He Said He Used To Like Her But Now Says He Never Did

What does it mean when a guy says i used to have a crush on you?

I think he still somewhat does, but used to like you even more.

Just think about it - Why would a guy tell you something like that if he didn't like you to some degree and expect you to like him back?

For example, I used to like some girls, but we became friends and I kinda stopped "liking" them. However It never crossed my mind to TELL them I used to like them. I would only do that if I still liked them.

Unless he's extremely different from most other guys, I'd say he still likes you.

A guy used to like me and I did not like him, but now I like him and he does not like me?

Heloo :)
There's this guy, he's a good friend we know each other well and talk a lot
So umm he used to like me for abot four months (we weren't good friends at that time) and I knew he did, now that were friends and I got to know him I started liking him but he doesent like me anymore that's what I heard from him and others atleast
When I asked him why he stopped liking me he replied "I knew you'd never like me back and I would end up hurt so I just stopped liking you" and during another conversation he said "its weird when I like you you don't like me and when you like me I don't like you"
He also told me he has a girlfriend I asked if she's in our school he said yes, but I know he doesent have one and I'm sure of it we have a small school I know everyone and its his first year in the school so I'm definitely sure he does not have one but he mentioned many times that he's thinking of breaking up with her
Once we were walking and he put his arm around my waist, he gives me pecks on the cheek for no reason and he's always teasing me he also called me hot
So what should I do? Why's he acting this way

Thank you for your time, I really appreciate it

I like this girl and she used to like me but now I think she doesn't wat should i do 2 make her like me again?

You need to start talking to her again. She will regain interest in you. That's how all girls work. And when she likes you enough, and you like her enough... you ask.

There's this girl who used to like me, but doesn't anymore. How do i get her to like me again?

Ask specific, open-ended questions of the person you're flirting with; these demonstrate that you're interested specifically in THEM as a person, and also provide an opportunity for the discussion to take a romantic turn.
Look for humor in what the person you're flirting with is saying, and let yourself laugh at his or her jokes if you find them funny.
Try to look your best, and use good posture and eye contact.
Don't follow people around or act needy.
Don't be insincere.
Don't cling
Don't dwell on your performance
Don't fidget

I can go on and on, but have fun with the advice I gave you.


My guy friend was talking to my crush the other day and apparently my crush said "I don't fancy her anymore'.

I'm SO confused because i didn't know that he ever liked me and he never told anyone he did. Also, if he did like me it would have only been for a week or so as we have only just become close. Surely you can't like someone for a week and then just stop?

ALL of his friends think he likes me but he hasn't said anything to them. I know this for a fact.

is he genuinely over me or is there a possible explanation?

He also said he would make out with me later on that day? None of it makes sense...

My crush said he used to like me but now he likes someone else?

My crush asked if i ever liked him and i said yes and he said he used to like me too and he asked if i still liked him and i told him i did and he said that he really likes someone right now but if he stops liking her he'd think about me. But he never texts me first. What should i do?

My friend hurt me...why did he say this?

I really like one of my best friends and he's known for a long time, but he doesn't like me that way. We both used to like each other, but now he says he only sees me as a friend. Well last night he came over and he brought up the subject of how I like him, and long story short he said it's creepy that I like him (I don't see how it's creepy...I'm not the stalkerish type at all) and that it makes him uncomfortable coming over to my house knowing that I like him. But the thing is, he's been inviting himself over to my house everyday for the past 5 days. So how could he say he feels uncomfortable coming over if he's been wanting to come over more than usual? We normally hang out like 2 times a week. And it's not like he's lonely or anything...he hangs out with his other friends too.