Help Im Going Through An Identity Crisis

I'm 17 and having an identity crisis?

Just the fact that your confused on who you really are means your still going thru changes in life. Life is an experiment and it seems your still finding your self. Everyone makes mistakes but life is full of mistakes. What's important is how you repond to these events and how you go on. If your not someone who parties hard then its just not you. I hope you well in finding your identity and know that just begin to look at who you are and your values. Your defined by you and only you.

I'm going through an identity crisis?

I think peace love, up there, has a lot of great ideas in her answer. Changing your look isn't going to do anything other than change a few strangers' perceptions of you. Going back to a group of old friends who are stagnating isn't change; it's regression.

I think a lot of young people, twenty-somethings, are looking for A Big Life to sort of happen to them right away, out of the blue. They feel sort of at loose ends and drifting. They want a concrete identity, like characters in movies and soap operas: the Diva, the Bad Girl, the Pretty One, the Singer, etc. Be thankful that Life isn't like that. It's more fluid, like peace love said; it's more vague and complex, and so are we.

I think that, maybe, you're focusing too much on Results and not enough on Process. You don't go out and pick a passion; the passion picks you. Do things which grab your interest, and something will spur you on and become important.

If you're lost and rootless and don't know what to do with yourself, maybe volunteer someplace. Pet shelter, hospital, library, kids afterschool program, church kitchen for homeless meals. You might find a passion someplace there.

I understand how you feel. It's like an internal kinetic energy with nowhere to go. Have you looked at the bulletin boards in your community college to see if there are any interesting groups looking for members? I got a gig as a singer in a band that way once. First time in my life, and it was a lot of fun. Don't let anything interesting pass by; be patient.

How do I know if I'm going through an identity crisis, what are the major giveaways?

The easiest way to tell if you are having an identity crisis is if you don’t know what you want and you don’t know where you are going. This may seem over-simplistic since many have experienced this at one time or another and we don’t all have identity crises. However, if you are at a stage of life where coming to terms with your needs and life-direction is especially crucial (late teens, early twenties), and it goes on and on for too long, then it may feel as if it has reached crisis proportions. Alternately it may happen any time in life if one has been “other-oriented” and one has never fully found a center compass for what is meaningful and satisfying. This can be accompanied by a sense of futility, meaninglessness; more serious would be symptoms such as dissociation and de-personalization of experience (feeling like a wooden person, outer world appears strange all the time). Still further would be symptoms of emotional instability such as rapid mood changes and impulsive behavior. If you’ve reached the latter stages of symptoms, please consult with a mental health professional. In the meantime, if you know what you want to accomplish in life, cherish it and build upon it. You’ll “find yourself” soon enough.

Identity Crisis??? How to fix?

No need to listen to what others say! You are you, the best you can be. There is nothing to be ashamed of or to "hide". You have the rights to march right up to the people that upset you and say "hey, I really don't like how you're treating me, and I like a blink of an eye can leave if you want me to ". It's injustful for others to treat you like that, and they know you deserve respect. If people always treat you that bad, start a new leaf. Move to a nearby state and build a new life. Join an arts club with others like you, and heck you will make new friends fast. Build a family and leave your old life behind. You have the rights to be who YOU want to be. Not your families or anyone elses.

As someone who had gone through identity crisis, what would you say to a person who is going through it?

I can empathize your situation here.Identity crisis is not something unusual, many if not majority go through this period during their “Coming off age” age.When you are stepping into the real society after you have been long under the guard of elders, you are bound to be confused. You realise life is not that dreamy as you had designed it to be in your imagination.Not having something planned or not having an idea of what your future is going to be is completely normal. Losing confidence because of this situation is also normal.Don't give in to this situation, this will be instrumental in shaping you and making you ready for future challenges, it's only that this is the first time you'll be facing such things, hence you are bound to be a bit scared.Even if you fail, it's alright this is the age to fail, try new things, fall, get up again and try something new.Everyday get up tell yourself, I'll face everything and sort it. Give yourself confidence. Figure out about yourself overtime. Afterall knowing yourself is a long process than you imagine.Lastly, remind yourself, that this is LIFE. Life is like a game, it gives you tasks/challenges and complete it. What if you fail? Re-start and start playing again. Is a game meaningful without the challenges? No right? Same goes for Life. Enjoy your journey, and enjoy your struggle, there's some other kind of kick in it.Make sure you face it, it's awesome! You'll surely remember it forever.All the best!

I'm having a identity crisis, can anyone help me find who I am?

Sometimes people adopt a child with the best of intentions. But good intentions aren’t enough. Feeling failure as parents they blame the child rather than question their own parenting skills.You also describe a failure for these people to form an attachment with you. Not being able to bond, they again blame you as somehow being defective. And now that they have branded you as defective they can reject you and avoid any guilt or accountability. You become persona non grata- literally, ‘the person is not appreciated”.I am trying to read between the lines and so my observations are tentative and quite possibly inaccurate. However, I am describing a dynamic that I have seen a number of times. A variation is the family keeping the adopted youth for no reason other than “the state check” they receive every month.You mention an identity crisis. This possibly is the difficulty you could have in trying to reconcile the negativity and rejection you have felt from this family with your own sense of self as being worthy of love and acceptance. Rejection is a core issue- it effects us to the marrow. As kids we always feel as if we are at fault for the adults’ actions. Rather than just feeling unloved, we feel unlovable.You said you seek salvation: deliverance from the pain, being able to calm down the the nagging guilt and the attendant sorrow and self-recrimination. The wish to be saved.I hope you see therapy as a good option. Any action that puts you with people who like and praise you will help the healing. Medication is another option that you could explore with a doctor. Some work with a minister or priest. Exercise, taking classes, yoga, mindfulness, volunteer work, sports, etc., etc. Whatever makes us feel better.In part, I think salvation is primarily from within. In order to be saved, we have to believe that we are worthy of being saved. We can’t let an unjust childhood determine the rest of our life. We have to move on.

Gender identity crisis please help?

i am a 14 year old girl and im bisexual (more towards the lesbian side but ya'know) i have felt like this for a while now but idk at times i love having my hair cut short and wearing semi loose jeans a binder and a button up shirt and tie, or cargo shorts a loose tee and a hat. but then there are other times when i want to have long hair and wear a dress and feel all girly and pretty, but as soon as i start to grow my hair out and wear dresses and makeup i feel wrong and ugly. i keep thinking im ftm but idk im scared and depressed because of this:/

How can I cope with an identity crisis at age 22?

I think what you r experiencing is a very common identity crisis-call it what you will- that happens around this age. For many it's around the first time of not having your life structured for you through either parents or school. So it's only natural to question WHO AM I ? without all these trappings, expectations, and structure.It reminds me of that cliche Chinese symbol that represents both Crisis and Opportunity. You can take this feeling of crisis and turn it into an opportunity to explore and discover perhaps new aspects of yourself that haven't been tapped up until now.You're still quite young. Don't freak out. Use this time as mentioned for learning and exploring. Yes you are a young adult and as such have to figure out how and to support self. And be moving towards your fuller identity that helps choose an approp mate, IF that's a direction you choose.But keep in mind you and we all are allowed to make mistakes along the way—-and we do. Because most of our choices we have to make with incomplete information. So we learn.Try to enjoy this phase of your life so that you won't look back and think I wish I had explored this, that, or the other (safely, plz) before “settling down” w either a choice of mate or career or both .

Is it bad that I'm going through an existential crisis at 15? How do I end this?

Sweetie, may I ask what your families beliefs are? Likely that is a trigger which got you to where your feeling this need to question everything around you. The cool and amazing thing, truly, is that you have so much time to research and figure out where your beliefs lye because almost 100% likely, you will feel much different than the way you were raised. The poopy part till your out of the family dwelling, and your strong enough to take on every day as your own, with no help of babysat feelings ( no mean sounding intended children all need this it isn't something you can do without, until one day you will be ready to have a belief system all of your own .. how exciting!!