Help I Dont Understand

Chemistry help... I don't understand?

Density will tell you whether something floats or not. If the overall density of a system is lower than something else it will float, if it is heavier it will sink.

It is not said what it is floating on. I will assume air.

a) If there is nothing in the ball then its density will be mass/ volume or
0.12/0.56 = 0.21 g/L. As this is less than 1.189g/l for air it will float.

b) the mass of CO2 will be density * volume = 1.830 * 0.56= 1.02g/L
Now the mass of the sphere will be 1.02+0.12 =1.14g. The density will be 1.14/0.56 = 2.04 g/L which is greater than 1.189 so it will sink not float.

c) calculate as for b. the density will be 0.30 g/L which is less than 1.189 so it will float

Note: In (a) technically nothing can be totally empty so there will be air inside the ball. If this is the case then the weight of air inside the ball will be density * volume = 1.189*0.56 = 0.67g. The total weight of the ball will be 0.67+0.12 = 0.79g. So the density will be 0.79/0.56 = 1.41g/L and it will sink

Help! I don't understand taxes!?

While they seem to get the best tax breaks, those who are rich pay more income tax than those who are poor.
For instance a person who makes 150,000 per year pays much more than someone who only makes 30,000.
Its those caught in the middle who pay the most,
There are tax brackets, based on income. People in the lower brackets may be taxed at 20% while those in a higher income bracket may be taxed at 35%
Lets not forget Corporations, who are also taxed.

I don't understand.....maybe you can help.....For my husbands birthday I have offered to hire a stripper?

to come to the house and perform for us....then later the three of us will have sex together.....I thought this was just about al men's fantasies...? He says no....that he will watch but won't join in.....? what gives here?

Anatomy & Physiology help I don't understand? ?

Anatomy & Physiology help I don't understand? ?

Capital letter all the terms or phrases that correctly relate to the study of physiology. Put parenthesis ( ) to identify those terms or phrases that pertain to the study of anatomy.
A. Measuring an organ's size, shape, and weight
B. Can be studied in dead specimens
C. Often studied in living subjects
D. Chemistry principles
E. Measuring the acid content of the stomach
F. Principles of physics
G. Observing a heart in action
H. Dynamic
I. Dissection
J. Experimentation
K. Observation
L. Directional terms
M. Static

Why do people hate what they don't understand?

Hmmm, I think this is a hair worth splitting. People don’t hate what they just don’t understand. Most people just don’t understand how radio really works or how a cloud can just sit there floating in the air so light and fluffy and then at some point drop hundreds of swimming pools worth of water.People hate what they don’t understand when they are subject to whatever it is. It becomes personal. It affects your life and it destroys your education and logic. In the end, it makes you feel helpless, weak and subordinate to something that is arbitrary or beyond your grasp, and that is the kind of discomfort that can truly break a person.Why? Because if the structure of what one knows to be true falls apart then everything is up for grabs and if everything is up for grabs, things that were once thought unspeakable become options. I can think of a few unspeakable things and their manifestation would make the world a worse place for just about everyone.In order to steer clear of this path, we like to understand things or - at least understand the things that affect our lives.

How do I help my child with math when I don’t understand common core math?

I would suggest that you try not to let on that you disagree with the way the subject is being taught, as this is a sure way to make your child think it is okay not to do well in math. When things get difficult (and math gets difficult for everyone at times), kids will tend to look for an excuse, and perseverance is an important trait to learn and practice.Common core math is not really different than the math that you know. It is taught more comprehensively, in my opinion, so that the understanding of the skills is also taught.If you were to teach a child how to do multiplication, for example, you might teach them the skill of setting up the numbers, and then multiplying each and every digit of one number by each and every digit of the other number (these would rightfully be called “factors”), and then adding up all of those “products”; the final sum will be the answer. But this does not really show why this works out correctly. Showing that this is a use of the distributive property and becoming familiar with this will help in the future when the child is learning algebra.Whether it is “common core” or not, it is very difficult to drop into the middle of a weeks-long lesson on a skill and be able to help without encountering frustration (on both your part and the child!). You might want to jump right to the skill needed in the end, while the process might be laying building blocks that will be utilized each successive year afterwards, as that skill is expanded upon.To be a positive influence, you should be supportive of the methods being used to teach the subject. That said, I understand some non-”common core” methods that some elementary teachers use to teach math. One method of multiplication that is taught is to draw a grid with many diagonals drawn in many or all the boxes. I have never learned it myself, and I have yet to find someone who could explain how and why it works, but kids seem to like it - only because it was “sold” to them as a way that their parents won’t know how to do it! I’ve seen kids in HS and college that only know that method, which takes too much time and prevents the student from figuring out better and faster ways to accomplish the problem by using their basic properties.Positive encouragement is key: more so than help with the skills, imo. Show that you are impressed with good results and that you are in full support of their efforts, especially when they make errors and persevere!

PLease help me with this physic question. I don't understand ):?

Two particles approach each other with equal and opposite speed,