Help I Need To No How To Dry Pants Fast Without Heat I Spelt Water On My Pants And It Lioks Like I

How can i make my dorm room warmer without a space heater?

I would get me two five gallon plastic buckets with lids. You can probably get these either from the janitor closet or the mess hall. Then, take them to the shower, fill them with hot water. Bring them to the dorm room, place them under your bunk or stacked in an unused corner. The heat from the hot water will transfer to the room. When they get cool, repeat to the shower. If two are not enough, get three or four. I know the 'carry the water' thing is a hassel, but, it works well for small rooms and it is good exercise. Just watch out you don't spill, especially if the water is extra hot, as many institutions have pretty hot water in the shower. (Note- one 5 gal pail of water @145 deg. F, holds 29,000 btu of heat above 60 deg ambient room temperature. That should warm the room at least five or eight degrees F easily for a few hours)

Does sperm/semen come off your clothes in the wash?

I accidentally got some sperm/semen on my shirt after a quickee with my girlfriend. Does sperm and semen stains come off clothes? I was just gonna put it in the wash with the rest of my clothes. Will just simply washing it work? Will my shirt be stiff after washing it? And my real concern is when I put back in the drawer with my other shirts; will my shirts be affected at all? Will they potentially become stiff? Also, will the sperm come off my jeans after washing it? Will my jeans become stiff? Will my other jeans and short khakis be affected in my drawer? Or potentially become stiff?

What happens when you put a 'line dry' garment into the dryer?

Machine drying absolutely ruins spandex. Even just one tumble through the dryer weakens the spandex, and eventually the spandex would be totally shot.

You can probably get away with washing the pants in your washer (Cold water), but hang the pants to air dry, as recommend on the care tag.


Can dried up gasoline catch on fire?

Pure gasoline evaporates completely from an impermeable surface, leaving nothing behind to burn. BUT:Gasoline you put in your car is not pure. It has additives and impurities, heavier “oily” petrocarbons and solids which are also flammable (but MUCH less flammable than gasoline - very hard to light on fire - and requiring a substantial volume to sustain a flame, which is unlikely to ever be the case in a residual stain).Impermeable surfaces are rare. Gasoline will “soak in” to almost anything other than glass or metal, thereby slowing its evaporation, staining surfaces like concrete, or even combining chemically with fabrics, paint, plastics or rubber. In general, even a permeable surface that has had time to “dry” will be essentially no more flammable than it was before the gasoline got on it. Fabrics and wood, being extremely porous, can trap more of the volatile compounds and will combust more readily after soaked in gas.One answer here states that water will wash away residual gasoline stains. Untrue. Water and oily petrocarbons are immiscible. They cannot mix. To wash away gas stains requires a detergent to reduce the surface tension of the water and bind the oil to it, and preferably pressure or scrubbing to break up the long oil molecules and allow water to wash them away.

Can rain damage leather? If so, how much, and how? Any particular types of leather?

Rain does not damage Leather, however it may discolor it temporarily. If the rain has chemicals in it like roof run off or polution like particles it may discolor it tothe point of needing a touch up cleaning. But that would be a rarity. A touch up cleaning can be done with a cotton li t free cloth using shampoo water. After the clean up you may want to use a rinse water using the cloth with a ceam rinse in the water. Leather normallyhas a finish that is water repelant, a sealer or finish with age may need to be applied. Most leather dealerscan help with the right choice. I have had goodluck with cleaning old leather articles in this manner, depending on the age and dfiscoloration i may opt to redye and reseal the Leather. I have had customers amazed with the end result. But as I tell all my clients with this type of question, "have you ever seen a cow shrink in the rain, or become permanently discolored?"