Healthy People How Many Calories And What Did You Eat Today

I BINGE ATE TODAY. 7,000 calories!! But why? !?

There are a lot of hypotheses concerning the root of binge eating but as of now, our science doesn't have a very detailed answer and so it's hard to find a solution. But there are a ton of useful sources online to see why other people do it and maybe wrestle a solution out of the (credible) links and some of Christopher Fairburn's books.

Exercising totally gets the appetite amped in my experience, so you might wanna look into more fulfilling foods to feed yourself with. Make sure there are no empty calories! Those make you wanna eat more. Look into "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" for some good advice on how to get in a bunch of calories with awesome nutrients. 1300 cals does seem a little sparse, too. If you have access to a health professional/nutritionists tell them about you're wanting to be healthy and then dive in with their help.

As you go into the weight loss process, try to keep the desire to be healthy a priority. I know beauty is very valuable in our society, but try to find out how valuable it is to you. If it takes on too huge a role in your life it can very well suck the health out of you. Binge eating usually comes about with restriction and pressure. Try to relax, keep realistic goals, and have a healthy, humorous outlook on life. It'll do you well because you're losing weight to get a better life and if you pick up the skill of positivity on the way, you're already way ahead of the herd.

People always say to eat healthier, but what does that mean?

There can be different answers. It may mean you eat to little, you eat to much, or whatever you eat is not healthy. Unhealthy food may contain to many calories, to much sugar, to much sugar, etc. On average a person needs to eat around 2000 calories a day. You can check things like how many calories, fat, sodium, and protein in the nutrition facts located normally on the back of a food box or can ( or something that contains food). Generally someone saying “eat healthier” means that you eat to much junk food like oily french fries, sugar loaded sodas or candies, cake or anything that generally contains a lot of sugar or calories. To eat healthier you could eat more fruits and vegetables, portion meals out that have foods from all 5 food groups (vegetables, fruit, grain, meats, and dairy). Also if you drink a lot of soda or sugary drinks you could swap it out for water or non sweetened tea.

I ate 650 calories today. how many more should I eat to lose weight?

People telling you "oh you have to eat 2000 calories a day. Oh you're not fat." Are complete dumb***es.
Maybe you're normal weight and you want to be thin and stand out.
Or maybe you're normal weight but have rolls of fat?

I'm actually underweight but I have fat rolls on my stomach.
So you must be similiar to that.

I would recommend eating 500-600 calories a day and running 30 minutes a day and doing 600 crunches.
It worked for me (and i have a sucky metabolism). I plan to be thin before school starts again.
An ordinary waist isnt good enough today.
But my waist is fat, not ordinary. I still have a while to go.

Good luck (:

If i've only had 900 calories today... (easy 10 points!!)?

will i gain weight since i have not ate 1200 calories yet? i normally eat between 1200-1400 but today has been incredibly stressful and i've had no appetite.
will i really gain weight the next time i eat? or store all the fat i ate today insted of using it because my body thinks it in starvation mode?
its only one day though..

and i only ran 1 mile. nothing else. i just couldn't exercise my mind was racing too much.

so what should i do? if it is going to make me gain weight next time i eat, or store more fat should i just eat another 300 calories ? its already 9:30 pm.
what should i do?
thanks (:

im 17, 5'5'', and 125 pds if it matters

Is 510 calories to much to eat for breakfast?

Nope, as long as they are good, nutritious calories and not all from a half of a muffin or something. It's not so much the calories as it is the quality of those calories. Egg whites, fruit, wheat bread, oatmeal and yogurt are all healthy calories that give you energy to get through til lunch. A couple of donuts with the same amount of calories will leave you feeling blah and are nutritiously invalid.

Do people have to eat approximately the same number of calories every day?

Almost all animals, especially carnivores, live their whole lives like this, from one meal to the next. It’s much safer to eat as much of a kill as possible very quickly, as over time the meat will spoil or other animals will come steal it. Though humans have become less used to doing this than other animals, we are still more than capable. And despite media’s constant insistence that being overweight causes health problems, the truth is that no singular health issue- not diabetes, not heart disease, not cholesterol or anything else- is linked solely to being overweight. (Most of them are diet-related, but people can be overweight without overeating.)

Can I gain calories or get fat if I eat 4 slices of pizza in one day?

In the long term, anything you eat in one day is completely irrelevant.Almost everything you eat has calories. Even celery does, so anything you eat causes you to "gain calories".If you eat 4 slices of pizza in a day, that could be a rather highly variable amount of food!  4 small slices of NY style pizza is not going to be the same as 4 big slices of deep dish pizza.  As I said above, what you eat in one day isn't important at all.Let's pretend that you're eating pizza that has 350 calories per slice, and are simply eating 4 slices instead of 2 as a meal in this one day, and that the rest of your day you ate normally - in a manner that would cause you to neither lose nor gain weight.The excess caloric intake of the extra slices of pizza would be 700. Overeating by 700 calories per day every day is a bad, bad idea - you would gain over 1lb per week. But for that one day, you would gain .2lbs.  Your weight can vary by 5+lbs over the course of the day. 4 slices in one sitting? It's a minor splurge. Totally fine to have every once in a while. Not a good idea to eat on a regular basis.

Will I gain weight eating 1300 calories a day?? ?

I am currently recovering from ED and am in treatment with a nutritionist. I was eating between 400 and 800 calories a day before and am now eating between 1000 and 1300. At my lowest I weighed 104 pounds. I haven't been able to weigh myself since I've started treatment, bu I feel, and believe I look like, I've gained weight. My nutritionist is kind of beating around the bush when I ask how much I weigh or how many calories I should be dating and just wants me to eat more, more often. My obsessive side really likes knowing how many calories I am and should be, that's why I still keep such close track. I'd just like to know if it's feasible that I'm gaining weight, or if it's just my ED.