Help His Parents Made Him Leave Me

Boyfriend's parents racist? Convincing him to leave me?

I grew up in a white world so I can't say I know how you feel. I also have a hard time understanding why people are judged by their skin color instead of who they are. I don't know if this will help you but try to understand that the grandparents were brought up in a different culture and that is what they were taught. Often older people are stuck in their ways and their opinions.

I'm more concerned about the boyfriend's reaction, though. You say you want to marry him. Did he stand up to his grandparents and let them know that he loves you for the person you are? If the two of you are to build a life together, there may come a time where he will have to choose between you and his family. Hopefully it will never come to that but you never know.

Most importantly, you have to be confident in who you are. The color of your skin does not define the person you are. Never let anyone dictate to you how you should feel about yourself. If you do end up marrying this man, you will have a lifetime of comments and inuendos from relatives who may not approve of the marriage. The bottom line is the marriage is between the two of you. Is your boyfriend sufficiently supportive of you and how you feel to be able to stand up for you to his family if that becomes necessary?

If at all possible, you may want to make a special effort to let the grandparents get to know you as a person instead of as a Dominican. This will take time and only you can decide if your relationship is worth the extra effort. Hopefully they will eventually come around and settle down. If not, they may just have to be relegated to being the annoying in-laws.

My parents made me break up with my boyfriend...?

My boyfriend and I met when we were 13. He asked my father immediately if he could tell people I was his girlfriend but my father refused (understandably so, we were so young). I was really upset but was ok with being his friend because he was the most amazing person I had ever met. He encouraged me in my faith, in my dream of being a musician, in my school, and even in character! He told me that he cared about me a lot and even though my parents said we couldn't date he told me he would wait for me.
Two years later (when we were 15) he gave me my first kiss; it was his first too. I was so excited and that was the first time he ever told me he loved me too. When my mom found out (by stealing my phone and seeing a message where I told my best friend) she got mad at me and practically grounded me for life, so I thought. Eventually my parents came around and realized they had been harsh. They finally allowed me to text him, something they had never before let me do.
One year after that when we were 16 my parents let him take me on our first date. It was great. We went to a restaurant and to see a little kids movie (Monsters University). Now we are 17 and try our best to honor our parents.
Wednesday, my mom and his mom got into an argument and my parents made me break up with him. They said they would have made us break up before college anyway but my boyfriend and I had talked and decided we would try long distance but my parents said no. Idk what to do. Im devastated. Help!

His parents made him break up with me. What do I do?

First hunt failedTarget next


im 15 and pregnant most of u answered my question and that was 3 hours ago. since then i took most of ur guyses advice and told my parents and the father. my bf was soo thrilled he was really happy! i was so glad. i was there with him when he told his parents and his parents were ok with it as long as he is responsible and stays the father. i told my parents and thats where the problem began. my parents were furious (i told them both together) and they kicked me out! they called me a hoe and said that i cant live with them so im livin with my bf at his house cause his parents are more understaning. im even more afraid because neither of us have a job, his parents dont have enough money, and my parents wont send me any! im afraid that the fathers parents wont have enough money for the baby and neither of us have a job (me and the father). wat can i do?

How do i tell my parents that my boyfriend broke my bed?

so i know what it sounds like...but it's not even that bad.
like my boyfriend and i were making out on my bed, he got up for a minute because his dad was calling him, then sat back on my bed. apparently he sat down really hard because i heard something in my bed pop and then it just broke.

he's not even fatttttt ! he just plays football so he's really muscular.

how do i tell my parents?
should i lie?


My boyfriend loves his parents so much that he will easily choose them over me. What should I do to prevent that?

Nothing. You are his girlfriend and not his wife. His parents are the cornerstone of his life to this point. It is perfectly appropriate that he would choose them over you. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. It is NOT a competition. Why would you ever want your boyfriend to choose you over his parents? What a horrible thing to ask of someone. If you cannot choose to “share” his love then you should re-evaluate your own views and look deeply at why you would want him to abandon the people who birthed, raised, and supported him to become the man you now love. You don’t have to necessarily like them, but you should respect that they are his parents and his first commitment.You don’t say that how he has chosen them over you. If you mean that he makes plans with you and then cancels because they ask him to do something, then he needs to learn to tell them he already has a commitment (it doesn’t matter whether it is to you, work, or other friends) and schedule for another time. That being said, if they have something that is truly important, you should be willing to adjust as well. If mom and dad call and say that they have a flood in the basement and you and the “boy” have a date, you should understand that the flooded basement is more pressing and you can go on a date later. Better yet, go with him and help him help his parents. Build a relationship with them.

I'm pregnant and my parents won't let me see my boyfriend?

I'm 17 years old and also 13 weeks pregnant. My boyfriend of almost 5 years and I told my parents the news over dinner last weekend and they made him leave and go home. They don't let me call or text him- (They take my phone at night and take it from me to look at the screen many times a day). Although we're neighbors, they don't let him come over or me go over there. Our families have always been close, but now I feel like I ruined it for everyone since my parents don't want to go on vacation with his parents and leave us alone like they had planned on doing. I miss him so much and it's so unfair that I can't see him anymore. It's not like he'd get me pregnant again.. Why are my parents being so hateful and how can I get them to let me see him again? We were only trying to be mature and tell them the news together instead of hiding it or having only one of us tell them.