Help English Questions

English help!! 2 questions!!?

Hillary commented, "Well, some subjects are verboten or, as Wendy used to say, 'silent."

(A) verboten
(B) commented
(C) "forbidden."
(D) no error

English/la questions!? help?

1. Choose the correct answer.

What is the tense of the underlined verb?
Uncle Mel drove a school bus during the winter last year. (Points: 1)



past perfect

2. Choose the correct answer.

What is the tense of the underlined verb?
Has anyone seen my blue sweater with the white snowflake designs?

(Points: 1)


present perfect

past perfect

3. Which verb best completes this sentence?
I am certain that Jenny _____ me back my bicycle after she is finished with it. (Points: 1)
has brought

will have brought

will bring


4. Which verb best completes this sentence?
Right now I _____ several porpoises swimming next to our boat! (Points: 1)

will have seen

had seen

will see

5. Which verb best completes this sentence?
When the radio station ______ away free tickets to the concert, a line started forming at 6 a.m. (Points: 1)

will give

has given


Can you help with these English questions?

That's a lot of questions! Here goes:1. Nature and character are really about the same thing, so mentioning them both is redundant and wordy. For that matter, why mention them at all? (A) is the best sentence.2. Either sentence is correct depending on the context. "If she were..." presents a hypothetical, whereas "if she had been..." refers to an actual event at some point in the past.3. There are a lot of modifiers modifying a lot of things in both sentences, both of which, by the way, are grammatically correct. (A) is more economical, however, so I prefer it between these two choices.4. 1) may (or might) win     2) cannot play     3) should tell5. (D) is correct. The first three choices are confused and wordy.6. Neither sentence is correct. It should read "The enemy left their weapons in the field," or, honoring a soldier's convention of referring to his enemies by the masculine singular, "The enemy left his weapons in the field."7. Either sentence is correct; I prefer (A) because (B) sounds like a question.8. Either is correct depending on context. (a) refers to a general quality of roentgen, whereas (b) refers to a particular time when it exhibited this quality.Hope this helps, and thanks for asking!

Some English questions, help please ?

hey, friends, i have been reading an article,
and i have some questions about it:
(it is a reading about working from home):
1. In the introductory paragraph, it has been written " Can you feel your anxiety and stress levels INCREASING every time you get caught in a traffic jam?"
but in the longman dictionary of contemporary English ( a dictionary installed on my computer) it has been mentioned that after feel we should use the simple form of the verb, for example: i felt my heart BEAT, when i saw her.
So, why is it "INCREASING" rather than "INCREASE"?
2. In the same paragraph, i see " Do you just NOT have the right kind of office attire, ...", but i don't understand, why NOT is where it is, and i would deeply appreciate it, if you explain to me, why sometimes NOTs are not in the place they should be ( i have faced this kind of grammar few times, but i don't know the reason.
3. Again in the same paragraph there is an expersion " on your back", in this way: " would you feel better if you had fewer people ON YOUR BACK?"
I checked this at longman, but it has been said that " if someone achieves sth on their back, they achieve it by having sex with someone"!
4. i checked " suggest ", but it was not said that we could use suggest in the way in this text had been " SUGGEST TO YOUR BOSS THAT you wish to become one of the..."
5. What are the differences between " place of work" and " work place"?




by Des Walsh

Once upon a time
a poor man
named marcus
sat all day
hoping for good
outside a kitchen door
at night he would think
of the golden sands
where he used to walk
before the days
of his captivity
or of books he read
tales of gods
and heroes
of argonauts
and the golden fleece
and he thought that some day
he would write a book
about himself
a book where he would
work in the kitchen

Question :

1 ) Write a paragraph od the intent and effectiveness of the following three allusions: "His captivity" , "Tales of gods" , and " argonauts and the golden fleece." Share you conclusions.

2) Choose a dominant image from the poem. Rephrase the message as an e-mail to a friend.

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! English Question.?

I have to compare stories of today with the myth of Theseus. The stories are suppost centered around a dangerous journey.

If you can name some stories for me that would be great. Cause I can't think of any right now.

Please help! English question! won't take you long. PLEASE?

For although he /usually/ sang at night, his playing was characterized by velocity, by long-continued successions of notes and phrases, by swoops, bleats, echoes, rapidly repeated bebops--I mean rebopped bebops--by mocking mimicry of other jazzmen's styles, and by interpolations of motifs from extraneous melodies, all of which added up to the dazzling display of wit, satire, burlesque, and pathos.

Which statement best summarizes the effect of the sentence?
a. length of the sentence suggests the difficulty of artistic creation
b. numerous abstractions provide a startling contrast to the preceding sentence
c. irony of the sentence highlights the complexity of Parker’s music
d. complexity of the sentence’s structure mirrors the complexity of Parker’s music
e. extensive use of prepositions underscores the repetitiveness of Parker’s style

I have other questions needing longer passages but due to character limit this is all of the passage I can put. Please e-mail if you are willing to help

HELP. English questions only 10 & only have 57 minutes left. I don't have my materials & REALLY need help!?

3) all children need a public identity and language
6) he is too familiar with the language now
7) i only read hunger of memory, but from the choices listed i'd assume choices A or C depending on what the egg was about.