Help I Played To Much Video Games And My Eyes And Brain Feels Weird What Do I Do

Feeling sick while playing video game?

okay I don't know if this really happens to anyone else. but sometimes whenever i play video games i feel sick it doesn't hurt but it disturbs my stomach I feel like I'm going to puke but that doesn't happen it makes my head feel dizzy and it's just a weird feeling that happens whenever i play video games like rainbow six and splinter cell.

How does playing video games straight after waking up from sleep affect your brain?

If I'm being honest, I'd say it wakes your brain up. I've done this plenty of times, and depending on the game, had varying effects. Any fast reactions games, were you need to be alert? Maybe avoid that one, you'll suck right after you woke up. More critical thinking ones, like RPGs might be the way to go. But, depending on how long I play, you might start the morning with a bad headache. I know too much exposure to TV screens mess with my eyes, and I'm grumpy the whole morning.

Does anyone else feel really tired after playing video games?

I play video games around 2 hours a day and everyday I'm done playing I just feel exhausted. For example, I played them today at around 10 AM and stooped at around 12:15 and yet I still feel tired. Does anyone else get tired after playing them too?

I can't concentrate when playing video games?

For the past couple weeks everytime I try to play video games I can't. My forehead gets this strange pressure feeling and I can't focus on playing. It completely ruins everything. I went to the eye doctor but he said my eyes were fine. I really don't know what to do.

Why don't people blink when they play video games?

Wow i play video games but mostly Guitar hero and it's hard to blink Because you really don't want to miss a note.
but there are other games that i also don't blink on my girlfriend always tells me to blink but i forget to.
The main reason people don't blink is because they concentrate so much on the game that they don't want to blink and lose something
most games have a lot of things that you have to make sure have a right timing like Guitar Hero or Dance dance revolution. Other games like Halo and war games you don't want somebody to jump out and they usually are able to camouflage so you concentrate really badly and don't want to blink

well hopefully that answered your Question :]

Why do people still think video games rot the brain when science easily proves this wrong?

“A pastime of illiterate, wretched creatures who are stupefied by their daily jobs, a machine of mindlessness and dissolution”. That’s Georges Duhamel writing about the effects of cinema in the 1930s. By the 70s, it was TV that rotted the brain. Long before either of these, there were similar outbursts about Chess being a mindless and stupefying time-waster. Our concerns don’t change, they just revert to the newest form of media/entertainment; and whilst they’ve been around commercially for 45 odd years, video games are still that ‘newest’ media form. It is, like so many other things, a way for society to try to come to terms with its own anxieties and issues.Games have come a long way in gaining acceptance, especially in the last decade, but as other answers have said, the process takes time. I think most people who play games, whether it’s casual mobile usage or hardcore console gaming, understand the positive effects games can have. But, whilst that’s millions of people, what do those who don’t play video games have to go on? Mainstream news media that only ever focus on gaming for negative aspects like violence and addiction? Or the misleading visual image of the gamer glued to a screen, unmoving and seemingly zombified by the content?The moral and emotional concern will often override scientific studies showing otherwise, especially when those aren’t as widely disseminated to the general public in the media as they don’t have the same sensationalist flavour.I’d also add that the scientific (especially psychological) studies on the topic have been so divided that this in itself makes it harder. We often defer to authority and when the ‘experts’ can’t agree, we’re less likely to either.

Those weird games?

You know those weird games that you have someone close their eyes while you do something to them and give them the "shivers", make them fall off a building, or make them feel extremely heavy?
anyways i was wondering if you knew where any websites might be that had some of these games on them...

please and thanks

p.s. hopefully you understand what i said lol

Can video games make you sick?

I have always been a well-adjusted, neuro-typical person with no seizure activity or mental illness of any kind. I recently got a little carried away playing Skyrim, a new video game. The game is VERY immersive and detailed. After about 50 hours of game-play in a week (a LOT, I know), I started to feel very strange. While I was playing, the muscles in my face would occasionally begin to twitch, my stomach would feel very fluttery, my hands would shake, my heart would pound in my ears, and I would become extremely flushed. I stopped playing because I felt so odd when I was playing it. For the next three days after I discontinued play, I experienced extreme anxiety and depression and battled being completely unable to eat and being constantly being sick to my stomach. Could this be from the game?? I have never had this kind of anxiety or depression before. I am a 23 year old female, and I have not been drinking or taking any drugs. Thank you for your help.

Why do we feel dizzy when playing games or reading on the phone in a moving car? How can I avoid this problem?

You're describing motion sickness or car sickness.We're not sure exactly what causes it, but we have a few theories.The one with which I'm most familiar goes like this:Visual input streams are used by the brain to define position and motion in 3-D space.Vestibulo-cochlear input from the motion sensors in the inner ear also are used to calculate angular and linear motion and acceleration.The brain uses both inputs for error correction, and they are supposed to match.When you're in a car or plane and look at a fixed object like a book or handheld while the vehicle is in motion, there is a mismatch between what your eyes are saying (you're at rest) and what the inner ear sensors are saying (you're accelerating).This kind of mismatch is unlikely in the natural world, attainable only if you spin around a lot and get dizzy (which causes the same mismatch).There are common plant toxins which causes this effect, they are often found in poisonous berries.The theory is that the nausea and sometimes vomiting is an ancient anti-poisoning reflex that is provoked by this kind of sensation.To prevent this sensation, look up in the direction of motion a few times a minute, or watch a point on the horizon. That helps synchronize the sensors, which prevents motion sickness somewhat. Medications also can help, including meclizine, diphenhydramine, and cetirizine.