Heart Problems Still Worrying

How can i stop worrying about my health?

I have recovered from the same problem you are experiencing.

The name for the condition is health anxiety or hypochondria. You can research it on the internet.

If you are experiencing serious symptoms such as nausea, intense pain, fainting and others, then yes, consult a doctor. If the doctor, says everything is fine, then you are mostly likely okay. You can consult another doctor for a second opinion. If that doctor says, everything is okay, then it is time to stop worrying.

Firstly with cancer. Whilst cancer does happen in young people, it is rare in young people. Cancer is mostly a disease that old people have because it takes time for the cancer cells to develop. So, since you are fourteen, I would not worry about it. As with heart attacks, yes, young people can die from heart attacks, but it is also rare. Heart attacks mostly occur with older people. As with your pains in your body, remember that your body cannot never be completely pain free. When you sit on a chair for a long time, there is pain. When you overuse your muscles, there is pain. Anxiety can also cause pain too. In my case, I was experiencing chest pains and I feared a heart attack. After my cardiologist said I was okay, mysteriously my chest pains disappeared.

It is a matter of probability. Yes, there could be cancer growing in your right now, but the probability is small. So, let it go. Uncertainty is a part of life. You can never be completely certain.

Also, you worry about your health, so that you could prevent health problems and enjoy living life to the full. But excessive worry about your health is stopping you from enjoying life. When you are old, would you rather regret all the time you spent excessively worrying about your health or missed out opportunities to enjoy life and would you rather, enjoy life in the present and make the most of life without the excessive worry.

What age do you have to start worrying about heart attacks / strokes?

A heart attack and stroke can technically occur at any age. A heart attack occurs when an area of the heart does not get enough blood flow for any reason. The most common cause of a heart attack is coronary artery disease, but there are many other abnormalities that could lead to a heart attack. For example, a newborn infant could have a heart attack related to an abnormality in the anatomical structure of the arteries that supply the heart. A stroke is when any area of the brain does not get enough blood for any reason no matter what the cause is. Heart attacks and strokes are very uncommon in young people, but not impossible.

The majority of heart attacks and strokes are related to blockages in the blood vessels that supply the heart ant the brain, respectfully. The medical term related to these blockages is atherosclerosis. I think you are asking specifically about heart attacks and strokes related to this. It really depends on the number of risk factors the person has. The risk for heart attacks and strokes increases significantly after the age of 45 in men and 55 in women. It is certainly possible to have a heart attack or stroke before this age though.

Also keep in mind that your behavior now will influence your risk of heart attacks and stroke in the future. In my opinion, you should be concerned about heart attacks and strokes in childhood. The early process of atherosclerosis, known as fatty streaks, begins in childhood in the developed world. Therefore it is important to modify one's risk factors as early as possible to prevent problems in the future.

In case you don't know, risk factors for heart disease include age, male sex, family history, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, etc. Everything besides age, sex and family history is modifiable. Therefore eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly is important to prevent these risk factors from developing in the first place. Good luck.

Is telling nobody your problems and worries bad for your mental health?

I kept my problems to myself for years. I kept pushing everything to the back of my mind and coping in ways that were more harmful than helpful. I was depressed and keeping everything bottled up made my depression worse until it became too much to handle.I still am not very vocal about my problems, but I’ve adapted other ways to deal with my mental health. With my antidepressants, I’m sometimes able to force myself to go to art galleries and museums which I’ve always enjoyed. Just the sheer fact that I got myself to do something makes me feel better. It’s the small victories that are important.Some people feel better by talking to someone, like a therapist, or a friend they trust. Others express their thoughts in journals, others through art. It’s healthy to find a cathartic release to ease the weight off your shoulders. You’ll feel better, maybe not immediately, but it’ll happen.

How can I stop worrying about my health so much?

Two things-1. Follow a healthy diet2. Exercise Do the above two and you wont have to worry about your health.What I am about to tell you may sound extremely difficult, but take small steps and be consistent and you will automatically start discovering your new physical and mental  self with more vigour and energy!Let me elaborate:1. First step - Totally cut out fried food, ice creams, alcohol, food with high sugar, or at least reduce it to minimum (twice or thrice a week). Next step - Get rid of food with refined flour, packed food and switch to whole wheat and natural foods(ex: Choose an apple over canned apple juice, Choose dry fruits to snack instead of biscuits/cookies)Never starve! Just replace the bad food with good ones.2.Exercise - Any type of exercise, that increases your heart rate and makes you sweat. Even here, u can start slow and gradually increase the intensity day to day.3 or 4 days a week, 30-45 minutes per day.Do the above 2, and you will find a better version of yourself. Also, be consistent and believe in yourself, you can achieve any goal!

Worried about heart attack?

I'm 20 years old and 230lbs. In November and December 5th I rushed to the hospital twice thinking I was having a heart attack. I was given an EKG, blood tests and a chest x-ray, all of which came back fine. The doctor told me I was having anxiety and prescribed me medication. Since then, I have had really bad chest pains, my left arm hurts and every time I physically exert myself (my job is very physical) I get chest pains, left arm pain, light headed and the feeling of a knot inside my heart.

I tried going to my family doctor and they listened to my heart and told me it was fine. All of these tests and results are coming back fine yet my chest hurts really bad and I'm constantly worried I'm going to have a heart attack. Can anyone help give me peace of mind? What are the chances of me, a 20 year old, having a heart attack? I'm scared to do any form of activity because I don't want to have a heart attack.

Thank you

Should I worry about Diet Coke causing stroke or heart attack?

Not yet, as the report stated, since this is one report and it is not proven that diet coke causes the heart attack and stroke, just that they occur together more often;  but cutting back on salt intake is strongly recommended.

Should I worry about a heart attack? I am 17 and occasionally (once every few months) I get an aching pain in the left side of my chest, right in the area around the heart.

No, a myocardial infarction (lay person speak heart attack) is a disease of the middle agedAnd true heart pain is never situated on where people think the heart is located, the left side of the chest, where the heart isn’t located:You, like so many teens, have more or less serious anxiety problems, often you tense your muscles, thus causing musculo-skeletal pains not connected to the heart, the more you tense, the more it aches. The problem with Googling symptoms is that it always lead anxious teens to totally inappropriate diagnoses like headache > brain tumor, chest pain > heart attack etc.If you can’t stop worrying see your doc, best avoid sedative meds, those just sweep the underlying problems under the rug, while what is needed if serious is seeing a competent therapist to learn how to cope with the fears, anxieties etc. which live brings.All the best!