Head Pressure And Fatigue

Severe head pressure / tight neck muscles?

Ok for little over a month now I have had severe neck straining and I cam quite literally feel it in the back of my skull. And there's a crazy pressure too in my whole head. It'll get so bad it strains on both sides of my head and neck. To where I feel like the muscles are quite literally going to rip out of the back of my skull. They have me on azithromycin 500 mg for sinus infection...its not even touching this. Cause I have nose pressure too. Been to the e.r. a few times due to dizziness and head feels swollen..feels like my brain is going to crack my skull in the back. They did a ct scan and found nothing. I'm seeing neurologist Friday but at this point I don't even think I'm going to live til then. I can't sleep well at night..I get dizzy and lightheaded. Can't lay right to get my neck to stop pulling. Sometimes I get a choking feeling with it. My whole neck spasms too. Like tremors. When my head tremors it pulls it back and my head tilts up and shakes a little bit. Been to the chiro 3 times. What does this sound like??

Shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, and head rush?

Hi, im only 14 but lately I keep getting shortness of breath, with chest pains, fatigue, and occasional headaches. I keep feeling like I have trouble breathing and then I hyperventilate. I occasionally feel a sharp pain in my left chest. Sometimes I feel a tingly sensation in my hand (especially my left one) and some weird like jolt or pressure feelings in various muscles. The first time this happened I was laying down and I felt a quick sharp pain in my chest and immediately after I felt shortness of breath with some tunnel vision. I immediately felt like I was having a heart attack. I started hyperventilating and I was eventually able to calm down. On and off all night I would get some diziness, tingling sensations, and I would hyperventilate. This concerned me so I went to my doctor the next day. He said it was probably and anxiety attack and he said that my heart sounded fine. Later that day, I felt like I was having continuous pressure in my chest with tingles in my fingers. This went on for about a half an hour and I was feeling shortness of breath. I went to the ER and they did an EKG and a chest scan, nothing showed up. A day later, I am still feeling the symptoms, pressure and tightness in my chest, occasional muscle pains and fatigues, and some pain in my chest. When I have the pain in my chest it is usually sharp and disappears within a few seconds. Sometimes it is dull and it takes a a minute or two to go away, even after the pain goes away I still feel discomfort or pressure. When I have shortness of breath I occasionally feel like im having a head rush and it feels as if there is a tightening in my nose and my throat is closing but I am still able to breath. I have stopped hyperventilating but I still feel scared as if something could be wrong. I know that its not a heart problem because im only 14 and the EKG showed absolutely nothing. I am also having an occasional buzzing sensation on the top of my head as if my hair is moving. Is this just anxiety or should I be more worried?

Pain in the back of head/Dizziness/fatigue/Eye strain?

You don't need it, it won't tell them anything. The reason is that it's tight neck muscles causing this to happen and the scans look right through the muscles instead of at them. When your neck muscles are tight they can compress the blood vessels to restrict the blood flow in your head so less oxygen is making it to the brain. There are three stages of lowered oxygen levels in the brain and they are; feeling very tired; getting dizzy or light headed; and passing out. The muscles for your eyes go to the back of your head passing next to the neck muscles. When the muscles are tight they can press into the nerves to send pains back to the eyes. When your neck muscles are tight they can press into the throat area to put pressure on your gag reflex area to make you feel nauseous and even throw up, just like sticking your finger down your throat would do. To get rid of these problems you have to release your neck muscles to free up the tight ones pulled into pain which will free up the pressure on the gag reflex area and off the compressed blood vessels and here's how to do that release:
Place your hands behind your head so your fingers meet in the middle of your neck. Press into the neck with a moderate pressure and hold. After 45 seconds slowly lower your head as far as you can, then remove the pressure from the muscles but continue holding your head down for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

Help with pressure in my head and jaw pain?

Since mid summer last year Ive this weird head pain. It feels as if there is some sort of pressure in my head, ill feel near my temple region, then it will move to the whole top of my head, and keep moving between those areas. This happens several times a week and it can make it really hard for me to concentrate while I feel this. Now this is important, it doesn't feel anything like a normal headache. Its not painful, but it feels really weird, its hard to describe lol. Now onto another thing.

Ive noticed this pain in the joints of my jaw, and it constantly feels strained and sore. If i moved my jaw from side to side i can hear this sound on the joint of my jaw like its be rolled over or squeezed. I wonder if this jaw strain might even have to do with my headaches. Btw no health insurance :( What do you think? cause this is driving me insane!!

Head pressure and shortness of breath? help please.?

hi im 17 years old health and junkie person i started to have migraines 4 months ago on december all of a sudden well wind went into my left ear gave me chronic migraines i know its sounds crazy but the strong winds went into my left ear making my left side of head hurt it comes in the afternoon or at night time mostly night time now now my head is not hurting me for 3 days i feel now pressure in the middle of my head i never had trauma or anything no injury i don't smoke or drink im a virgin i don't know what's going on, yesterday night as finished taking ibuprofen i had shortness of breath and head pressure starting first time ever i slept it off then it came back this afternoon when i woke up around 5:00pm i was what's going on i had shortness of breath still like a panic attack or something i have no tumor or aneurysm history in my family only high cholesterol, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, panic attacks like im going crazy im not stress out what's going on who has this

Flonase and extreme fatigue?

Flonase (or fluticasone) is a liquid nasal spray to use only in the nose for treating symptoms of (1) periodic allergic rhinitis, i.e.: seasonal (certain times of the year), and (2) perennial nonallergic rhinitis (year around); however, it will not cure either condition of the nose and nasal sinuses. Rather, it is intended to help to relieve symptoms including nasal swelling, sneezing, stuffy, runny, or itchy nose. Prolonged use can mean that the side effects of using it may become problematic, so it's important to use it cautiously. It is in a class of medication that can cause many and some severe difficulties.

Exhaustion, fatigue, lethargy, tiredness, weariness has been reported by people with multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, depression, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis.

Why do I wake up from naps feeling intense head pressure/headache, dry throat, and extreme fatigue in the eyes?

I'm aware of the fact that I take midday naps that are too long. I'm working on that. But long naps can't be the reason I feel this way...
My schedule makes me so exhausted that upon getting home I feel an irresistable desire to sleep. I try not to, knowing that my naps go way overtime (lol), but I just feel like I have to get sleep. When I wake up from these naps, I feel extremely exhausted, especially in the eyes. I feel as if miniscule grains are stuck in my sockets. Not to mention my throat feels like it's on fire (open mouth maybe?) and my head feels like it's about to blow.
Any help would be appreciated. This condition has been plaguing me and I don't know exactly what to change.

Does a person's blood pressure drop when you haven't eaten?

Lack of food can cause a temporary hypoglycemia “low glucose level in the blood”. Your liver needs to get a glucagon message to release glucose from the starch glycogen to raise the glucose level … maybe it is not getting a timely message.A damaged heart from a silent heart attack can be slow on building up a head of steam needed to raise your blood pressure enough to push it against gravity all the way to your head. … the result is a temporary dizziness. … or the heart is OK, but you have restrictions in your carotid arteries that restrict the flow to your head and you get dizzy, easier. Since you are not complaining except when you haven’t eaten …. hypoglycemia is the best answer that fits your words.Orthostatic hypotension: Some people just naturally have lazy baroreceptors in their necks that don’t tell the heart to pick up the pace right away. They may sit on their beds for a few secs before they get up. Couple this with a low blood sugar and you could feel dizzy naturally without it pointing towards any disease. Since you are not complaining except when you haven’t eaten …. hypoglycemia is the best answer that fits your words.

Ghosting in vision and head pressure. Very important, want opinions!?

Please note that before all of this, my vision did not ghost, double, or have star burst. A few weeks ago I was sick with an unusual case of mono that resulted in severe head pressure, a stiff neck, change in gait, and a fever. The only REAL, classical symptom was fatigue (which I am a busy college student working two jobs, so feeling tired wasn't too uncommon for me!)
My doctor thought it was viral meningitis, but ordered a few other blood tests to be done, including a mono spot which came back positive for mono. After I got sick I started noticing changes in my vision that was accompanying the head pressure -- Ghosting on just about any object (particularly light objects, but it has been around people, signs, text in a textbook, etc). On occasion my vision would double, which caused me to stop driving for a while. Since then I have experienced occasional (but not very frequent) double vision, frequent star bursts, and ghosting (still). I was having episodes where I would get tunnel vision, have hearing loss in one ear, get extremely hot, start sweating, and start having severe tremors, along with a huge increase in heart rate at random, for no given reason. So if I was sitting down, calmly reading, all of a sudden these symptoms would occur. After these episodes I would get very spaced out and extremely exhausted. My primary care doctor scheduled an MRI on my brain, and two areas showed a loss of tissue: the basal ganglia, and another area to which the radiologist and the neurologist didn't specify. The neurologist thinks I have had these since birth, did not pay much heed to them, and focused more on the fact that I must be "suffering from migraines", so he put me on a medicine to address the migraine issue.

I have been on it for about three weeks, and ghosting in my vision, star bursts, tunnel vision, and occasional head pressure (some times burning sensations) has stayed. In fact, the ghosting is in both eyes. When I cover my right eye, it goes away momentarily, but it comes right back again.If I cover my left eye, it stays. I plan on seeing an eye doctor for this problem, because obviously it extends beyond a migraine issue.

I'm not TOO particularly worried to where it's destroying my life, but it is becoming a huge aggravation and a bit of a deterrence at times. I would love it if anyone could share some insight if they had any! Thanks! :)