Help I Might Have Had A Panic Attack

Why do I have panic attacks?

Chances are your mono and panic attacks are unrelated. Panic attacks are VERY common and occur because of lots of different things for lots of different people. They are often times triggered by something, even if you don't realize what it is. But the general thought is that something triggers a panic attack to start, so your heart beats faster, your breathing rate increases, you start to sweat, you get really nervous etc. This makes you think there is something wrong and you start to get more and more worried, which increases your heart rate, breathing rate and sweating, nervousness! It's a vicious cycle. Sometimes people can talk themselves down from a panic attack, but other times they require medication. I would recommend that if they are causing you worry you should consult a doctor and ask about possible treatments. It will be really beneficial in the long run!

My girlfriend has panic attacks, how can I help her?

patience. listen to her. do not judge her. hug her often. reassure her that you are there for her. if you don’t understand it that isn’t an issue. there will be times you can’t go to a movie or show or whatever because anxiety gets in the way. there will be times she cries for no reason. or that reason is that her coffee is too cold. there will be times that she needs to be alone. there will be times she talks to you at ten miles a minute. dating someone with anxiety is NOT easy. but it is worth it. if she confides in you that is a HUGE barrier that most people with anxiety cannot get over. when i have an attack my love just walks over to me and puts his arms around me. he tells me he loves me whispers soothing words in my ear. we cancels plans if i can’t handle even the thought of a crowd. he is patient with me. if i am not ready to tell him why or if i can’t tell him why he doesn’t judge me. that is how you help someone you love with anxiety. when they randomly text you during the day and ask if you two are alright you respond with yes honey we are with no ulterior questions. you may be able to squeeze in a why do you ask? but don’t push it. don’t dwell on it. like i previously stated. dating anxiety is tough. but it’s worth it. once you are let in you experience love like no other. i hope that helps a tiny little bit.

Have you ever had a panic attack?

I would recommend you go to the doctor because by not eating and exercising as much as you are, that can lead to health problems, including gynecological problems like losing your period, which actually happened to me when I was your age. When you are exercising it is very important that you take care of yourself and eat right. You may want to even go to a nutritionist if you want to eat healthy. If you are concerned it could be a panic attack, it is good to go to the doctor about that as well. I had a panic attack once before and I had similar symptoms like a rapid heart beat. I was so worried there was something wrong with my heart because it was beating so fast. I got it all checked out and the relief of knowing it was a panic attack and was in my mind alleviated my anxiety and I have not had one since. So if you have not been diagnosed with having a panic attack, I recommend you go to the doctor because only a doctor can diagnose that and you may want to rule out any health problems.

How can I make myself have a panic attack?

(Going to add it, just for effect, you definitely do not want to have an anxiety attack. Moving on-)Honestly, it would probably help if you are already crying, because it will quicken your breathing and make your chest tighten- the biggest traits of an anxiety attack.Find something you’re nervous or stressed about, and then just be anxious- really good advice, I know. What I’ve done (unknowingly) is just think of how everything can just get so much worse.When you feel your breath getting quicker, if you’re trying to trigger an attack just escalate your breathing until you’re hyperventilating. Make your body smaller, kind of curl in on yourself and tense your muscles.I don’t know if this will actually make you have an anxiety attack, as I have never tried it, personally. But this is a lot of what happens during one, therefore might trigger it if you for some reason want to have an anxiety attack.I have no idea why you would want to make yourself have a panic attack, but I hope this may help?

Can you have panic attacks while you are sleeping?

About 50% of all patients with panic disorder have nocturnal panic attacks, but most of the events will be happening during daytime activities. Research shows that only 10.2% of all panic attacks happen at night, but patients might be more severely concerned about these events.
A significant number of patients are afraid of the nighttime and do expect a loss of control or severe somatic consequences like a heart attack, stroke or other irrational cause of death. Of course this is most unlikely!

We know that most panic attacks are NOT caused by dreams. Records of sleep polysomnographia show a maximum of panic attacks during early sleep phase (phase II), not during the REM-phases associated with dreams. This is a major difference to nightmares! Nightmares happen during the second half of the night, so we are often able to remember the content of these dreams.

Pavor nocturnus is a very specific type of sleeping disorder, more common among children. It is defined by a sudden avakening with crying, strong anxiety symptoms and vegetative symptoms like heart palpitations, short breathening and sweating. This type of sleeping problems occur during deep phases of sleep (phase IV).

Arousals caused by sleep apnea syndromes are usually not characterized by extreme anxiety symptoms. But this sleep disorder might have an effect on the origin of panic attacks, because sleep apnea has an impact on heart frequency and blood pressure. Chronic arousal of anxiety during night could be a kind of dysfunctional protection against apnea during night.

The exact causes for panic attacks at night are not known. Other possible causes include an increase of CO2-concentration (False Suffocation alarm hypothesis) or changes of the parasympathotonic system due to autonomic dysfunction.

So panic attacks at night will be mainly influenced by the events of the last day, consumption of alcohol or drugs and a general higher arousal due to the anxiety disorder of the client.

Is it common to get a panic attack when you laugh too much?

It is very strange, but I get a very mild panic attack when I laugh too much for too long. I thought for the longest time that it might have had something to do with the way I breath when laughing, but I have noticed it is more in my head like a dizziness. I have rescently had my first panic attack that was huge, and months later I found myself a little depressed and have been on Lexapro off and on for about 3 years. That's my story, and I am sticking to it. Am I just weird or is panic attacks possible from laughter

I'm scared I'm going to have a panic attack?

A panic attack is a trick. It makes you think something is wrong when it isn't.

You can stop it. Lay down, turn on some music that is soothing and put your legs up on a pillow. Lay flat. Start breathing. In through your nose...out through your mouth. When you breathe in, expand your stomach like a balloon without arching your back. When you breathe out, bring in your stomach as if pulling in your bellybutton. None of this is forced. Just calm, easy breaths. This is called belly breathing.

If you control your breathing, you won't hyperventilate and your chest tightness will ease up. You're fine. It's ok to cry. I know it's frustrating. But you have to learn about panic attacks, what they are, and how to get rid of them.

TOmorrow, tell your parents and see a psychiatrist who is trained in panic/anxiety disorders. You need to learn about them and you need to talk about them and how you feel. There are triggers that cause them. Your doctor will help you with that. You might have to take medication...but it's no big deal.

There's a website called and it has a lot of good, free information about panic attacks, what they are, and what you can do about it. The doctor who has the website is real and a colleague of my former doc. There is a free newsletter that gives really good information. Everything is written so you can understand doctor-speak. They won't try to sell you anything. Dr carbonell has a few books that are short, small and to the point. You can find them on Amazon or most any bookstore. I have a few and they've been very helpful. He also has really good ideas about things you can do....including the belly breathing.

I write in my journal, meditate, listen to music, belly breathe, listen to guided imagery or guided meditation tapes (Belleruth Naparstek has a CD on panic/anxiety disorder and it's really good...look on Amazon. I listen to it at night a lot), read, etc.

You'll be fine. It's just a dumb trick your body plays on itself.

I have had panic attacks where I can see my own face in front of me, I collapse and my body feels like it weighs a ton. This lasts for over an hour. What is wrong with me?

There are several possibilities as to a diagnosis. The correct decision would be to see a psychiatrist or psychiatric prescriber as soon as possible. You are obviously in great distress and need to be seen. Your insurance might require you to start out by seeing your primary care physician (PCP) which is not a bad idea. It could take months to see a psychiatrist. Your PCP might be able to do something to alleviate the symptoms until you can see a psychiatric provider.

What does it mean if I’ve had a panic attack in a dream? It’s not a night terror, I just dreamed of having a panic attack. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t have an anxiety disorder, so what could it mean?

You don't have to have an anxiety disorders to be afraid of things. An anxiety attack in your dream could signify that you feel a large amount of fear to a certain stimulus. What else was happening in the dream? I think more details will go a long way.However according to a dream workshop a friend of mine went on, dream interpretation, dictionaries etc. Are not very helpful at all. Even a psychiatrist who has been in session with you for months is not going to give you a perfect answer. Apparently it's all about looking within, and working out for yourself what it means. Apparently when you get it it will be as an 'aha!' moment.Focus on it, meditate on it. Ask your higher self/subconscious for information on it. Write down everything you can think of, even if it's just a colour.Good luck :)Edit: was just reading other answers. Brush it off was a recurring theme. From my own experience, there are some dreams that don't matter and can be brushed away, just random gibberish. However other dreams do have very great meaning, and some are in the middle. If it peaked your interest enough to ask it here, maybe it means more to you than not. Ofc this is for you to decide, but don't be so quick to ignore your dreams, they have significance

Is it possible to have a self-induced panic attack.?

Well, a year ago, I think I might have had a panic attack. First off, I have some social anxiety and OCD, so I guess that'd make me especially prone to panic attacks. Let me tell you the story,

I was laying in bed, and thinking of ways things in the room could kill me (you know, final destination style). Well, it started getting out of hand one thing led to another, and I got really paranoid. It was really weird, like I genuinely thought something would kill me, and I had an adrenaline rush. I felt a deep sense of dread, and couldn't get to sleep all night. I was fearful that I had an inescapable doom, and that it'd follow me forever. It felt very real. I felt like I was in a dream and everything was unreal. I was insanely irrational in my thinking, for example, I started watching TV, and there was a Cell Phone vibrating on a table in a commercial, and I was genuinely terrified that the cell phone might come out of the TV and fall on me and kill me somehow.

That's how screwed up I was in my thinking. I know it's irrational. The only way I got to sleep was under my covers, almost passed out from being tired.

After that happened, I wasn't sure what it was. I looked up the symptoms that I had, and it seems as though it was a panic attack, but I'm not sure if you can self-induce one. Is it possible?

Also, I have been impossibly fearful of it happening again (especially around night time). I don't know what to do... PLEASE HELP!