Help I Have Extreme Anxiety/ Paranoia. What Can I Do

Extreme paranoia?

I have struggled with ocd in the past which is an anxiety disorder. this paranoia is new. I feel like everybody is talking about me and I just want to shut my ears. I just started a new job and haven't worked in years so this is not helping. does anyone have any advice?

Help me, suffering from anxiety, paranoia?

what can i do to make myself feel better? i feel like i'm going to pass out and i almost burst into tears. i also feel detached from everything, HELP this is not me at all. and don't say take meds. i'm too hippie for that

and what can i do to get my appetite back? i only had 2 bowls of cereal yesterday

Does anxiety lead to paranoia?

Anxiety is paranoia!Youre scared to be aroubd people because they all hate you.Youre scared to ask for anything because your too needy.You are scared of your boyfriend being around people because he will cheat or be hit on and you'll die inside.You are not well with jobs because everyone can hear you and youre always doing somthing wrong.You don't get a tissue because everyone can see you blow your nose.You sit alone because you probably are not good enough for human interaction,plus they'll probably do somthing to hurt you if you get too close to them.Everyone is betraying you.You're hair is never in place.What if I get into a car accident this time we get in the car.I cant move because I'm scared ill get murdered.In fact, should I take any drink from anyone (is this poisoned)?Am I a bad parent?What if I'm actually dumb but noone has the heart to tell me?Noone likes me?I am scared to drive because I will do it wrong or get into an accident?What if I get kidnapped?Dont ask me questions, I dont know anything?Is my boyfriend cheating?My parents think I'm a failure?I could name more but ill stop therePs: anxiety os sorta like being worried, worries are fueled by fear. Fear causes paranoia. So please , say its two seperate things all you want but anxiety when you're really suffering from the accrual mental illness. ALWAYS causes paranoia

How can I overcome my anxiety and paranoia?

your anxiety/paranoia is deeply ingrained.but it can be overcome because it’s not a permanent aspect of you - this is an critical thing you must understand.if you can observe this anxiety as it rises, you should know that you are not anxiety itself, as you also witness it as it falls within your field of awareness.learn to be conscious of your mind. be present. be in the moment.observe, mentally, your anxiety with the purest observation, without judgment, without assessment. pay attention to your breath as you do that.practice this over and over.if you’re diligent enough, in time, this anxiety/paranoia will slowly dissipate.

How do I get over my extreme anxiety now that it has me as housebound and paranoid?

Stand just inside your front door with it closed. Count to three. Step away from door. Did anything bad happen? Maybe you felt a bit anxious, but there was no tragedy, right?Tomorrow, repeat, but with door open slightly.Next time, repeat but count to ten.Then twenty.Continue in this manner, gradually increasing the challenge. Do not set the challenges so high that anxiety rockets upward. Go gradually.Build up until you are standing just outside for longer and longer periods. Then, stepping away from house for longer periods (such as walking first ten, then twenty, then fifty steps away.Keep building and setting slightly more ambitious goals. If your anxiety spikes sharply, scale the goals down to something more modest, then continue to build gradually.Build until you can sit in car, sit in car with engine running, move car ten feet, etc. If you don’t have a car, set goals of walking to close destinations, or standing for five minutes at bus stop, or taking a walk with a friend.By now, you get the idea. This is called Exposure Therapy. In 2007, I was standing in front of my house when I was run over by an intoxicated driver. I was dragged under the car and nearly died. I experienced what you have, but I used Exposure Therapy and completely recovered. I did it without a doctor’s help, which is good to know if you’re too anxious to travel to the doctor.You can read more about Exposure Therapy in many places. An interesting and inspiring book with many examples is Feeling Good by David Burns. You can find used copies via New & Used Books, Rare Books, Textbooks, Out of Print Books for a few dollars.Be assured, this problem is challenging, but very fixable.The best part is that when you recover, you will feel great. You did a challenging thing, rescued yourself from a severely impaired life—and no one can take that away from you. You may even find yourself helping others recover.

I have extreme paranoia at night, I also see and hear things to the point that I can't sleep. Can anyone help?

I have panic disorder and depression, and I find it really hard to sleep at night because I get really anxious. I keep the light on and turn on the TV. If there is nothing on TV I put it on mute and read a book. I usually fall asleep reading the book without even knowing. I'll wake up with the book on my face! Haha, no but seriously those three things help. The lights, TV, and a book!