Headaches Dizziness And Eye Pain

What causes headache and dizziness?

Dehydration often causes headache and dizziness, esp. following the flu. If your overall health is good, drink extra fluids. Also, seek medical clearance - there are some serious conditions that may be an underlying cause ie. pappiledema, for instance, although usually associated with some blurred vision.

I have headaches, nose bleeds and dizziness. Can some tell me what could be wrong?

You don't mention how long this has been going on.
You could have high blood pressure. You should see your doctor.

I found this that may help you too:
Q: I have been having really bad nose bleeds with dizziness and a headache with them. Should I seek medical help immediately or wait?

A: Some people are exquisitely sensitive to blood loss. It is not uncommon, for example, for someone to pass out the first time he/she donates blood.

On the other hand, if the blood loss is fast enough and large enough, the symptoms you describe would occur with anyone. The physiology behind this is quite simple. One of the main functions of blood is to transport oxygen (bound to an iron-containing protein called hemoglobin) to every tissue in the body. Well, almost every tissue– the dead stuff, nails and hair, doesn’t need oxygen!

Your most important organ is your brain. Your body would rather shut down blood flow to any other organ or extremity than allow your brain to die from lack of oxygen. That’s why patients in shock have cold, clammy extremities. You can live without an arm or leg, but not without your brain.

But it takes a bit of time for the body to accommodate this drop in blood volume. If the blood loss is rapid enough, the brain will be oxygen-starved until the appropriate blood flow is reestablished. Lightheadedness/dizziness and headache would not be uncommon symptoms in this situation.

So, what your symptoms suggest to me is that when you say "bad nose bleeds" you mean "BAD, BAD nose bleeds!" Gushers, to use the appropriate medical terminology. Does this require urgent medical attention? YOU BET!

As if life-threatening nose gushers weren’t bad enough, I can think of a number of other, much rarer problems in which nasal bleeding could coincide with odd neurological symptoms such as dizziness and headache. Certain brain tumors could present in this fashion. I am not trying to alarm you, but there is certainly a small chance of this. Nevertheless, the main reason to seek immediate medical attention is the fact that your nose bleeds are severe enough to cause neurological symptoms. While uncommon, it is possible to bleed to death from a bloody nose.

Eye pain dizziness cough headache?

Cough is your problem.
You should avoid all cold things. sweet, sour foods, fruits, milk and its' products, fats.
Steamed pulses with little turmeric powder, salt and pepper; salad, black tea, warm water will help you.
If you are in cold country use all warm things.
If you have cough/cold body hot water bath will help.
Massage and exercise in front of morning sun is good thing, pl try.
Pl try simple acupressure given below for immediate relief.
If it fails you will have to go for Acupuncture.

There is hardly any medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for RA, OA, Back ache, Ear ache/ringing, Stomach ache and almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.

Acidity, WORRY, sadness, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation; drug side effects, stress, bad smell, TV & COMPUTER SOMETIMES, Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy, BODY CONSTITUTION etc are their causes.
None of them can be treated with medicine.
Our 100% success in treating migraine &H/A confirms it.

Acupuncture is the best treatment.
I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.

Pain killers don't treat the pain but we loose the sense of pain for some time; in that duration our body itself treats sometime and credit goes to meds.
The useless drugs have tremendous power of side effects like liver/kidney failures, ulcer, inflammation of intestines and lot more.

Avoid late sleeping if possible; worry, tension, spicy foods, sour fruits, stale bakery foods, SMOKING and alcohole.

But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it is very strong.

If it is acute pl search a painful point (with round tipped pen/jimmy) 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.

For forehead/eye pain the points are in front of nails on the finger tips or 3-7 mm below.

It may disappear naturally too.

R.H. 19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

Headache with nausea, dizziness, seeing black spots and neck pain for several days?

It's probably a migraine.

"Vision disturbances, or aura, are considered a "warning sign" that a migraine is coming. The aura occurs in both eyes and may involve any or all of the following:

A temporary blind spot
Blurred vision
Eye pain
Seeing stars or zigzag lines
Tunnel vision

Migraine headaches can be dull or severe. The pain may be felt behind the eye or in the back of the head and neck. For many patients, the headaches start on the same side each time. The headaches usually:

Feel throbbing, pounding, or pulsating
Are worse on one side of the head
Start as a dull ache and get worse within minutes to hours
Last 6 - 48 hours

Other symptoms that may occur with the headache include:

Increased urination
Loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Numbness, tingling, or weakness
Problems concentrating, trouble finding words
Sensitivity to light or sound
Symptoms may linger even after the migraine has gone away. Patients with migraine sometimes call this a migraine "hangover." Symptoms can include:

Feeling mentally dull, like your thinking is not clear or sharp
Increased need for sleep
Neck pain"

I have been experiencing vision black outs, dizziness, headaches EVERYTIME I stand up. What's going on?

Orthostatic hypotension--also called postural hypotension-- is a form of low blood pressure that happens when you stand up from sitting or lying down. Orthostatic hypotension can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded, and maybe even faint.
Orthostatic hypotension is often mild, lasting a few seconds to a few minutes after standing. However, long-lasting orthostatic hypotension can ba a sign of more serious problems, so talk to your doctor if you frequently feel lightheaded when standing up. It's even more urgent to see a doctor if you lose consciousness, even momentarily.
The most common symptom of orthostatic hypotension is feeling lightheaded or dizzy when you stand up after sitting or lying down. This feeling, and other symptoms, usually happens shortly after standing up and generally only lasts a few seconds. Orthostatic hypotension symptoms include:

Feeling lightheaded or dizzy after standing up
Blurry vision
Fainting (syncope)

When you stand up, gravity causes blood to pool in your legs. This decreases blood pressure because there's less blood circulating back to your heart to pump. Normally, special cells (baroreceptors) near your heart and neck arteries sense this lower blood pressure and counteract it by triggering your heart to beat faster and pump more blood, which stabilizes blood pressure. In addition, these cells cause blood vessels to narrow, which increases resistance to blood flow and increases blood pressure.

The treatment for orthostatic hypotension depends on the underlying cause. Your doctor will try to address the underlying health problem--dehydration or heart failure, for example-- rather than the low blood pressure itself. For mild orthostatic hypotension, one of the simplest treatment is to sit or lie down immediately after feeling lightheaded upon standing. Your symptoms of orthostatic hypotension usually disappear.

I hope this helps you. And good luck.

Migraines, dizziness, near passing out? ?

I have been having daily migraines, usually during late morning to early afternoon. I've tried eating, not eating, eating different types of foods, etc. Nothing helps. They are always on my right side, around and behind my eye, that temple, and across the top of my brain on that side. Or so it feels.. My vision on that side gets extremely blurry and I sometimes see stars.

Also, I've been frequently (meaning at least once to twice a day/evening) feeling very dizzy and as if I may pass out. A few times I have come close, like I'll almost fall out and then snap out of it. These sometimes are during a migraine, and sometimes not. These too cause me to see stars at times.

Medical specifics:
Hypothyroidism, taking .125 mcg levothyroxine to level this

Check blood sugar regularly, and at different times. It's always fine, between 90 and 135ish.

Total cholesterol 214, bad cholesterol 146

No other things I can think of. I've been diagnosed with steatohepatitis about 4-5 years ago after elevated liver enzyme levels, lost 30 pounds and that's been normal ever since. (total weight lost is now 45 lbs)

I'm a 27 year old female, 5'9, and now weight around 210. I have a very busy, physical job, so I do alot of walking, lifting, climbing, etc daily. (I do inventory management)

I've had EKG and holter test on heart this month, both came out normal. Doctor is sending me this week for EEG to rule out seizures.

Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing my migraines and dizziness/near passing out?? It's literally driving me insane and I have to find a solution so I can have peace!

I am having jaw pain, headache, and nausea. What could this be?

This could be many things, you should see a doctor. Jaw pain (TMJ/TMD), Headache, and Nausea, all at once, are extremely common during a migraine. TMJ (temporomandibular joint) Photo credit MayoClinic In a study of TMD patients, "migraine was the most prevalent headache (55.3%) followed by tension-type headache (30.2%)". Tension-type headache is a "normal", every day headache. Study link So migraine is extremely common in TMD patients and is also associated with nausea more than regular headaches.Other things such an aura (visual disturbances), headache lasting more than 4 hours, photophobia (light sensitivity), & phonophobia (sound sensitivity) could make a migraine diagnosis more likely, but you don't need all those symptoms to have a migraine. I discuss the problems of migraine diagnosis vs headache here.Migraines can be triggered by inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, but migraines can also inflame this nerve. It is a vicious cycle. The trigeminal nerve can cause jaw pain and can also be caused by various sources of inflammation. Sleep apnea is often associated with both TMD and Migraine, and treatment of sleep apnea may help both conditions.While botox is used to paralyze the muscles around this nerve, trigger point therapy may relieve muscle tension, and various drugs help suppress inflammation this nerve brings, the root source of the problem, causing initial nerve inflammation, could be many, many, many different things.Seeing a doctor and reading more on TMJ/TMD and migraine is a starting point.

HELP...pain with eye movements, headaches, nausea, loss of balance?

Sorry it will be kinda long so you can understand what is going on! (i went to my doctor but she WAS NOT helpful). Its been a couple of weeks it hurts to move my eyes side to side up and down, my vision gets blurred or double crossed when i move my eyes just when im looking for like 5 seconds. I see things like i saw floating little white circles with tinier white lined circles inside of them. I get extremely nauseous and will be nauseous enough and throw up, i get BAD headaches that i cant get rid of, and I also get SO dizzy and lightheaded that i have to stop what im doing because i almost pass out (like i start falling down).

Treatment wise ive been using eye drops for my eyes, nausea pills for the nausea, pain killers for the headaches which don't help much the headaches come right back, and I ice my head as well. I used to be able to just sit down for a few minutes and the dizziness would go away but now the only thing that helps the dizziness and lightheadedness is laying down for AWHILE and that doesn't always help.

Ive never had vision issues before my vision was 20/20 last time i had it checked. I also don't have the flu or a cold. I am a migraine sufferer as well but no migraine meds are working =/
I also lose my balance A LOT falling down steps, tripping over basically nothing, stumbling, my body just kinda collapses but i catch myself before i hit the floor.

Did anyone else have these problems what could it be? i tried looking it up but I wasn't getting answer. Please help. Thank You. Thank You Thank You Thank You! :)

Sambhavi Mudra left me with eye pain and headache for 3 days. Shall I continue doing it?

Shambhavi Mudra/Mahamudra, Eyebrow Center Gazing, tratak on the third eye, ajna chakra meditation, third eye meditation, concentrating/meditating on the third eye/ajna chakra/between the eyebrows/center of the forehead, etc., etc., all mean one and the same - A WRONG MEDITATION TECHNIQUE that will lead to eye pain, headache, head pressure, unnatural head sensations, dizziness, nervous damage, etc.Read the following answer and go through all the other links given in the answer to know how people are suffering due to the above WRONG MEDITATION TECHNIQUE:Achintya Idam's answer to What is the strange feeling like a touch between my eyebrows after meditation? I have it all day long for about 3 weeks after doing Isha Kriya by Sadhguru.Shubhamastu = Let Good Happen To You!