Help Anger Problem

How can Prozac help me with my anger problems?

It depends. people have anger problems for different reasons. Some have a nuurological condition that shorts circuit their emotions and it is predictable. Some people gow up in a violent home or with a violent parent and learn this is normal and acceptable behavior some people try to control people with there anger. Prozac and most other medications are either mood stabilizers OT anti depressants. Ironically some people on anti depressants have to opposite reaction and become more depressed. People on the Autism spectrim often have anger out bursts or melt downs. That is different than anger problems in general. it seems to be either biological or is a learned condition. You would likely know the difference. If your finding your doing and saying the same things your parents did, you will likely have to make a councous decision to learn to deal with situations differently. There are anger managment groups and therapies that seem to help some people and they don't have any side effects that make you gain 40 pounds!

Anger Problem? help? happy pills?

I feel like i have an anger problem. I get mad very easy and i feel like i want to blow up. I family has a history of anxiety problems. Is there any over the counter drug that will calm me down and make my happy? i just feel like life sucks more and more every day and i am just getting sick and tired of my family. please help, some advice maybe? is there such thing as happy pills or something?

Please help me.. My dad has anger problems.?

Im going through basically the same thing as you.... I understand.
My dad gets mad when someone dissagrees with him, or if someone wakes him up, ect.....
And if I try to calm him down, it just doesnt work.
What everyone else doesnt get is that it will get worse if you try to say something to him..
So he hasnt hurt you? Thats good. He is just hurting you mentally and verbally.
E-mail me and we'll talk. I can help you, but my answer is FAR too long.

Anger problems with my 3 1/2 year?

I have a 4 year old son that is quite a handful too. He has a bad temper too. When mine first started acting out, I sat him down and had a talk with him. I explained that it is okay to get angry, you can't help how you feel, but you can help how you respond to it. I do not think that you can control how a child feels, you do have to channel how they deal with it though. If he feels the need to kick and scream, explain to him that he needs to do that differently, go to the bedroom grab a pillow and yell into it. He does need to get that frustration out somehow, but it needs to be done in a healthier way. I also think that you are better off parting ways with your bff, and maybe she disagreed with your parenting skills, but what does that say about her if your son spent most of his time with her, and he acts this way. There may be a medical problem with your son, but I don't think there is anything wrong with him. Maybe your son is having some kind of separation anxiety about her not being around now. Is there some kind of trigger that gets him in a mood or outburst? I think that perhaps if your schedule allows it you could maybe schedule some special mommy and son time, where it is just you and him, no daddy or siblings(?) just you and him. Maybe he is just missing you and is going about getting your attention in the wrong way. And if he used to see you acting out in anger he may think that is an okay way to express his anger. I would talk to him about what you went through and why you acted that way, and that it wasn't a good way to be, and that you don't want him acting that way either. Good Luck. ( Lots of kisses and cuddles in the good behaviour can't hurt either)

Does Geodon treat anger problems?

No. Geodon is prescribed to treat schizophrenia. It is also used for the short-term treatment of mania associated with bipolar disorder. Researchers believe that it works by opposing the action of serotonin and dopamine, two of the brain's major chemical messengers. Because of its potentially serious side effects, Geodon is typically prescribed only after other medications have proved inadequate;

My 21 year old son has an anger problem. He will get angry and break things. Then feel guilty and hurt himself

It sounds like he does need help, sooner than later. You can find low-cost mental health services by contacting your County Department of Social Services, or the Department of Mental Health, the phone numbers should be listed in the phone book.

Once you find a therapist or counselor in your area, they should be able to help you find the best way to get your son to come and speak with them without him feeling seriously hurt or offended.

Help Anger management problems! Mental emergency! What can I do to help my problems?

ok so please don't get mad but I have pretty severe anger management problems. OK so I got really really really mad tonight. When I slammed my door I picked up and started to beat my cat for like 5 min. I was just slapping her with a face mask because I was sooo pissed. I do realize that this is animal abuse and I live with my parents. I am only 14 yrs old. I would like to find a home remedy with as little intervention with a professional as possible. So please help! This is a mental emergency!

My girlfriend has anger problem. How can I make our relationship work?

1. If she is physically present, get her something to eat. That works. Chocolates helps a lot2. If she gets angry over call, send her stupid pictures of you. Pictures with cute expressions on your face, sad face when she gets angry, happy face when she smiles3. When she is normal tell her you love her but her anger is making things bad, it won't help you guys in longer run. Ask her to take deep breath when she start to get angryKeep some chocolates in her bag for safety purpose. Try dark chocolates as they won't make her gain much weight too Hope this helps :)

My boyfriend is showing signs of anger problem?

Watch out! His lack of anger management can be a major disaster for you! You don't need someone to stress you out & make you miserable! Remember that he won't improve until he acknowledges he has a problem and changes. The scary thing is that when you're first dating someone, you generally are on your best behavior - wanting to show your romantic interest how appealing you are. So if he's already leaking out his anger toward you & others, that's dangerous. I wonder how much anger he's suppressing from you that will show up a year later? Please remember that you don't deserve to be treated badly, regardless of what he says. Remember that if he truly wants you to be happy, he needs to realize that he's not succeeding! This is HIS fault, not yours. Don't let him project the blame of his anger issues onto you. You can't make someone angry. That person chooses to be angry. We are each responsible for our own actions. That's maturity: when you can accept the blame (or credit) for your own actions & decisions. Please, please be careful.