Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy

How to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy, is their a certain diet or eating regimen to follow?

I would just make sure you are eating as healthy as you can... All the pregnancy books have all these guidelines and makes you feel like you need to eat exactly what they say, and a strict diet, its really not the case. I had morning sickness so bad, I just kinda had to eat what I could. Sometimes it was hard to eat at all. You need to make sure your baby is getting nutrients, but my Dr told me that they just kinda take what they need and leave everything else alone. So dont feel bad if you eat a hamburger, or something thats not the most healthy thing in the world. If you can though, eat fruits and veg when you can. and stay away from shell fish, and tuna fish, hot dogs, and make sure your milk (drink lots) and juice is pasteurized. Just watch your weight, but I wouldn't stress to much about it, nows not the time to worry about that, unless you gain a way unhealthy amount. My pre pregnancy weight was 130, and my last apt I weighed in at 172. I thought it was alot. But, my baby was healthy, and so am I. Hes 9 weeks old now and I almost have my body back to normal. After you have your baby, just eat in moderation and youll be fine!

How much weight should women gain during pregnancy?

Gaining weight steadily is very important during your pregnancy. Gaining a lot of weight can increase your chances of miscarriage, cesarean, hypertension and not to forget a lot more weight after your delivery.On the contrast, Gaining a few pounds can cause complications for your baby like he may be weak after pregnancy. It can also increase chances of premature birth.BMI is calculated by weight/(height)2. Weight is in kg and height in cm. If it lies between 18.5-24.9 then you should gain between 11-16 kgs give or take 1-2 kgs from the upper limit. If it’s lower gain about 20 kg and if it’s higher you should probably gain around 8-12 kgs.However, if you are carrying twins you can gain anything between 16-24 kgs. If you are underweight it might be tough for you to gain more but strive to gain at least 20 kgs.If your BMI is higher than normal you should gain between 12-20 kgs.Where does so much weight exactly goes?Baby- 2-4 kgsPlacenta- ~1 kgAmniotic fluid- ~1 kgBlood- ~2 kgsUterus- ~1 kgBreasts- ~1 kgFat stores- ~4 kgRetention fluid- VariesIn your first trimester, you won’t probably be needing any extra calories. You might gain around 2 kg during the first 3 months. However, during second and third trimester eat 300-500 calories more. You will gain around 0.5 kg each week during this timeRead More: Is your Pregnancy weight gain on track ? - My Toothless

Weight Gain During Pregnancy?

So far you have gained 17 pounds. In the first trimester you should only gain a few pounds say a half stone or less. That sounds a healthy weight gain. Up until 28 weeks ( from about 14 weeks onwards) you should gain half a pound a week and from 28 weeks until you reach about 37 weeks you can expect to gain 1 pound in weight per week as your baby grows rapidly in the third trimester. In fact to me your weight gain sounds absolutely textbook perfect. Pregnant mothers are expected to gain 2 to 3 stones during pregnancy. It depends too on your body shape, frame and how much fluids you are carrying around. When you give birth expect to loose about 1 stone immediately.

What can you tell Chloe about the weight gain during pregnancy?

Question #1: Who is Chloe?
Tell "Chloe" that she shouldn't be too concerned with the weight she gains. I'm not talking about a burger fest at McD's-just make smart choices about she eats. Eat whole grains; fruits, veggies, protein and calcium to ensure a healthy baby and a healthy mom. The women who walk away from the hospital in prematernity clothes are quite rare. Eat healthy, exercise and don't worry about the weight.

Is it possible to not gain any weight during pregnancy?

If you are overweight, it can be done safely. I was 30 pounds overweight when I got pregnant the last time and didn't gain any by eating healthy and staying active. A HEALTHY pregnancy will gain you 10-20 pounds, so use that as your guide. My sister, who is 5'8" and weighs 105 most of the time, usually gains 10-15 pounds during pregnancy. She has had 10, yes that's TEN kids. Eat healthy and have healthy snacks to help prevent unwanted weight. Check with your doctor about the right weight for your size and height. Your doc will help you maintain a healthy weight for you and the baby.

Do all women gain weight in pregnancy?

In some cases there are women that don't gain any weight because your fetus is taking all the calories as fast as you consume them. As long as the baby weighs what it should then I wouldn't worry. Although you are only 13 weeks. I didn't start to gain weight until about 20 weeks. At your next Dr appt discuss this issue with him/her.