Whenever a relationship ends it is really difficult. It can be one of the hardest things to go through in life. Try to focus on taking care of yourself and accepting that however your ex decides to behave or act does not have any power over you anymore. It is just a reflection of who they are. Be kind to yourself and take it one day at a time. Things will get better. This to shall pass.

Is it mean i broke up with my boyfriend because he doesn't trust me?

i never did one thing for him not to trust me i'm faithful as can be. Yet he's always on my ***, like when he calls it's not oh how are you it's like oh were you on the phone or he thinks i'm texting other boys. He's so moody he'll be nice then mean then nice. I try my best just to be patient but i just am starting to loose feelings from all this non sense. i love him, and i feel bad because i tried to break it off a few times but he's like no i'm sorry i'm going to try my best. then a few days later he'll be grumpy and he goes i'm only human. I never doubt him or take my bad day out on him. He's the one before we were actually going out would talk to me and other girls at the same time. I told me he needs to get it together. I didn't officially broke up i just said i think we should take a break so i guess were together...what should i do? he told me he's gonna stop being like that and he trust me?

My boyfriend says he doesn't love me anymore and broke up with me. What should I do?

If you still love your ex boyfriend chances are very good that you want to know how to make him fall in love with you all over again. You may feel alone in this situation but the truth is many women find themselves wishing for a second chance after a break up. Although you may feel that you've lost him for good, it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. There are ways to make your ex boyfriend yours all over again. Once you understand how to appeal to his heart, you can have him back in love with you, even deeper than he was before.Understanding how to make him fall in love with you all over again starts with accepting that, for now, he doesn't want much to do with you. Women and men are so different when it comes to matters of the heart. Many women feel an undeniable urge to try and fix a broken relationship right now. That's the reason so many of us end up calling our ex repeatedly begging him to come to his senses. Men, on the other hand, are much more introspective about their feelings and they tend to need some time to sort through what they're feeling. If you try and push a man to commit to you again soon after a break up, you stand a very good chance of destroying the relationship forever. So the first point to remember is to give him time to himself. Accept the break up as a temporary measure.Giving him distance and time is obviously crucial as a sign of respect for his feelings, but it has another benefit too. As women, we almost always fall in love with our man more when we're with him. Consider how it felt when you used to be with your boyfriend. You likely couldn't get enough of him and you savoured each and every moment you two had. You felt closest to him when you were in his presence. For men it's a little different. Most men love a woman more when they're missing her. You actually can increase your chances of making him fall in love with you all over again if you stay away from him for a few weeks. He will inevitably start to miss you, which is exactly what you want. During those moments, when he's thinking about the good times, he'll start to feel a pull towards you again and it will actually make him want to reach out to you.Watch this video for more:

Why doesn't he ask for his key back?

If he hasn't responded yet, he might not be near enough to his cellphone to read your message. He might just not be ready to take such a drastic step in admitting that the relationship is over or he might still be keeping his options open. He might not want you to give his key back to him because it might be too hard for him to see you again. It is not necessarily a sign that he wants to get back together with you. It could mean many things, but I think you two need to talk and get it sorted out because you need to be sure where you stand with him.

He broke up with me and hasn't told anyone?

We still talk everyday. We live together but I am staying at my mom's for a bit. He ran into my friend and acted like we never broke up. I am confused. What does that mean?

My boyfriend and I broke up. He still doesn't block me in Viber, though I told him to block me so I could not send any more messages to him. I know he reads my messages because he's online, but never responds. If he's still not blocking me in Viber, does it mean he still wants to hear from me?

A lot of these people that answered don't seem to have the experience with this sort of situation and they come off cold, short sighted and idiotic.I will be honest but also compassionate because I'm going through something similar. I don't know whose decision it was to break up first, I'm guessing it's his and I don't know the kind of guy he is so to assume he's laughing at you is just a stupid, shallow response. My boyfriend and I broke up too but it's because he's scared of being hurt, it's complicated, he has trust issues, control issues, etc. So he doesn't block me because a part of him doesn't want to completely disconnect yet, and I know us ladies tend to get over emotional and send messages, like I have been doing, he reads them but doesn't respond, but he eventually does just to say I'm making it harder. But it could be many things as I don't know your exact situation. He may see your messages as an ego boost, or he may not want to get back with you but doesn't want to hurt you by blocking you, or he may need time to figure it out.The best thing to do is distract yourself with friends, and activities, hobbies, keep busy, I usually read self help or inspiring books or audio books…the moment you back off, it gives the person room to breathe and that allows them to sort out their thoughts but every time you message, it just makes him resist more. I know you don't feel enough self control to block him, that's okay, I feel the same, in the meantime whether he contacts you or not things will have gotten easier by then if you focus on staying busy.

What should I do if my boyfriend doesn't want to break up with me?

Just break up with him.If you are trying to give him reasons to break up with you and you just don't want to because you don't like being the person to end the relationship. Get over it and end it. It’ll do you both good.If you have broken up with him and he tells you he doesn't want to. That just means you reiterate the fact that you two are no longer together and DONE! That's it, since you are no longer with him, be done with him. If he's that persistent to “make you stay in the relationship”. You need to get a restraining order or whatever you need to do because that kind of person is as crazy as they get. But remember, you are not in a relationship with him, you can be unless you want to.So your question should really be “What should I do if the guy I broke up with doesn't get it. He still thinks we are in a relationship?”He's not your boyfriend, don't even refer to anyone that he's your ex. He's just a random person out there. He'll move on or go to prison. You don't have to be there for either.

He broke up with me!.. 2 days before valentines day?

that's some guys for ya hahaha.
well i always like to remember this phrase...
no guy is worth your tears and the one who is won't make you cry.
nah you shouldn't take him back. there are other fishes in the water. it's not like you're going to die with out a boyfriend! chill out =). concentrate on some other things instead. it may take some time to get over him i know how getting over someone feels and it's difficult but it eventually does finish... i mean wouldnt it be better to just be friends with him instead of being in an 'awkward' relationship where it just wont be happy to the max? you will be content but never over the moon? is it really worth it? but you should deff stay friends with him. atleast he was willing to buy the present from you and stuff.... =)

good luck hun. x