Help Horrific Tooth Pain

Severe headaches and eye pain after a tooth extraction...?

Does the place where you had the extraction still hurt? Sometime pain will travel. For ex-sample. I get back pain but because my back hurts I get a headache too. If this is not your case. Then I would suggest two things. First go back to your dentist that did the extraction. Do not call just walk in the office. Have him/her look at the extraction area and make sure you do not have any infections going on. An infection may cause you to have the other side effects you are feeling now. If they confirm that it is not infected then see your doctor about your pain. It possible that it is two different things and the timing is just coincidence.

I hope I have helped


Hi everyone I had a CROWN LENGTHENING procedure done about 4 months ago, and I recently got a new crown on the tooth, but the odor that i am having from the gums on the tooth next to it is HORRIFIC, I have never really had bad breath, but this odor is very strong, after flossing on the tooth next to it, I discovered the culprit its the gums where the procedure was done! especially the one on the tooth next to it, I dont know what to do after spending so much money on these procedures, now I ended up with horrible bad breath, I remember after the procedure my breath didnt even stink, but now i have a bad taste in my mouth and really stinky breath what can this be?? what can I do?

What is the most horrific pain the human body can experience?

This is difficult to determine since pain is somewhat subjective. In addition some types of pain produce “shock” in individuals at different rates. The shock often causes an override of pain sensations, which reduces the intensity.But if you are referring to physical pain, there is a list that should be consideredRenal calculi, particularly as they pass or try to pass through the tiny lumen of the ureterCalculi passing through the cystic duct attached to the gallbladderExtensive burning of body tissues, although interestingly, many burn victims lose much of the pain sensation once pain receptors are destroyedCutting or scraping of the periosteum covering bone, such as occurs with broken bonesTraumatic testicular painPain associated with migraine or cluster headaches, which is known to have led the sufferer to commit suicide due to its long durationIf you have experienced any of these pains to a severe degree, you are likely to claim it is the most horrific pain imaginable. I have personally experienced 1,2,4 and 5 and would vote for the ureteral calculus.

Anyone know anything to help an aching tooth??

My tooth is KILLING me....I have taken loads of over the counter pain meds but it only helps for a little bit...i also tried orajel...but that does no good either...I just need something to ease the pain until i can get to the dentist!

Severe throbbing tooth pain that comes in waves?

I have been having severe teeth pain for about a week now. It started out with mild discomfort and has gotten noticably worse every day. It is now affecting my upper left arch and it feels as if it is radiating to my lower left arch as well. It is a throbbing pain that comes and goes. It can go from no pain at all to severe, crippling pain.

It has an onset to where it will get worse and worse over about 5 minutes and peak, then stay at peak pain for about 15 minutes or so. Then is tapers down and comes back later. The pain I can feel in my left cheek bone and sometimes it causing a splitting headache around my temple area. The pain feels as if it is coming from the root area of the teeth. It is a deep pain, not a cavity-like pain. During the period of severe pain, I have been trying to pinpoint a single tooth that is causing the pain but I can't. It is just throbbing my whole upper left arch and radiates down to my lower left arch.

I called my oral surgeon and the earliest he can see my is Monday. Well the pain has been almost doubling every day and I called him just now and he said he can't give me any medication for the pain until Monday and I am basically SOL. I have been taking Motrin, Aleve, Tylenol, Advil, and nothing helps. It is becoming unbearable. I haven't been able to sleep the last few nights because of the pain.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Can a tooth die from wearing a retainer too tight for a week? I’ve been in extreme pain, and my tooth is now hypersensitive to everything. How long is it advisable to wait for the pain to go away before visiting the dentist?

The nerve can become inflamed and hypersensitive. When the nerve becomes necrotic from swelling inside the canals an infection will start. Sometimes you can catch it early enough and calm the nerve back down and stop the inflammatory process before it becomes irreversible. If you can't calm it down then a root canal will be needed or the other option would be extraction of the tooth and replace it with an implant would be option to restore the missing tooth. Personally if you're young and healthy opt for the root canal if you can't calm it down with nsaids and maybe a round of abo's if needed. Also have the bite checked to see if your occlusion is too high on that tooth. That will also cause the pain you have as well. So yes go see your dentist long story long sorry lol

Dreadful toothache - worse when lying down?

To me, you are describing an abscessed tooth. This is almost diagnostic. If you have inflammation in an area, there is more blood flow to that area. If you place that same area lower than the rest of your body, there will be even more blood in the area. This makes the area start to throb. Think about it. If you sprain your ankle, you are supposed to sit or lie down and elevate your foot to keep the excess blood from accumulating there because it would cause throbbing. If you are passing out because your nervous system has prepared you for "fight or flight" by dilating all of your peripheral vessels, which deprives your brain of blood, you are supposed to lie down with your head lower than your body to restore blood flow to the brain.

If someone has an abscess and I have just started a root canal or if they are going on antibiotics for a few days before I remove the tooth, I tell them to sleep on an extra pillow to elevate their head. If that doesn't work, they can move to a recliner or the sofa so they can keep their head really elevated. This will minimize the blood flow to the area and therefore minimize the throbbing and pain.

So - elevate your head when you sleep and get back to the dentist. Sometimes it is hard to find which tooth is bothering you in the earlier stages, but this sounds like it should be obvious by now. If she can't find it, get to an endodontist who will surely be able to locate the source of your trouble. I hate to say it, but I think you might be right about your new dentist missing something.

How can you treat severe pain after wisdom tooth extraction after 7 days?

If the pain was getting better the first couple of days and then got worse, its likely that the pain maybe due to a common complication called Alveolar Osteitis or more commonly known as Dry Socket.Several factors contribute in increasing it chances of occuring:Smoking or rinsing the mouth within the first few hours following extractionTraumatic extractionSurgical extractionExtraction of a wisdom toothIt occurs when the clot that forms in a fresh tooth socket gets dislodged soon after forming due to any reason e.g. the negative pressure in the tooth socket caused due to smoking or rinsing. This stops the healing process and the bare bone often visible causes a good deal of pain to the patient.Once the dentist confirms the diagnosis (just by looking into the socket and the patient’s history) they’ll usually just clear out the socket of any debris and place a soothing dressing (containing clove oil) in there to allow it to heal again. Dressing may need to be re-done a couple of times over the days but it should heal up.Meanwhile take the painkillers to help you through.