Help Guys Perspective Maybe

Shy Guy? ( i would love a guys perspective!)?

Something you can do to make it easier for him is to create opportunites for him to ask you out. Try to find things to do just the two of you (so that he wouldnt be intimidated by others around him.) If he says something sweet (which he seems to do often,) let him know he's sweet and give him a quick peck on the cheek. Take a look at how he reacts. If you make it very obvious you like him, that'll ease his tension a little. If he's flirting back with you, he's at least taken the first step. IMO, he's very close, so just try to make it easier for him to go that extra little bit.
Another option is to ask him out yourself. That may not be the "traditional" way, but in this day and age, there is nothing wrong with the woman asking. I myself have always been shy around girls I was interested in, and it was never easy for me to go that extra little bit.

I dont want to give him blue balls? help from guys perspective?

long story short we are waiting to have sex for (complicated) reasons..
either way we want eachother really bad and it always escalates to extreme frustration...

when your making out with a girl do you get blue balls if you arent sexually relieved? Is it mean if I get him really hot without touching him? Blue balls?

When a guy says maybe to hanging out, is that leaning towards a yes or no?

Why not ask him?If I said maybe to hanging out, it would be because I wasn’t very excited about it. For me, it would be leaning no.But everyone is different. Try not to play guessing games. Be honest about things. If he’s leaning no, then no big deal, there’s lots of other guys. Or he might just be hesitating a bit for any number of reasons.What kind of a world do you want to live in - one where people are honest about their intentions and feelings, or one where we always have to guess?Sample conversation:Jody: Hey, Rick, do you want to hang out?Rick: Oh hi, Jody, umm, maybe.Jody: Is that maybe leaning yes or no? It’s okay to tell me what you’re thinking. I don’t want to put any pressure on you. I just want to know what’s going on between us.Rick: Thanks for asking me right up front about that. You see… [gives the rationale behind a maybe answer]RESULT: The two of you are on the same page and won’t have any hurt feelings or confusions.I really don’t know whether your intent is romantic or platonic. Either way, it should be pretty similar.

GUYS ANSWER! Why do "alternative" guys like preppy girls?

Girls can answer too, but I'd like to hear it from a guy's perspective.

So why? On maybe a psychological level. Or is it just a natural attraction? Well basically I've seen a lot of say, emo or goth guys or skater guys (using these terms loosely to identify ways of life and subcultures, not to heavily stereotype anyone) date "preppy" girls. I'm really intrigued as to why, and thought maybe some guys could provide some insight?

In guy language does ‘maybe’ mean ‘yes’?

This is one of those answers where it varies from one situation to the next.For me (a guy) personally, maybe can mean any of the following…- I’m not sure enough to give a definite yes or no answer- There’s a good chance I mean yes, but I don’t want to commit to it yet- There’s a good chance I mean no, but I don’t want to commit to it yetIt all depends on the situation of which the maybe is presented. But in short, I would never assume a maybe is a yes nor a no. I’d simply assume the person, guy, was not ready to commit to one of the two definite answers or did not have enough information to formulate a definite answer. In some occasions, I’d also accept a maybe as the person not wanting to disappoint me with their answer. But it would not be wise to assume a maybe is a definitive yes or no, it is a maybe.

(In depth) Why do guys hate Justin Bieber so much?

I was kind of wondering, why do guys hate Justin Bieber so much?Please read the entire post, no matter how long it is, before answering. I hear the same things over and over, so I want this question to be looked at from a different perspective, maybe to get a variety of different types of answers.

First off, I understand if you don't like his music that much, but why do you have to hate him for it? What's your reason? I always hear "He sounds like a girl" and "Other people should be in his spot instead of him, he doesn't deserve it". But why do you hate him for it? What was he supposed to do, not take the record label and quit his career? Why do you not just ignore him overall? Oh, and one more thing for Micheal Jackson fans and Bieber haters- If Micheal Jackson had a high pitched voice, and you liked his music, why do you hate Bieber for his high pitched voice?

Second, auto-tune. I also wonder why people think he uses auto-tune if he got discovered on youtube. He got discovered from just pure talent. There was no auto-tune when he first sang in front of usher. So what leads you to the idea he uses auto-tune if he got discovered for talent? Here is a link for him singing at a singing competition before he got discovered:

Third, his fans. Lots of people hate him because of his fans. They get annoyed. But why do you hate Justin Bieber for it? It's not Justin Bieber whos annoying you, it's his fans.

So I'm wondering, why do you HONESTLY hate him? Is there something that has lead you on to hate him personally? It's a possibility that SOME boys might be jealous he gets almost all the girls, but most likely not every boy thinks that. Maybe your scared people would think your weird for liking him and being a boy. Thats the case with one of my friends (he's a boy). He was like "Ew I hate Justin Bieber". I was like, "Why?". He said, "Because boys don't like Justin Bieber. I asked, "Have you heard him sing before?" He answered, "No."

So when you answer, please tell me why you REALLY hate him. I don't want an answer that I've heard 1,000 times before. Thanks :) Sorry this is so long D:

Help me fellas this guy told me i make him blush?

i have a guy that comes into where i work, i used to see him maybe twice a week but then he started to come in almost every night he's told me several times that i make him blush but what does that mean? when i asked him why he says he doesn't know. and about three times now he has told me his job title. senior mortgage broker for a bank why? what would make a guy act that way i don't want to jump to conclusions but does that mean he likes me? not to sound ditzy i'm just asking