Hello I Would Like To Hear Peoples Thoughts On This.

People who nod hello?

i dont get it. if im going to say hello, i either say it or wave when passing someone by that i know. there are alot of nodders out there though, mostly guys. it doesnt seem like they do this to avoid people per se, more like they just feel awkward and are more comfortable doing this. even if it is because you think someone sucks, it's much easier to just give a wave or smile or say hi. the guys who nod seem to do it to everyone except their very close friends and family. the guy i kind of like at work is somewhat shy and very much a guy's guy. i say hello sometimes if we're passing by and he'll nod, walk a little past me, turn around, and ask some work-related stupid question that concerns us both?

I want to know what do people think about Iranians? our thoughts, and our behaviors?

I have friends from Iran who are American citizens now, so I know more about your culture than the average American. First of all, your food is the best! They just opened a new Persian restaurant in our area and the food is fabulous. A lot of people have negative stereotypes of Iranians and confuse Iranians with Arabs. They do not realize that they are not the same. Also, Americans do differentiate between the Government and the people. We may not like your President, but that doesn't mean that we don't like all people from your country. There is a lot of fear of Muslims in the aftermath of 9/11. People don't realize that before the Revolution, Iran was very western in its attitudes and lifestyle. They also don't know that Iran is a large country with varied climates. They think of Iran like the Arabian desert, which is all wrong. Overall, many people here are ignorant about your country and your culture. They do not realize how many people were killed in the Iran/Iraq war and how many people in Iran are working for social change.
My friends from your country are loyal friends who are now my family. They have a great knowledge about the world, and they are outspoken on world events. They are people with great hospitality.

Why don't some people say hello?

...the world for a lot of people have changed and for myself when people say hello to me...they want something i have...i.e to make conversation...
...when they ask me why...i simply tell them the world was perfect until YOU bothered me... time don't bother, walk pass and stay happy...good luck...

Why do people ask "Hi, How Are You?" then walk away when you are answering?


The expected response is like you say a 'good' or 'fine', anything longer than that is really not in the agenda. Similar to the way people say 'Hi! nice to meet you' when they FIRST meet them. If you think about it that statement is nonsensical, it would make sense to say when departing 'it was nice to have met you' but to say 'nice to meet you' implies that you know the future and that in fact this will turn out to be a 'nice' experience. Another thing that we do and makes no sense any more is shaking hands, this was originally developed in western society because people would kill each other at the drop of a hat, so when approaching a stranger since most people are right handed to show that stranger that you meant him no harm you would extend your unarmed hand to him and hold his unarmed hand and shake it in a gesture of good will and defense (while you can't kill him while he holds your hand , he can't kill you either). In our society we no longer carry daggers to stab people on a regular basis but we still shake hands.

Funny thing is most people don't know why they shake hands they just do it. The same could be said of the greeting, most people don't know why folks would first ask 'how are you doing?'